采用级联网络来进行人脸检测,参考2015年CVPR上的一篇论文A Convolution Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection,它采用了12-net,24-net,48-net级联网络用于人脸检测,12-calibration-net,24-calibration,48-calibration边界校订网络用于更好的定位人脸框。它最小能够检测12x12大小的人脸,相比于单个CNN的人脸检测方法,大大加快了人脸检测的速度,并提高了人脸框的准确度,人脸检测的准确率和召回率也很高,在FDDB数据集上达到了当时最高的分数。
(1)12-net:首先用一个输入为12 x 12图像的小网络来训练人脸非人脸二分类器,将最后的全连接层修改成卷积层,这样的全卷积网络即12-full-conv-net就可以接受任意大小的输入图像,输出的特征图表示对应感受野区域属于人脸的概率。在检测时,假设要检测的最小人连尺寸为K x K,例如40 x 40,将待检测的图像缩放到原来的12/K,然后将整幅图像输入到训练好的12 x 12的全卷积网络,得到特征图,设定阈值过滤掉得分低的,这样就可以去除绝大部分不感兴趣区域,保留一定数量的候选框。
(2)12-calibration-net:训练一个输入为12 x 12图像的校订网络,来矫正上一步12-net得到的人脸框边界,它实质上是一个45类分类器,判断当前图像中包含的人脸是左右偏了、上下偏了还是大了小了,即包括:
(4)24-net:训练输入为24 x 24图像的人脸分类器网络。测试时,以上一步localNMS得到的人脸候选框缩放到24 x 24大小,作为24-net网络输入,判定是否属于人脸,设置阈值保留得分较高的候选框。
(5)24-calibration-net:同样训练一个输入图像为24 x 24大小的边界校订分类网络,来矫正上一步24-net保留的人脸候选框的位置,候选框区域图像缩放到24 x 24大小,其它与12-calibration-net一致。
(7)48-net:训练一个更加准确的输入为48 x 48的人脸非人脸分类器。测试时,将上一步localNMS得到的人脸候选框缩放到48 x 48大小,作为48-net输入,保留得分高的人脸候选框。
(9)48-calibration-net:训练一个输入为48 x 48的边界校订分类网络。测试时,将globalNMS得到的最佳人脸框缩放到48 x 48作为输入进行人脸框边界校订。
因此,我们需要先单独训练人脸非人脸二分类12-net,24-net,48-net网络,以及人脸框边界校订12-calibration-net,24-calibration,48-calibration网络。测试时,用图像金字塔来做多尺度人脸检测,对于任意的输入图像,依次经过12-net(12-full-conv-net) -> 12-calibration-net -> localNMS -> 24-net -> 24-calibration-net -> localNMS -> 48-net -> globalNMS -> 48-calibration-net,得到最终的人脸框作为检测结果。
其中localNMS和globalNMS(Non-maximum Suppression,NMS,非极大值抑制)的区别主要在于前者仅使用了IoU(Intersection over Union),即交集与并集的比值,而后者还用到了IoM(Intersection over Min-area),即交集与两者中最小面积的比值,来过滤重叠的候选框。
import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
import os
#from operator import itemgetter
from load_model_functions import *
from face_detection_functions import *
# ================== caffe ======================================
#caffe_root = '/home/anson/caffe-master/' # this file is expected to be in {caffe_root}/examples
import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe
# ================== load models ======================================
net_12c_full_conv, net_12_cal, net_24c, net_24_cal, net_48c, net_48_cal = \
nets = (net_12c_full_conv, net_12_cal, net_24c, net_24_cal, net_48c, net_48_cal)
start_time = time.time()
read_img_name = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/caffe/matlab/demo/1.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(read_img_name) # BGR
print img.shape
min_face_size = 48 #最小的人脸检测尺寸,设置的越小能检测到更小人脸的同时,速度下降的很快
stride = 5 #步长,实际并未使用
# caffe_image = np.true_divide(img, 255) # convert to caffe style (0~1 BGR)
# caffe_image = caffe_image[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]
img_forward = np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)
img_forward -= np.array((104, 117, 123))
rectangles = detect_faces_net(nets, img_forward, min_face_size, stride, True, 2, 0.05)
for rectangle in rectangles: # draw rectangles
cv2.rectangle(img, (rectangle[0], rectangle[1]), (rectangle[2], rectangle[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2)
end_time = time.time()
print 'aver_time = ',(end_time-start_time)*1000,'ms'
cv2.imshow('test img', img)
import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
from operator import itemgetter
# ================== caffe ======================================
#caffe_root = '/home/anson/caffe-master/' # this file is expected to be in {caffe_root}/examples
import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe
def find_initial_scale(net_kind, min_face_size):
:param net_kind: what kind of net (12, 24, or 48)
:param min_face_size: minimum face size
:return: returns scale factor
return float(min_face_size) / net_kind
def resize_image(img, scale):
:param img: original img
:param scale: scale factor
:return: resized image
height, width, channels = img.shape
new_height = int(height / scale) # resized new height
new_width = int(width / scale) # resized new width
new_dim = (new_width, new_height)
img_resized = cv2.resize(img, new_dim) # resized image
return img_resized
def draw_rectangle(net_kind, img, face):
:param net_kind: what kind of net (12, 24, or 48)
:param img: image to draw on
:param face: # list of info. in format [x, y, scale]
:return: nothing
