MySQL - order by和 group by 优化初探

短命女 2023-03-04 11:27 160阅读 0赞


  • 生猛干货
  • DB Version
  • Table
  • 数据量
  • 案例一 :explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ and position = ‘dev’ order by age
  • 案例二: explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by position
  • 案例三:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by age , position
  • 案例四:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by position , age
  • 案例五:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ and age = 18 order by position , age ;
  • 案例六:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by age asc , position desc ;
  • 案例七:explain select * from employees where name in (‘HanMeiMei’ , ‘LiLei’) order by age , position ;
  • 案例八: explain select * from employees where name > ‘HanMeiMei’ order by name ;
  • group by 优化
  • 小结
  • 搞定MySQL




DB Version

  1. mysql> select version();
  2. +-----------+
  3. | version() |
  4. +-----------+
  5. | 5.7.28 |
  6. +-----------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>


  1. CREATE TABLE `employees` (
  2. `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  3. `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '姓名',
  4. `age` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '年龄',
  5. `position` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '职位',
  6. `hire_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '入职时间',
  7. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  8. KEY `idx_name_age_position` (`name`,`age`,`position`) USING BTREE


  1. 主键索引
  2. 二级索引 KEY idx_name_age_position (name,age,position) USING BTREE

重点就是这个二级索引 ,记号了哈。


  1. mysql> select count(1) from employees ;
  2. +----------+
  3. | count(1) |
  4. +----------+
  5. | 100002 |
  6. +----------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>

案例一 :explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ and position = ‘dev’ order by age

  1. explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' and position = 'dev' order by age ;

先想一下这个order by 会不会走索引 ?



原因呢 ?

脑海中要有这个联合索引在MySQL底层的B+Tree的数据结构 , 索引 排好序的数据结构。


name = ‘LiLei’ and position = ‘dev’ order by age

name 为 LiLei , name 确定的情况下, age 肯定是有序的 ,age 有序不能保证position 有序

所以 这个order by age 是可以走索引的


  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' and position = 'dev' order by age ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | const | 1 | 10 | Using index condition |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  7. 1 row in set

order by 走的索引 是不会体现在key_len上的, 这个74 = 3 * 24 + 2 , 是计算的name 。 最左匹配原则 ,中间字段不能断,因此查询用到了name索引。

但是 Extra直接里面可以看出来 Using index condition ,说明age索引列用在了排序过程中 。 如果没有走索引的话,那就是 Using FileSort 了

接下来继续看几个例子,加深理解,重点是脑海中的 索引B+Tree结构

案例二: explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by position

  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by position ;

想一想,这个order by 会走索引吗?

我们来看下索引 KEY idx_name_age_position (name,age,position) USING BTREE


  1. where name = 'LiLei' order by position ;

name = LiLei , name 值能确定下来, 符合最左匹配原则 所以查询会走索引 , 用了联合索引中的name字段, key len = 74 . 所以 Using index condition

order by position , 在索引中 中间缺失了age , 用position ,跳过了age , 那索引树能是有序的吗? 肯定不是。。。所以 position肯定不是排好序的 , 无法走索引排序,因此 Extra信息 有 Using filesort


  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by position ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | const | 1 | 100 | Using index condition; Using filesort |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>


有感觉了吗? 再来看一个

案例三:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by age , position

这个SQL和案例二的很相似 , 仅仅在排序的时候在前面多了一个age字段参与排序 , 那分析分析 order by 会走索引吗

  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by age , position ;

时刻不要那个索引树 ,来分析一下

name = LiLei , name 固定,结合 建立的索引, 最左原则,所以查询肯定会走联合索引中的部分索引 name .

在name都是LiLei 的情况下 , order by age , position 结合索引树 ,age和position用于排序 也是有序的,应该不会走using filesort



  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by age , position ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | const | 1 | 100 | Using index condition |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>

案例四:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by position , age

再分析一个,和案例上也很像。 把 order by的排序顺序 调整一下,我们来分析一下 order by会不会走索引

  1. explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by position , age ;


  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by position , age ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | const | 1 | 100 | Using index condition; Using filesort |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>

咦 , 执行计划中有 using filesort


看看我们二级索引的建立的字段顺序 , 创建顺序为name,age,position,但是排序的时候age和position颠倒位置了, 那排好序的特性肯定就无法满足了,那你让MySQL怎么走索引?

案例五:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ and age = 18 order by position , age ;

这个order by 会走索引吗?


  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' and age = 18 order by position , age ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 78 | const,const | 1 | 100 | Using index condition |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------------+------+----------+-----------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>

走了dx_name_age_position 索引中的 name 和 age , order by 其实也走了索引,你看extra中并没有 using filesort ,因为age为常量,在排序中被MySQL优化了,所以索引未颠倒,不会出现Using filesort

案例六:explain select * from employees where name = ‘LiLei’ order by age asc , position desc ;

  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name = 'LiLei' order by age asc , position desc ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ref | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | const | 1 | 100 | Using index condition; Using filesort |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  7. 1 row in set


我们可以看到虽然排序的字段列与建立索引的顺序一样, order by默认升序排列,而SQL中的 position desc变成了降序排列,导致与索引的排序方式不同,从而产生Using filesort。

Note: Mysql8以上版本有降序索引可以支持该种查询方式。

案例七:explain select * from employees where name in (‘HanMeiMei’ , ‘LiLei’) order by age , position ;

  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name in ('HanMeiMei' , 'LiLei') order by age , position ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | range | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | NULL | 2 | 100 | Using index condition; Using filesort |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+------+----------+---------------------------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>

对order by 来讲 ,多个相等的条件也是 范围查询。 既然是范围查询, 可能对于每个值在索引中是有序的,但多个合并在一起,就不是有序的了,所以 using filesort .

案例八: explain select * from employees where name > ‘HanMeiMei’ order by name ;

  1. mysql> explain select * from employees where name > 'HanMeiMei' order by name ;
  2. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------------------------+
  3. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  4. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------------------------+
  5. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | ALL | idx_name_age_position | NULL | NULL | NULL | 96845 | 50 | Using where; Using filesort |
  6. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+------+-----------------------+------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------------------------+
  7. 1 row in set
  8. mysql>


一般情况下, 联合索引第一个字段用范围不一定会走索引 , 可以采用 覆盖索引进行优化,避免回表带来的性能开销 。

  1. mysql> explain select name
  2. from employees where name > 'a' order by name ;
  3. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+-------+----------+--------------------------+
  4. | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
  5. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+-------+----------+--------------------------+
  6. | 1 | SIMPLE | employees | NULL | range | idx_name_age_position | idx_name_age_position | 74 | NULL | 48422 | 100 | Using where; Using index |
  7. +----+-------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------------------+-----------------------+---------+------+-------+----------+--------------------------+
  8. 1 row in set
  9. mysql>


group by 优化

  • group by与order by类似,其实质是先排序后分组遵照索引创建顺序的最左前缀法则
  • 对于group by的优化如果不需要排序的可以加上order by null禁止排序
  • where高于having,能写在where中的限定条件就不要去having限定了。


  • MySQL支持两种方式的排序filesort和index,Using index是指MySQL扫描索引本身完成排序
  • order by满足两种情况会使用Using index
    A: order by语句使用索引最左前列。
    B: 使用where子句与order by子句条件列组合满足索引最左前列
  • 尽量在索引列上完成排序,遵循索引建立(索引创建的顺序)时的最左前缀法则
  • 如果order by的条件不在索引列上,就会产生Using filesort
  • 能用覆盖索引尽量用覆盖索引




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    相关 mysql group by order by

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