json/ 发送形式_是/否的完整形式是什么?

深碍√TFBOYSˉ_ 2023-03-05 08:29 69阅读 0赞

json/ 发送形式

是/否:是/否 (Y/N: Yes/No)

Y/N is an abbreviation of “Yes/No”.


It is an expression,q which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the subject or in the body of the email to tell the recipient that the mail requires a reply from the recipient with a yes or no. It is done when the sender wants a reply from the recipient in a very short interval. Mentioning Y/N increases the chance of the recipient to reply soon. Firstly it informs the recipient that the email requires a reply in the format yes or no. Secondly since in the email, it is written Y/N, it indicates that no long reply is required for the email which increases the chance of the recipient to reply to the email. If it is written in the email Y/N, it means that the sender wants the reply to the email from the recipient in the format yes or no.

它是Gmail平台中常用的一个表达式q。 它写在电子邮件的主题或正文中,以告诉收件人该邮件需要收件人的答复, 是或否 。 当发件人希望在很短的间隔内收到收件人的答复时,便可以完成此操作。 提及“是/否”会增加收件人很快回复的机会。 首先,它通知收件人电子邮件要求以“是”或“否”的格式答复。 其次,由于在电子邮件中将其写为Y / N ,这表明电子邮件不需要长时间回复,这增加了收件人回复电子邮件的机会。 如果将其写在电子邮件Y / N中 ,则意味着发件人希望以“ 是”或“否”的格式答复来自收件人的电子邮件。

Let us take an example to make it easy to understand.


In an email, if it is written:
Meeting tomorrow in Room 2002 at 2:00 P.M. Y/N?


This shows that the email contains a message which requires a reply from the recipient with a yes or no.


Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use Y/N as a replacement for Yes/No.

现在,这些天来,对社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的首字母缩写词要求很高,因此用户通常使用Y / N代替Yes / No。

So, in this way, the abbreviation Y/N is used mostly on the social media platform.

因此,以这种方式,缩写Y / N主要用于社交媒体平台上。

While this slang is very common in social media platforms, mainly email messaging, still many are unaware of this slang.


So, basically in emails if you want to inform the other person that the email requires the reply from the recipient with a simple yes or no, you can simply write Y/N, instead of writing Yes/No. Writing Y/N seems professional, provides strong communication, with fewer efforts and good time management.

因此,基本上,在电子邮件中,如果您想通知其他人该电子邮件需要简单的是或否来要求收件人的答复,则可以简单地输入Y / N而不是Yes / No。 编写Y / N似乎很专业,可以提供强大的沟通,更少的精力和良好的时间管理。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/yn-full-form.aspx

json/ 发送形式


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