Roson讲Qt#17 谈谈Qt QML、Qt Quick、Qt Quick Controls之间的关系
3.3Qt Quick的子模块
3.4Qt Quick提供的基本数据类型
3.5Qt Quick提供的基本对象类型
Qt QML:QML是一种用户界面规范和编程语言。它允许开发人员和设计师一样创建高性能、流畅的动画和视觉上吸引人的应用程序。QML提供了高可读性、声明性、类似json的语法,支持命令式JavaScript表达式和动态属性绑定。QML语言和引擎基础结构由Qt QML模块提供。
Qt Quick**模块:**Qt Quick是QML的类型和功能的标准库。它包括视觉类型,交互类型,动画,模型和视图,粒子效果和着色效果。QML应用程序开发人员可以通过一个导入语句访问所有这些功能。QtQuick QML库由QtQuick模块提供。
Qt Quick Controls模块:提供了一组控件,可用于在Qt Quick中构建完整的接口。
Qt Quick是一个库,作用和我们说的C++标准库一样,如果要编写C++代码,肯定需要C++标准库的支撑。我们在写Qt Quick应用程序时,肯定需要用到一些数据类型,还有一些语法,而这些东西,就是Qt Quick提供的。在QML已经提供的基础数据类型的基础上,Qt Quick又引入了更高级易用的数据类型,这就好比QML中有char*,Qt Quick又搞了个CString。
Qt Quick Controls是Qt Quick的一个子模块,Qt Quick不仅包含Controls,还包含了
date | Date value |
point | Value with x and y attributes |
rect | Value with x, y, width and height attributes |
size | Value with width and height attributes |
Date | Provides date functions |
Number | Object provides represents a number value |
String | Object represents a string value |
Component | Encapsulates a QML component definition |
Qt | Provides a global object with useful enums and functions from Qt |
QtObject | A basic QML type |
Locale | Provides locale specific properties and formatted data |
LoggingCategory | Defines a logging category in QML |
Binding | Enables the arbitrary creation of property bindings |
Connections | Describes generalized connections to signals |
Instantiator | Dynamically creates objects |
Timer | Triggers a handler at a specified interval |
3.3Qt Quick的子模块
Qt Quick包含几个子模块,并且这些子模块还包含额外的类型。子模块列举如下:
- XML List Model - contains types for creating models from XML data
- Local Storage - a submodule containing a JavaScript interface for an SQLite database
- Particles - provides a particle system for QML applications
- Window - contains types for creating top-level windows and accessing screen information
- Dialogs - contains types for creating and interacting with system dialogs
- Controls - provides a set of reusable UI components
- Layouts - contains types that are used to arrange items in the user interface
- Tests - types for testing QML applications.
3.4Qt Quick提供的基本数据类型
color | ARGB color value. The color type refers to an ARGB color value. It can be specified in a number of ways: |
font | Font value with the properties of QFont. The font type refers to a font value with the properties of QFont |
matrix4x4 | A matrix4x4 type is a 4-row and 4-column matrix |
quaternion | A quaternion type has scalar, x, y, and z attributes |
vector2d | A vector2d type has x and y attributes |
vector3d | Value with x, y, and z attributes |
vector4d | A vector4d type has x, y, z and w attributes |
3.5Qt Quick提供的基本对象类型
QtQuick导入提供的所有对象类型都基于Item类型,该类型本身派生自QtObject。在导入QtQuick时,Qt QML模块提供的QML对象类型(如QtObject和Component)也可用。
Canvas | Provides a 2D canvas item enabling drawing via JavaScript |
CanvasGradient | Provides an opaque CanvasGradient interface |
CanvasImageData | Contains image pixel data in RGBA order |
CanvasPixelArray | Provides ordered and indexed access to the components of each pixel in image data |
Context2D | Provides 2D context for shapes on a Canvas item |
Accessible | Enables accessibility of QML items |
AnimatedImage | Plays animations stored as a series of images |
AnimatedSprite | Draws a sprite animation |
BorderImage | Paints a border based on an image |
Drag | For specifying drag and drop events for moved Items |
DragEvent | Provides information about a drag event |
DropArea | For specifying drag and drop handling in an area |
KeyEvent | Provides information about a key event |
MouseEvent | Provides information about a mouse event |
WheelEvent | Provides information about a mouse wheel event |
Flickable | Provides a surface that can be “flicked” |
Flipable | Provides a surface that can be flipped |
FocusScope | Explicitly creates a focus scope |
GraphicsInfo | Provides information about the used Qt Quick backend |
GridView | For specifying a grid view of items provided by a model |
Image | Displays an image |
EnterKey | Provides a property to manipulate the appearance of Enter key on an on-screen keyboard |
Item | A basic visual QML type |
KeyNavigation | Supports key navigation by arrow keys |
Keys | Provides key handling to Items |
LayoutMirroring | Property used to mirror layout behavior |
Transform | For specifying advanced transformations on Items |
AnchorAnimation | Animates changes in anchor values |
ParentAnimation | Animates changes in parent values |
PathAnimation | Animates an item along a path |
ItemGrabResult | Contains the results from a call to Item::grabToImage() |
ViewTransition | Specifies items under transition in a view |
ListView | Provides a list view of items provided by a model |