x = face[0]
y = face[1]
scale = face[2]
original_x = int(x * scale) # corresponding x and y at original image
original_y = int(y * scale)
original_x_br = int(x * scale + net_kind * scale) # bottom right x and y
original_y_br = int(y * scale + net_kind * scale)
cv2.rectangle(img, (original_x, original_y), (original_x_br, original_y_br), (255,0,0), 2)
def IoU(rect_1, rect_2):
:param rect_1: list in format [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:param rect_2: list in format [x21, y21, x22, y22, confidence, current_scale]
:return: returns IoU ratio (intersection over union) of two rectangles
x11 = rect_1[0] # first rectangle top left x
y11 = rect_1[1] # first rectangle top left y
x12 = rect_1[2] # first rectangle bottom right x
y12 = rect_1[3] # first rectangle bottom right y
x21 = rect_2[0] # second rectangle top left x
y21 = rect_2[1] # second rectangle top left y
x22 = rect_2[2] # second rectangle bottom right x
y22 = rect_2[3] # second rectangle bottom right y
x_overlap = max(0, min(x12,x22) -max(x11,x21))
y_overlap = max(0, min(y12,y22) -max(y11,y21))
intersection = x_overlap * y_overlap
union = (x12-x11) * (y12-y11) + (x22-x21) * (y22-y21) - intersection
return float(intersection) / union
def IoM(rect_1, rect_2):
:param rect_1: list in format [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:param rect_2: list in format [x21, y21, x22, y22, confidence, current_scale]
:return: returns IoM ratio (intersection over min-area) of two rectangles
x11 = rect_1[0] # first rectangle top left x
y11 = rect_1[1] # first rectangle top left y
x12 = rect_1[2] # first rectangle bottom right x
y12 = rect_1[3] # first rectangle bottom right y
x21 = rect_2[0] # second rectangle top left x
y21 = rect_2[1] # second rectangle top left y
x22 = rect_2[2] # second rectangle bottom right x
y22 = rect_2[3] # second rectangle bottom right y
x_overlap = max(0, min(x12,x22) -max(x11,x21))
y_overlap = max(0, min(y12,y22) -max(y11,y21))
intersection = x_overlap * y_overlap
rect1_area = (y12 - y11) * (x12 - x11)
rect2_area = (y22 - y21) * (x22 - x21)
min_area = min(rect1_area, rect2_area)
return float(intersection) / min_area
def localNMS(rectangles):
:param rectangles: list of rectangles, which are lists in format [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale],
sorted from highest confidence to smallest
:return: list of rectangles after local NMS
result_rectangles = rectangles[:] # list to return
number_of_rects = len(result_rectangles)
threshold = 0.3 # threshold of IoU of two rectangles
cur_rect = 0
while cur_rect < number_of_rects - 1: # start from first element to second last element
rects_to_compare = number_of_rects - cur_rect - 1 # elements after current element to compare
cur_rect_to_compare = cur_rect + 1 # start comparing with element after current
while rects_to_compare > 0: # while there is at least one element after current to compare
if (IoU(result_rectangles[cur_rect], result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare]) >= threshold) \
and (result_rectangles[cur_rect][5] == result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare][5]): # scale is same
del result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare] # delete the rectangle
number_of_rects -= 1
cur_rect_to_compare += 1 # skip to next rectangle
rects_to_compare -= 1
cur_rect += 1 # finished comparing for current rectangle
return result_rectangles
def globalNMS(rectangles):
:param rectangles: list of rectangles, which are lists in format [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale],
sorted from highest confidence to smallest
:return: list of rectangles after global NMS
result_rectangles = rectangles[:] # list to return
number_of_rects = len(result_rectangles)
threshold = 0.3 # threshold of IoU of two rectangles
cur_rect = 0
while cur_rect < number_of_rects - 1: # start from first element to second last element
rects_to_compare = number_of_rects - cur_rect - 1 # elements after current element to compare
cur_rect_to_compare = cur_rect + 1 # start comparing with element ater current
while rects_to_compare > 0: # while there is at least one element after current to compare
