
妖狐艹你老母 2022-01-08 00:21 344阅读 0赞






  1. #tensor.get_shape() 获取tensor的shape,就是维度这些
  2. #tensor.get_shape().as_list(),把shape转换成列表形式
  3. # 上面这两个函数不常直接用,在理解TensorFlow的用法等有帮助,就先列在这里了
  4. #
  5. a = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=tf.float32, name='a')
  6. with tf.Session() as sess:
  7. print(a.eval())
  8. print("shape: ", a.get_shape(), ",type: ", type(a.get_shape()))
  9. print("shape: ", a.get_shape().as_list(), ",type: ", type(a.get_shape().as_list()))
  10. '''
  11. 输出如下
  12. [[1. 2. 3.]
  13. [4. 5. 6.]]
  14. shape: (2, 3) ,type: <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.tensor_shape.TensorShape'>
  15. shape: [2, 3] ,type: <class 'list'>
  16. '''


  1. #tf.argmax
  2. #tf.argmax(input, dimension, name=None) returns the index with the largest value across dimensions of a tensor.
  3. # 上面注释是英文的,翻译下就是,tf.argmax()这个函数输入的张量中,沿着指定维度中最大的一个值的索引,可以这样理解,0就是行,1就是列,3等更大的就是沿着更好维度算,下面的例子理解下。
  4. # 注意,返回的是索引号
  5. a = tf.constant([[1, 6, 5], [2, 3, 4]])
  6. with tf.Session() as sess:
  7. print(a.eval())
  8. print("argmax over axis 0")
  9. print(tf.argmax(a, 0).eval())
  10. print("argmax over axis 1")
  11. print(tf.argmax(a, 1).eval())
  12. '''
  13. [[1 6 5]
  14. [2 3 4]]
  15. argmax over axis 0
  16. [1 0 0]
  17. argmax over axis 1
  18. [1 2]
  19. '''


  1. #tf.reduce_sum
  2. #tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a tensor. Unless keep_dims is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each entry in reduction_indices. If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are retained with length 1. If reduction_indices has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a tensor with a single element is returned
  3. # 大概翻译下,就是求和,计算张量的各维度上的元素的和。还有两个参数, keep_dims和reduction_indices,下面代码执行并理解下
  4. a = tf.constant([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]])
  5. with tf.Session() as sess:
  6. print(a.eval())
  7. print("reduce_sum over entire matrix")
  8. print(tf.reduce_sum(a).eval())
  9. print("reduce_sum over axis 0")
  10. print(tf.reduce_sum(a, 0).eval())
  11. print("reduce_sum over axis 0 + keep dimensions")
  12. print(tf.reduce_sum(a, 0, keep_dims=True).eval())
  13. print("reduce_sum over axis 1")
  14. print(tf.reduce_sum(a, 1).eval())
  15. print("reduce_sum over axis 1 + keep dimensions")
  16. print(tf.reduce_sum(a, 1, keep_dims=True).eval())
  17. '''
  18. 输出:
  19. [[1 1 1]
  20. [2 2 2]]
  21. reduce_sum over entire matrix
  22. 9
  23. reduce_sum over axis 0
  24. [3 3 3]
  25. reduce_sum over axis 0 + keep dimensions
  26. [[3 3 3]]
  27. reduce_sum over axis 1
  28. [3 6]
  29. reduce_sum over axis 1 + keep dimensions
  30. [[3]
  31. [6]]
  32. '''


  1. '''
  2. tf.get_variable,是用来获取或者创建一个变量的函数,它需要用一个初始化函数,根据给的shape初始化相同shape的tensor。初始化函数有很多种,前面一篇中也有介绍过,各种随机初始化,常数初始化等,
  3. # 看下面例子
  4. tf.get_variable(name, shape=None, dtype=None, initializer=None, trainable=True) is used to get or create a variable instead of a direct call to tf.Variable. It uses an initializer instead of passing the value directly, as in tf.Variable. An initializer is a function that takes the shape and provides a tensor with that shape. Here are some initializers available in TensorFlow:
  5. •tf.constant_initializer(value) initializes everything to the provided value,
  6. •tf.random_uniform_initializer(a, b) initializes uniformly from [a, b],
  7. •tf.random_normal_initializer(mean, stddev) initializes from the normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation.
  8. '''
  9. my_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0, stddev=0.1)
  10. v = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  11. with tf.Session() as sess:
  12. tf.initialize_all_variables().run()
  13. print(v.eval())
  14. """
  15. [[ 0.14729649 -0.07507571 -0.00038549]
  16. [-0.02985961 -0.01537443 0.14321376]]
  17. """


  1. my_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0, stddev=0.1)
  2. v = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  3. # tf.variable_scope 这个函数是管理变量的命名空间的,这个也是方便tensorboard中能可视化,使模型逻辑流程等更容易理解等
  4. # tf.variable_scope(scope_name) manages namespaces for names passed to tf.get_variable.
  5. with tf.variable_scope('layer1'):
  6. w = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  7. print(w.name)
  8. with tf.variable_scope('layer2'):
  9. w = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  10. print(w.name)
  11. '''
  12. layer1/v:0
  13. layer2/v:0
  14. '''


  1. '''
  2. reuse_variables
  3. 上面的代码只能运行一次,就是因为这个reuse_variables,
  4. 用这个scope.reuse_variables()来获取(重用)之前创建的变量,而不是再创建一个新的
  5. Note that you should run the cell above only once. If you run the code above more than once, an error message will be printed out: "ValueError: Variable layer1/v already exists, disallowed.". This is because we used tf.get_variable above, and this function doesn't allow creating variables with the existing names. We can solve this problem by using scope.reuse_variables() to get preivously created variables instead of creating new ones.
  6. '''
  7. my_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0, stddev=0.1)
  8. v = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  9. with tf.variable_scope('layer1'):
  10. w = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  11. # print(w.name)
  12. with tf.variable_scope('layer2'):
  13. w = tf.get_variable('v', shape=[2, 3], initializer=my_initializer)
  14. # print(w.name)
  15. with tf.variable_scope('layer1', reuse=True):
  16. w = tf.get_variable('v') # Unlike above, we don't need to specify shape and initializer
  17. print(w.name)
  18. # or
  19. with tf.variable_scope('layer1') as scope:
  20. scope.reuse_variables()
  21. w = tf.get_variable('v')
  22. print(w.name)







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