Loader | Allows dynamic loading of a subtree from a URL or Component |
MouseArea | Enables simple mouse handling |
GestureEvent | Parameter given with the gestureStarted signal |
MultiPointTouchArea | Enables handling of multiple touch points |
TouchPoint | Describes a touch point in a MultiPointTouchArea |
PathView | Lays out model-provided items on a path |
PinchArea | Enables simple pinch gesture handling |
PinchEvent | For specifying information about a pinch event |
Column | Positions its children in a column |
Flow | Positions its children side by side, wrapping as necessary |
Grid | Positions its children in grid formation |
Positioner | Provides attached properties that contain details on where an item exists in a positioner |
Row | Positions its children in a row |
Gradient | Defines a gradient fill |
GradientStop | Defines the color at a position in a Gradient |
Rectangle | Paints a filled rectangle with an optional border |
Repeater | Instantiates a number of Item-based components using a provided model |
ShaderEffect | Applies custom shaders to a rectangle |
BorderImageMesh | Defines a mesh with vertices arranged like those of a BorderImage |
GridMesh | Defines a mesh with vertices arranged in a grid |
ShaderEffectSource | Renders a Qt Quick item into a texture and displays it |
Sprite | Specifies sprite animations |
SpriteSequence | Draws a sprite animation |
AnchorChanges | Specifies how to change the anchors of an item in a state |
ParentChange | Specifies how to reparent an Item in a state change |
Text | Specifies how to add formatted text to a scene |
TextEdit | Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text |
TextInput | Displays an editable line of text |
Matrix4x4 | Provides a way to apply a 4x4 tranformation matrix to an Item |
Rotation | Provides a way to rotate an Item |
Scale | Provides a way to scale an Item |
Translate | Provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties |
Animation | Is the base of all QML animations |
ColorAnimation | Animates changes in color values |
NumberAnimation | Animates changes in qreal-type values |
ParallelAnimation | Enables animations to be run in parallel |
PauseAnimation | Provides a pause for an animation |
PropertyAction | Specifies immediate property changes during animation |
PropertyAnimation | Animates changes in property values |
RotationAnimation | Animates changes in rotation values |
ScriptAction | Defines scripts to be run during an animation |
SequentialAnimation | Allows animations to be run sequentially |
Vector3dAnimation | Animates changes in QVector3d values |
AnimationController | Enables manual control of animations |
Animator | Is the base of all QML animators |
OpacityAnimator | Type animates the opacity of an Item |
RotationAnimator | Type animates the rotation of an Item |
ScaleAnimator | Type animates the scale factor of an Item |
UniformAnimator | Type animates a uniform of a ShaderEffect |
XAnimator | Type animates the x position of an Item |
YAnimator | Type animates the y position of an Item |
Behavior | Defines a default animation for a property change |
FontLoader | Allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL |
FontMetrics | Provides metrics for a given font |
Path | Defines a path for use by PathView |
PathArc | Defines an arc with the given radius |
PathAttribute | Specifies how to set an attribute at a given position in a Path |
PathCubic | Defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points |
PathCurve | Defines a point on a Catmull-Rom curve |
PathElement | The base path type |
PathLine | Defines a straight line |
PathPercent | Manipulates the way a path is interpreted |
PathQuad | Defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point |
PathSvg | Defines a path using an SVG path data string |
PathInterpolator | Specifies how to manually animate along a path |
PropertyChanges | Describes new property bindings or values for a state |
Shortcut | Provides keyboard shortcuts |
SmoothedAnimation | Allows a property to smoothly track a value |
SpringAnimation | Allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion |
State | Defines configurations of objects and properties |
StateChangeScript | Specifies how to run a script in a state |
StateGroup | Provides built-in state support for non-Item types |
SystemPalette | Provides access to the Qt palettes |
TextMetrics | Provides metrics for a given font and text |
Transition | Defines animated transitions that occur on state changes |
DoubleValidator | Defines a validator for non-integer numbers |
IntValidator | Defines a validator for integer values |
RegExpValidator | Provides a string validator |