if IoU(result_rectangles[cur_rect], result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare]) >= 0.2 \
or ((IoM(result_rectangles[cur_rect], result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare]) >= threshold)):
#and (result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare][5] < 0.85)): # if IoU ratio is higher than threshold #10/12=0.8333?
del result_rectangles[cur_rect_to_compare] # delete the rectangle
number_of_rects -= 1
cur_rect_to_compare += 1 # skip to next rectangle
rects_to_compare -= 1
cur_rect += 1 # finished comparing for current rectangle
return result_rectangles
# ====== Below functions (12cal ~ 48cal) take images in style of caffe (0~1 BGR)===
def detect_face_12c(net_12c_full_conv, img, min_face_size, stride,
multiScale=False, scale_factor=1.414, threshold=0.05):
:param img: image to detect faces
:param min_face_size: minimum face size to detect (in pixels)
:param stride: stride (in pixels)
:param multiScale: whether to find faces under multiple scales or not
:param scale_factor: scale to apply for pyramid
:param threshold: score of patch must be above this value to pass to next net
:return: list of rectangles after global NMS
net_kind = 12
rectangles = [] # list of rectangles [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale] (corresponding to original image)
current_scale = find_initial_scale(net_kind, min_face_size) # find initial scale
caffe_img_resized = resize_image(img, current_scale) # resized initial caffe image
current_height, current_width, channels = caffe_img_resized.shape
while current_height > net_kind and current_width > net_kind:
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # switch from H x W x C to C x H x W
# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
net_12c_full_conv.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_12c_full_conv.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
# run net and take argmax for prediction
out = net_12c_full_conv.blobs['prob'].data[0][1, :, :]
# print out.shape
out_height, out_width = out.shape
for current_y in range(0, out_height):
for current_x in range(0, out_width):
# total_windows += 1
confidence = out[current_y, current_x] # left index is y, right index is x (starting from 0)
if confidence >= threshold:
current_rectangle = [int(2*current_x*current_scale), int(2*current_y*current_scale),
int(2*current_x*current_scale + net_kind*current_scale),
int(2*current_y*current_scale + net_kind*current_scale),
confidence, current_scale] # find corresponding patch on image
if multiScale is False:
caffe_img_resized = resize_image(caffe_img_resized, scale_factor)
current_scale *= scale_factor
current_height, current_width, channels = caffe_img_resized.shape
return rectangles
def cal_face_12c(net_12_cal, caffe_img, rectangles):
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = caffe_img.shape
result = []
all_cropped_caffe_img = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
cropped_caffe_img = caffe_img[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
if len(all_cropped_caffe_img) == 0:
return []
output_all = net_12_cal.predict(all_cropped_caffe_img) # predict through caffe
for cur_rect in range(len(rectangles)):
cur_rectangle = rectangles[cur_rect]
output = output_all[cur_rect]
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + original_h / s_change))
result = sorted(result, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True) # sort rectangles according to confidence
# reverse, so that it ranks from large to small
return result
def detect_face_24c(net_24c, caffe_img, rectangles):
:param caffe_img: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
result = []
all_cropped_caffe_img = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
cropped_caffe_img = caffe_img[y1:y2, x1:x2] # crop image
if len(all_cropped_caffe_img) == 0:
return []
prediction_all = net_24c.predict(all_cropped_caffe_img) # predict through caffe
for cur_rect in range(len(rectangles)):
confidence = prediction_all[cur_rect][1]
if confidence > 0.05:
cur_rectangle = rectangles[cur_rect]
cur_rectangle[4] = confidence
return result
def cal_face_24c(net_24_cal, caffe_img, rectangles):
