相关 Printer Queue 打印队列 UVA 12100
相关 Throwing cards away I 卡牌游戏 UVA 10935
解题思路:本题通过STL中的队列queue很容易就写出代码,唯一值得注意的是当输入为1时; 1. \include<cstdio> 2. \include<queue>
相关 Team Queue UVA 540 (团体队列)
1. \include<cstdio> 2. \include<map> 3. \include<string> 4. \include<queue> 5. \inc
相关 LeetCode(Queue)950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order
1.问题 You are given an integer array deck. There is a deck of cards where every card h
相关 UVA 822 Queue and A
题目链接:[https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-822][https_vjudge.net_problem_UVA-822] 翻译摘自:《算法禁赛入
相关 卡片游戏 (Throwing cards away I)(队列+模拟)
相关 I - Fire! UVA - 11624
Think: 1两点BFS,第一遍预处理火到每个结点的时间,第二遍遍历判断是否可以走出迷宫,以及得到走出迷宫的最短时间 2注意时间和数组越界 [vjudge题目链接]
相关 UVA 540 Team Queue(queue的使用)
Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientis
相关 UVA 10935 Throwing cards away I (queue)
Given is an ordered deck of n cards numbered 1 to n with card 1 at the top and card n at
相关 uva 10940 - Throwing cards away II
[题目链接:uva 10940 - Throwing cards away][uva 10940 - Throwing cards away] 题目大意:给出n,表