【英语学习】【WOTD】peer-to-peer 释义/词源/示例

àì夳堔傛蜴生んèń 2022-01-28 15:11 372阅读 0赞


  • Podcast
  • peer-to-peer *adj.* [PEER-tuh-PEER]
  • Definition
  • Did You Know?
  • Examples


peer-to-peer podcast

peer-to-peer adj. [PEER-tuh-PEER]



: relating to, using, or being a network by which computers operated by individuals can share information and resources directly without relying on a dedicated central server

Did You Know?

The term peer-to-peer is a relatively recent addition to the English language, being little more than a half-century old. In its earliest known uses from the 1960s, it referred to something that occurs directly between human peers, people who are similar in age, grade, or status. It can still be found in this use in phrases such as “peer-to-peer tutoring.” With the emergence of computer networking, peer-to-peer began to be used in reference to a system of computers that are able to communicate directly with one another without the mediation of a centralized server. Since the turn of the 21st century, peer-to-peer lending — the borrowing and lending of money through online services — has become increasingly common. You might also encounter peer-to-peer in the techy abbreviation from P2P, as in “P2P networking.”


术语peer-to-peer是一个比较新的英语单词,只有大约50多年的历史。最早的用法大约在1960年代,用于指代人类同行之间的某些事物,人类同行指的是具有类似年龄,级别,地位的人。这种用法还能在一些短语中看到,例如“peer-to-peer tutoring 同辈导修”。随着计算机网络的兴起,peer-to-peer开始用于一组计算机系统中,各计算机之间可以直接通信而无需通过中央服务器进行中转。到了21世纪之交的时候,peer-to-peer lending(点对点借贷)— 通过网络服务实现个人之间的借贷 — 变得越来越流行。你可能也遇到过peer-to-peer的技术缩写形成P2P,例如P2P Networking(点对点联网)。


  • “PayPal announced a new mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) payment platform called PayPal.me, which will allow users to create a personalized PayPal link and send it to peers for fast P2P transfers through PayPal.”
    Jaime Toplin and John Heggestuen, Business Insider, 1 Sept. 2015
  • “The figures come from a paper presented at Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s fintech conference in March, which found 27 percent of peer-to-peer lending dollars had displaced traditional bank lending.”
    Steven Harras, The Austin (Texas) American-Statesman, 7 Apr. 2019




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