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = caffe_img.shape
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
cropped_caffe_img = caffe_img[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
output = net_24_cal.predict([cropped_caffe_img]) # predict through caffe
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + original_h / s_change))
return result
def detect_face_48c(net_48c, caffe_img, rectangles):
:param caffe_img: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
result = []
all_cropped_caffe_img = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
cropped_caffe_img = caffe_img[y1:y2, x1:x2] # crop image
prediction = net_48c.predict([cropped_caffe_img]) # predict through caffe
confidence = prediction[0][1]
if confidence > 0.3:
cur_rectangle[4] = confidence
result = sorted(result, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True) # sort rectangles according to confidence
# reverse, so that it ranks from large to small
return result
def cal_face_48c(net_48_cal, caffe_img, rectangles):
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = caffe_img.shape
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
cropped_caffe_img = caffe_img[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
output = net_48_cal.predict([cropped_caffe_img]) # predict through caffe
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - 1.1 * original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + 1.1 * original_h / s_change))
return result
def detect_faces(nets, img_forward, caffe_image, min_face_size, stride,
multiScale=False, scale_factor=1.414, threshold=0.05):
Complete flow of face cascade detection
:param nets: 6 nets as a tuple
:param img_forward: image in normal style after subtracting mean pixel value
:param caffe_image: image in style of caffe (0~1 BGR)
:param min_face_size:
:param stride:
:param multiScale:
:param scale_factor:
:param threshold:
:return: list of rectangles
net_12c_full_conv = nets[0]
net_12_cal = nets[1]
net_24c = nets[2]
net_24_cal = nets[3]
net_48c = nets[4]
net_48_cal = nets[5]
rectangles = detect_face_12c(net_12c_full_conv, img_forward, min_face_size,
stride, multiScale, scale_factor, threshold) # detect faces
rectangles = cal_face_12c(net_12_cal, caffe_image, rectangles) # calibration
rectangles = localNMS(rectangles) # apply local NMS
rectangles = detect_face_24c(net_24c, caffe_image, rectangles)
rectangles = cal_face_24c(net_24_cal, caffe_image, rectangles) # calibration
rectangles = localNMS(rectangles) # apply local NMS
rectangles = detect_face_48c(net_48c, caffe_image, rectangles)
rectangles = globalNMS(rectangles) # apply global NMS
rectangles = cal_face_48c(net_48_cal, caffe_image, rectangles) # calibration
return rectangles
# ========== Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time ==========
# ====== Below functions take images in normal style after subtracting mean pixel value===
def detect_face_12c_net(net_12c_full_conv, img_forward, min_face_size, stride,
multiScale=False, scale_factor=1.414, threshold=0.05):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param img: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param min_face_size: minimum face size to detect (in pixels)
:param stride: stride (in pixels)
:param multiScale: whether to find faces under multiple scales or not
:param scale_factor: scale to apply for pyramid
:param threshold: score of patch must be above this value to pass to next net
:return: list of rectangles after global NMS
net_kind = 12
rectangles = [] # list of rectangles [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale] (corresponding to original image)
current_scale = find_initial_scale(net_kind, min_face_size) # find initial scale
caffe_img_resized = resize_image(img_forward, current_scale) # resized initial caffe image
current_height, current_width, channels = caffe_img_resized.shape
# print "Shape after resizing : " + str(caffe_img_resized.shape)
while current_height > net_kind and current_width > net_kind:
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # switch from H x W x C to C x H x W
# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
