AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'function'

原创 约定不等于承诺〃 2025-02-26 12:54 31阅读 0赞

The error message AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'function' is indicating that you are trying to access a function within a module, but the module does not have such a function.

Here’s a common example:

  1. # Assuming we have a module named 'math'
  2. from math import sqrt
  3. # Now we try to call a function that doesn't exist in 'math' module
  4. print(sqrt('3')) # Raises an AttributeError here

In the code above, sqrt is not a function within the math module. Hence, when trying to access it with math.sqrt('3'), Python raises an AttributeError.



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