
朱雀 2023-03-05 12:49 281阅读 0赞

FSSAI:印度食品安全与标准管理局 (FSSAI: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)

FSSAI is an abbreviation of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. The organization operates under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. FSSAI is in charge for protecting, supporting and encouraging public health through the directive and management of food safety and setting down scientific principles for food articles to keep on check, examine and control the manufacturing, storage, distribution, sales and import of food articles to make sure the availability of safe and healthy food for human consumption.

FSSAI是印度食品安全与标准局的缩写 。 该组织在印度政府卫生与家庭福利部下运作。 FSSAI负责通过食品安全的指令和管理来保护,支持和鼓励公众健康,并制定食品科学原则,以持续检查,检查和控制食品的生产,储存,分配,销售和进口。确保提供安全健康的食物供人类食用。

FSSAI full forn

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food\_Safety\_and\_Standards\_Authority\_of\_India


On 5 August 2011, FSSAI was founded by Former Union Minister Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss, Government of India under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. Its head office is situated in New Delhi, India. It comprised of a chairperson and 22 members in the organization. The regional offices it contains are eight offices in Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Cochin, and Chennai.

FSSAI于2011年8月5日由印度前政府部长Anbumani Ramadoss博士根据2006年食品安全与标准法成立。其总部位于印度新德里。 它由主席和组织中的22名成员组成。 它包含的区域办事处在德里,昌迪加尔,勒克瑙,孟买,加尔各答,古瓦哈提,科钦和金奈设有八个办事处。

The organization also has 4 referrals and 72 local food testing laboratories for the examination of adulterated foods through testing. The current chairperson is Rita Teaotia and the Chief Executive Officer is Pawan Kumar Agarwal of the FSSAI.

该组织还设有4个转诊处和72个当地食品检测实验室,用于通过检测来检查掺假食品。 目前的主席是Rita Teaotia,首席执行官是FSSAI的 Pawan Kumar Agarwal。

To carry out chemical tests on the food products of different companies, the organization has the complete right. Fssai also has the right to take proper action against those companies who are not providing the necessary nutrition and quality in their food products. For example, ban through FSSAI on Maggi noodles.

对不同公司的食品进行化学测试,组织拥有完整的权利。 Fssai还有权对那些未在食品中提供必要营养和品质的公司采取适当行动。 例如,通过FSSAI禁止对Maggi面条进行禁令。

FSSAI is approved and allowed to issue licenses of those Food Business operators who remain following its policies and guidelines. This license of a food business is at the present compulsory for every person such as food manufacturer, food trader and restaurant owner.

FSSAI被批准并被允许颁发那些仍遵循其政策和准则的食品经营者的许可证。 目前,对于每个人(例如食品制造商,食品贸易商和餐馆老板),都必须获得该食品经营许可证。

FSSAI的主要功能 (Key functions of FSSAI)

  • It structures a set of laws and policies to set down standards for food safety.


  • It prepares policies and guidelines for the official authorization of food testing laboratories.


  • It helps the central government by offering technical support and scientific suggestion.


  • It gathers data regarding food consumption and food contamination by conducting a survey.


  • It broadcast information to support, encourage and spread awareness about food safety.


  • It carries out training programs to guide the people who are in food businesses or want to start a food business.


  • It helps in the progress and growth of global technical standards for food, sanitary, etc.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/fssai-full-form.aspx


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