
阳光穿透心脏的1/2处 2022-12-07 13:22 367阅读 0赞



Here you will learn about difference between web server and application server.


Web Server


Web server works on HTTP protocol. Web servers are designed to handle the HTTP request. When a user tries to go to a URL or website or clicks on the links to navigate to a document or image, the click action of the user generates a HTTP request to the web server. On the server side, this HTTP request is transferred to the program suitable to handle such request and the program process this request to generate a result in the form of HTTP response. HTTP response can only have data stored in the form hyper text documents which can easily displayed to the user on a web browser.

Web服务器使用HTTP协议。 Web服务器旨在处理HTTP请求。 当用户尝试访问URL或网站或单击链接导航到文档或图像时,用户的单击操作将向Web服务器生成HTTP请求。 在服务器端,此HTTP请求被传输到适合于处理该请求的程序,并且程序对该请求进行处理以生成HTTP响应形式的结果。 HTTP响应只能以超文本文档形式存储数据,这些数据可以轻松地在Web浏览器上显示给用户。

Web servers only provide with an environment where the server side programs can be executed and provide back with a response. Web servers are suited where the result of the HTTP request only needs to serve the purpose of displaying data to the user. This data can be an image, an audio file played in background, a new web page or any other related stuff.

Web服务器仅提供可以执行服务器端程序并提供响应的环境。 Web服务器适用于HTTP请求的结果仅需要用于向用户显示数据的目的。 此数据可以是图像,在后台播放的音频文件,新网页或任何其他相关内容。

But there might be situations where the result of the request is to be further processed to generate another result based on computation or any other logic. This is where the role of the application servers comes in.

但是,在某些情况下,可能需要进一步处理请求的结果以基于计算或任何其他逻辑来生成另一个结果。 这就是应用程序服务器的作用所在。

Application Server


Application servers are a super set of web server, that is they not only have the functionality of web servers but also have many additional benefits.


Technically speaking, the results of application servers are reusable. These response results are not only used to display content to the user but also the applications using application server can continuously exchange data and values for computational and other purposes.

从技术上讲,应用服务器的结果是可重用的。 这些响应结果不仅用于向用户显示内容,而且使用应用程序服务器的应用程序可以出于计算和其他目的连续交换数据和值。

Application server can also provide there user with the facility to run many softwares online. In such cases user do not require to install the full program on their PC, all they need is to install an application or run an application on a web server which can send and receive data from its application server and at the server-side we can install the software that does all the computational work and create such environment for the user that user feels the application is installed on their own PC.

应用服务器还可以为用户提供在线运行许多软件的便利。 在这种情况下,用户不需要在PC上安装完整程序,他们所需要的只是在Web服务器上安装应用程序或运行应用程序,即可从其应用程序服务器发送和接收数据,并且在服务器端,我们可以安装完成所有计算工作的软件,并为用户创建这样的环境,使用户感到应用程序已安装在自己的PC上。

Application Server can be accessed by using APIs to send and receive data in encoded in any one of the many different formats such as XML, JSON, etc.

可以使用API​​访问Application Server,以发送和接收以多种不同格式(例如XML,JSON等)中的任何一种编码的数据。

Web servers are a subset of application server and a single application server and resolve the need of both web as well as application server but for performance issues mostly application servers are assisted by separate Web servers to handle HTTP requests.


Difference between Web Server and Application Server

Image Server


Web服务器和应用程序服务器之间的区别 (Difference between Web Server and Application Server)

Web Server Application Server
Subset of Application Server. Super set of Web Server.
Web servers are used to produce static or dynamic hyper text documents. Application servers serves many purposes ranging from hyper text document generation to computation on data provided.
Web Servers require a web browser to display the result of the HTTP request, commonly known as HTTP response. Client Side application is required to allow continuous data exchange between the application server and client application.
Web server provide with an environment for server side programs to execute and produce HTTP response in results. Application server provide environment to expose functionality of the softwares installed at server side to the clients.
Web servers are accessed using HTTP request and HTTP protocols. Application servers are accessed using APIs.
Result is a hyper text document containing the information which is displayed to the user on a web browser. Result is XML, JSON, and HTML, etc files which contain required data and can serve special purpose depending upon the user needs.
Examples: Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS Examples: Glassfish, Weblogic, JBoss

网络服务器 应用服务器
应用程序服务器的子集。 Web服务器的超级集。
Web服务器用于生成静态或动态超文本文档。 应用服务器具有许多用途,从生成超文本文档到对提供的数据进行计算。
Web服务器需要Web浏览器来显示HTTP请求的结果,通常称为HTTP响应。 需要客户端应用程序才能在应用程序服务器和客户端应用程序之间进行连续的数据交换。
Web服务器为服务器端程序提供了执行和产生结果HTTP响应的环境。 应用程序服务器提供了向客户端公开服务器端安装的软件功能的环境。
使用HTTP请求和HTTP协议访问Web服务器。 使用API​​访问应用程序服务器。
结果是一个超文本文档,其中包含在Web浏览器上显示给用户的信息。 结果是XML,JSON和HTML等文件,这些文件包含必需的数据,并且可以根据用户需求用于特殊目的。
示例: Apache,Nginx,Microsoft IIS 示例: Glassfish,Weblogic,JBoss

Comment below if you have queries regarding Web Server vs Application Server.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/06/difference-between-web-server-and-application-server.html



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