net_12c_full_conv.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_12c_full_conv.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
# run net and take argmax for prediction
out = net_12c_full_conv.blobs['prob'].data[0][1, :, :]
# print out.shape
out_height, out_width = out.shape
# threshold = 0.02
# idx = out[:, :] >= threshold
# out[idx] = 1
# idx = out[:, :] < threshold
# out[idx] = 0
# cv2.imshow('img', out*255)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# print "Shape of output after resizing " + str(caffe_img_resized.shape) + " : " + str(out.shape)
for current_y in range(0, out_height):
for current_x in range(0, out_width):
# total_windows += 1
confidence = out[current_y, current_x] # left index is y, right index is x (starting from 0)
if confidence >= threshold:
current_rectangle = [int(2*current_x*current_scale), int(2*current_y*current_scale),
int(2*current_x*current_scale + net_kind*current_scale),
int(2*current_y*current_scale + net_kind*current_scale),
confidence, current_scale] # find corresponding patch on image
if multiScale is False:
caffe_img_resized = resize_image(caffe_img_resized, scale_factor)
current_scale *= scale_factor
current_height, current_width, channels = caffe_img_resized.shape
return rectangles
def cal_face_12c_net(net_12_cal, img_forward, rectangles):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = img_forward.shape
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
cropped_caffe_img = img_forward[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
caffe_img_resized = cv2.resize(cropped_caffe_img, (12, 12))
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1))
net_12_cal.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_12_cal.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
output = net_12_cal.blobs['prob'].data
# output = net_12_cal.predict([cropped_caffe_img]) # predict through caffe
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + original_h / s_change))
result = sorted(result, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True) # sort rectangles according to confidence
# reverse, so that it ranks from large to small
return result
def detect_face_24c_net(net_24c, img_forward, rectangles):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param caffe_img: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
cropped_caffe_img = img_forward[y1:y2, x1:x2] # crop image
caffe_img_resized = cv2.resize(cropped_caffe_img, (24, 24))
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1))
net_24c.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_24c.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
prediction = net_24c.blobs['prob'].data
confidence = prediction[0][1]
if confidence > 0.9:#0.05:
cur_rectangle[4] = confidence
return result
def cal_face_24c_net(net_24_cal, img_forward, rectangles):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = img_forward.shape
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
cropped_caffe_img = img_forward[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
caffe_img_resized = cv2.resize(cropped_caffe_img, (24, 24))
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1))
net_24_cal.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_24_cal.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
output = net_24_cal.blobs['prob'].data
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + original_h / s_change))
result = sorted(result, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True) # sort rectangles according to confidence # reverse, so that it ranks from large to small
return result
def detect_face_48c_net(net_48c, img_forward, rectangles):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param caffe_img: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
cropped_caffe_img = img_forward[y1:y2, x1:x2] # crop image
caffe_img_resized = cv2.resize(cropped_caffe_img, (48, 48))
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1))
net_48c.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_48c.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
prediction = net_48c.blobs['prob'].data
confidence = prediction[0][1]
if confidence > 0.95:#0.1:
cur_rectangle[4] = confidence
