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Linux 文件基本属性
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Nginx 安装配置
MySQL 安装配置
Linux 教程
Linux 简介
Linux 安装
Linux 云服务器
Linux 系统启动过程
Linux 系统目录结构
Linux 忘记密码解决方法
Linux 远程登录
Linux 文件基本属性
Linux 文件与目录管理
Linux 用户和用户组管理
Linux 磁盘管理
Linux vi/vim
linux yum 命令
Linux 命令大全
Nginx 安装配置
MySQL 安装配置
# MySQL 安装配置 MySQL 是最流行的关系型数据库管理系统,由瑞典MySQL AB公司开发,目前属于Oracle公司。 MySQL所使用的SQL语言是用于访问数据库的最常用标准化语言。 MySQL由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,一般中小型网站的开发都选择MySQL作为网站数据库。 ------ ## MySQL 安装 本教程的系统平台:CentOS release 6.6 (Final) 64位。 ### 一、安装编译工具及库文件 ```shell yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf libtool-ltdl-devel gd-devel freetype-devel libxml2-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel curl-devel bison patch unzip libmcrypt-devel libmhash-devel ncurses-devel sudo bzip2 flex libaio-devel ``` ### 二、 安装cmake 编译器 cmake 版本:cmake-3.1.1。 1、下载地址:`http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.1/cmake-3.1.1.tar.gz` ```shell $ wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.1/cmake-3.1.1.tar.gz ``` ![](/images/1590417580710.png) ```shell $ tar zxvf cmake-3.1.1.tar.gz ``` 3、进入安装包目录 ```shell $ cd cmake-3.1.1 ``` 4、编译安装 ```shell $ ./bootstrap $ make && make install ``` ------ ### 三、安装 MySQL MySQL版本:mysql-5.6.15。 1、下载地址: `http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.15.tar.gz` ```shell $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.15.tar.gz ``` ![](/images/1590417567371.png) ```shell $ tar zxvf mysql-5.6.15.tar.gz ``` 3、进入安装包目录 ```shell $ cd mysql-5.6.15 ``` 4、编译安装 ```shell $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/webserver/mysql/ -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/tmp/mysql.sock -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=all -DWITH_MYISAM_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_MEMORY_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 -DWITH_READLINE=1 -DWITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED=1 -DWITH_DEBUG=OFF -DWITH_ZLIB=bundled -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1 -DENABLED_PROFILING=ON -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=OFF -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/usr/local/webserver/mysql/data -DMYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 $ make && make install ``` 5、查看mysql版本: ``` $ /usr/local/webserver/mysql/bin/mysql --version ``` ![](/images/1590417552052.png) ------ ## MySQL 配置 1、创建mysql运行使用的用户mysql: ```shell $ /usr/sbin/groupadd mysql $ /usr/sbin/useradd -g mysql mysql ``` 2、创建binlog和库的存储路径并赋予mysql用户权限 ```shell $ mkdir -p /usr/local/webserver/mysql/binlog /www/data_mysql $ chown mysql.mysql /usr/local/webserver/mysql/binlog/ /www/data_mysql/ ``` 3、创建my.cnf配置文件 将/etc/my.cnf替换为下面内容 ```ini $ cat /etc/my.cnf [client] port = 3306 socket = /tmp/mysql.sock [mysqld] replicate-ignore-db = mysql replicate-ignore-db = test replicate-ignore-db = information_schema user = mysql port = 3306 socket = /tmp/mysql.sock basedir = /usr/local/webserver/mysql datadir = /www/data_mysql log-error = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/mysql_error.log pid-file = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/mysql.pid open_files_limit = 65535 back_log = 600 max_connections = 5000 max_connect_errors = 1000 table_open_cache = 1024 external-locking = FALSE max_allowed_packet = 32M sort_buffer_size = 1M join_buffer_size = 1M thread_cache_size = 600 #thread_concurrency = 8 query_cache_size = 128M query_cache_limit = 2M query_cache_min_res_unit = 2k default-storage-engine = MyISAM default-tmp-storage-engine=MYISAM thread_stack = 192K transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED tmp_table_size = 128M max_heap_table_size = 128M log-slave-updates log-bin = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/binlog/binlog binlog-do-db=oa_fb binlog-ignore-db=mysql binlog_cache_size = 4M binlog_format = MIXED max_binlog_cache_size = 8M max_binlog_size = 1G relay-log-index = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/relaylog/relaylog relay-log-info-file = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/relaylog/relaylog relay-log = /usr/local/webserver/mysql/relaylog/relaylog expire_logs_days = 10 key_buffer_size = 256M read_buffer_size = 1M read_rnd_buffer_size = 16M bulk_insert_buffer_size = 64M myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G myisam_repair_threads = 1 myisam_recover interactive_timeout = 120 wait_timeout = 120 skip-name-resolve #master-connect-retry = 10 slave-skip-errors = 1032,1062,126,1114,1146,1048,1396 #master-host = #master-user = username #master-password = password #master-port = 3306 server-id = 1 loose-innodb-trx=0 loose-innodb-locks=0 loose-innodb-lock-waits=0 loose-innodb-cmp=0 loose-innodb-cmp-per-index=0 loose-innodb-cmp-per-index-reset=0 loose-innodb-cmp-reset=0 loose-innodb-cmpmem=0 loose-innodb-cmpmem-reset=0 loose-innodb-buffer-page=0 loose-innodb-buffer-page-lru=0 loose-innodb-buffer-pool-stats=0 loose-innodb-metrics=0 loose-innodb-ft-default-stopword=0 loose-innodb-ft-inserted=0 loose-innodb-ft-deleted=0 loose-innodb-ft-being-deleted=0 loose-innodb-ft-config=0 loose-innodb-ft-index-cache=0 loose-innodb-ft-index-table=0 loose-innodb-sys-tables=0 loose-innodb-sys-tablestats=0 loose-innodb-sys-indexes=0 loose-innodb-sys-columns=0 loose-innodb-sys-fields=0 loose-innodb-sys-foreign=0 loose-innodb-sys-foreign-cols=0 slow_query_log_file=/usr/local/webserver/mysql/mysql_slow.log long_query_time = 1 [mysqldump] quick max_allowed_packet = 32M ``` 4、初始化数据库 ```shell $/usr/local/webserver/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=mysql ``` 显示如下信息: ```shell Installing MySQL system tables...2015-01-26 20:18:51 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details). OK Filling help tables...2015-01-26 20:18:57 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details). OK ... ``` 5、创建开机启动脚本 ```shell $ cd /usr/local/webserver/mysql/ $ cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld $ chkconfig --add mysqld $ chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on ``` 6、启动mysql服务器 ```shell $ service mysqld start ``` ![](/images/1590417534578.png) ```shell $ /usr/local/webserver/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p ``` ![](/images/1590417515822.png) ```shell mysqladmin -u用户名 -p旧密码 password 新密码 ``` 或进入mysql命令行 ```shell SET PASSWORD FOR '用户名'@'主机' = PASSWORD(‘密码'); ``` 创建新用户并授权: ```shell grant all privileges on *.* to 用户名@'%' identified by '密码' with grant option; ``` ### 其他命令 - 启动:service mysqld start - 停止:service mysqld stop - 重启:service mysqld restart - 重载配置:service mysqld reload