
谁践踏了优雅 2022-02-18 09:57 425阅读 0赞


Bluetooth Version finder


Bluetooth version finder


Check Bluetooth Version manually

We can use Windows Device Manager to find out the Bluetooth version .

  1. Make sure your Bluetooth is turned on. You can turn it on from the Action Center toggle, or you can open the Settings app and go to the Devices group of settings and turn it on from the Bluetooth tab

  2. Right click the Start button to open its context menu and Select the item called “Device Manager”.

Open device manager

  1. In Device Manager, expand the Bluetooth set of devices. You may see one or several devices under this. Look for Interl(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) or your Bluetooth brand name. Right-click it, and select Properties.

Bluetooth properties

  1. In the Properties window, go to the Advanced tab. Here, you will see a Firmware Version entry with something like LMP followed by a number, the number will correspond to the version of Bluetooth that you’re running.

Bluetooth version

The LMP versions Table:

LMP 9.x – Bluetooth 5.0
LMP 8.x – Bluetooth 4.2
LMP 7.x – Bluetooth 4.1
LMP 6.x – Bluetooth 4.0
LMP 5.x – Bluetooth 3.0 + HS
LMP 4.x – Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
LMP 3.x – Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
LMP 2.x – Bluetooth 1.2
LMP 1.x – Bluetooth 1.1
LMP 0.x – Bluetooth 1.0b

For instance, Bluetooth adapter’s LMP version 6.x indicates that your Bluetooth version is 4.0


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