result = sorted(result, key=itemgetter(4), reverse=True) # sort rectangles according to confidence
# reverse, so that it ranks from large to small #after sorter and globalnms the best faces will be detected
return result
def cal_face_48c_net(net_48_cal, img_forward, rectangles):
Adjusts net to take one crop of image only during test time
:param caffe_image: image in caffe style to detect faces
:param rectangles: rectangles in form [x11, y11, x12, y12, confidence, current_scale]
:return: rectangles after calibration
height, width, channels = img_forward.shape
result = []
for cur_rectangle in rectangles:
original_x1 = cur_rectangle[0]
original_y1 = cur_rectangle[1]
original_x2 = cur_rectangle[2]
original_y2 = cur_rectangle[3]
original_w = original_x2 - original_x1
original_h = original_y2 - original_y1
cropped_caffe_img = img_forward[original_y1:original_y2, original_x1:original_x2] # crop image
caffe_img_resized = cv2.resize(cropped_caffe_img, (48, 48))
caffe_img_resized_CHW = caffe_img_resized.transpose((2, 0, 1))
net_48_cal.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *caffe_img_resized_CHW.shape)
net_48_cal.blobs['data'].data[...] = caffe_img_resized_CHW
output = net_48_cal.blobs['prob'].data
prediction = output[0] # (44, 1) ndarray
threshold = 0.1
indices = np.nonzero(prediction > threshold)[0] # ndarray of indices where prediction is larger than threshold
number_of_cals = len(indices) # number of calibrations larger than threshold
if number_of_cals == 0: # if no calibration is needed, check next rectangle
total_s_change = 0
total_x_change = 0
total_y_change = 0
for current_cal in range(number_of_cals): # accumulate changes, and calculate average
cal_label = int(indices[current_cal]) # should be number in 0~44
if (cal_label >= 0) and (cal_label <= 8): # decide s change
total_s_change += 0.83
elif (cal_label >= 9) and (cal_label <= 17):
total_s_change += 0.91
elif (cal_label >= 18) and (cal_label <= 26):
total_s_change += 1.0
elif (cal_label >= 27) and (cal_label <= 35):
total_s_change += 1.10
total_s_change += 1.21
if cal_label % 9 <= 2: # decide x change
total_x_change += -0.17
elif (cal_label % 9 >= 6) and (cal_label % 9 <= 8): # ignore case when 3<=x<=5, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_x_change += 0.17
if cal_label % 3 == 0: # decide y change
total_y_change += -0.17
elif cal_label % 3 == 2: # ignore case when 1, since adding 0 doesn't change
total_y_change += 0.17
s_change = total_s_change / number_of_cals # calculate average
x_change = total_x_change / number_of_cals
y_change = total_y_change / number_of_cals
cur_result = cur_rectangle # inherit format and last two attributes from original rectangle
cur_result[0] = int(max(0, original_x1 - original_w * x_change / s_change))
cur_result[1] = int(max(0, original_y1 - 1.1 * original_h * y_change / s_change))
cur_result[2] = int(min(width, cur_result[0] + original_w / s_change))
cur_result[3] = int(min(height, cur_result[1] + 1.1 * original_h / s_change))
return result
def detect_faces_net(nets, img_forward, min_face_size, stride,
multiScale=False, scale_factor=1.414, threshold=0.05):
Complete flow of face cascade detection
:param nets: 6 nets as a tuple
:param img_forward: image in normal style after subtracting mean pixel value
:param min_face_size:
:param stride:
:param multiScale:
:param scale_factor:
:param threshold:
:return: list of rectangles
net_12c_full_conv = nets[0]
net_12_cal = nets[1]
net_24c = nets[2]
net_24_cal = nets[3]
net_48c = nets[4]
net_48_cal = nets[5]
rectangles = detect_face_12c_net(net_12c_full_conv, img_forward, min_face_size,
stride, multiScale, scale_factor, threshold) # detect faces
rectangles = cal_face_12c_net(net_12_cal, img_forward, rectangles) # calibration
rectangles = localNMS(rectangles) # apply local NMS
rectangles = detect_face_24c_net(net_24c, img_forward, rectangles)
rectangles = cal_face_24c_net(net_24_cal, img_forward, rectangles) # calibration
rectangles = localNMS(rectangles) # apply local NMS
rectangles = detect_face_48c_net(net_48c, img_forward, rectangles)
rectangles = globalNMS(rectangles) # apply global NMS
rectangles = cal_face_48c_net(net_48_cal, img_forward, rectangles) # calibration
return rectangles