
原创 àì夳堔傛蜴生んèń 2025-01-02 09:30 54阅读 0赞


  1. 未捕获的异常

    1. def divide(a, b):
    2. return a / b
    3. try:
    4. result = divide(10, 0)
    5. except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    6. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    7. # 在这里,你可以选择忽略错误或者提供一个备选方案
    8. result = "Warning! Division by zero is not allowed."
    9. print(result)
  2. 没有正确处理特定异常

    1. def read_file(file_path):
    2. try:
    3. with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
    4. content =
    5. return content
    6. except FileNotFoundError:
    7. print(f"{file_path}} not found.")
    8. # 在这里,你可以选择直接抛出异常或者提供备选方案
    9. return "File not found!"
    10. except Exception as e:
    11. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    12. # 处理通用异常,例如所有非FileNotFoundError的异常
    13. return "Internal server error!"
    14. content = read_file("non_existent_file.txt")
    15. print(content)
  3. 过度捕获

    1. def divide(a, b):
    2. if not isinstance(b, (int, float))):
    3. raise ValueError("Second argument must be a number.")
    4. return a / b
    5. try:
    6. result = divide(10, "hello"))
    7. except Exception as e:
    8. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    9. # 这里可能会导致过度捕获
    10. result = "Invalid input. Number required."
    11. print(result)
  4. 使用finally块来清理资源

    1. def open_file(file_path):
    2. try:
    3. with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
    4. content =
    5. return content
    6. except FileNotFoundError:
    7. print(f"{file_path}} not found.")
    8. # 使用finally块确保文件被正确关闭
    9. finally:
    10. if "file_path" in locals():
    11. os.remove(file_path) # 如果文件是本地的,删除它
    12. return "File not found!"
    13. except Exception as e:
    14. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    15. return "Internal server error!"
    16. content = open_file("non_existent_file.txt")
    17. print(content)
  5. 使用with语句处理资源

    1. def read_and_write_file(file_path):
    2. try:
    3. with open(file_path, 'r') as f_read:
    4. content =
    5. with open(file_path, 'w') as f_write:
    6. f_write.write(content.upper())
    7. return "Content updated."
    8. except FileNotFoundError:
    9. print(f"{file_path}} not found.")
    10. return "File not found!"
    11. except Exception as e:
    12. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    13. return "Internal server error!"
    14. content = read_and_write_file("test_file.txt")
    15. print(content)
  6. 避免在except块中再次抛出异常

    1. def divide(a, b):
    2. if not isinstance(b, (int, float))):
    3. raise ValueError("Second argument must be a number.")
    4. return a / b
    5. try:
    6. result = divide(10, "hello"))
    7. except ValueError as ve:
    8. print(f"Error: {ve}, Handling it...")
    9. # 这里避免了再次抛出异常
    10. result = "Invalid input. Number required."
    11. except Exception as e:
    12. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    13. return "Internal server error!"
    14. print(result)
  7. 使用断言(assert)来检查预期的条件

    1. def divide(a, b):
    2. assert isinstance(b, (int, float))), "Second argument must be a number."
    3. return a / b
    4. try:
    5. result = divide(10, "hello"))
    6. except AssertionError as ae:
    7. print(f"Error: {ae}, Handling it...")
    8. # 在这里,你可以选择忽略错误或者提供一个备选方案
    9. result = "Invalid input. Number required."
    10. except Exception as e:
    11. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    12. return "Internal server error!"
    13. print(result)
  8. 在异常处理中使用更具体的异常类型

    1. def divide(a, b):
    2. try:
    3. result = a / b
    4. if isinstance(result, float) and result.is_integer():
    5. result = int(result)
    6. return result
    7. except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    8. print(f"Error: {zde}, Handling it...")
    9. # 在这里,你可以选择忽略错误或者提供一个备选方案
    10. return "Cannot divide by zero!"
    11. except Exception as e:
    12. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    13. return "An unexpected error occurred!"
    14. result = divide(10, 0))
    15. print(result)
  9. 使用try-except-finally块来组织代码,无论是否发生异常

    1. def read_and_write_file(file_path):
    2. try:
    3. with open(file_path, 'r') as f_read:
    4. content =
    5. if content:
    6. with open(file_path, 'w') as f_write:
    7. f_write.write(content.upper())
    8. return "Content updated."
    9. else:
    10. return "File is empty or does not exist."
    11. except FileNotFoundError:
    12. print(f"{file_path}} not found.")
    13. return "File not found!"
    14. except Exception as e:
    15. print(f"Error: {e}, Handling it...")
    16. return "An unexpected error occurred!"
    17. content = read_and_write_file("test_file.txt")
    18. print(content)
  10. 编写单元测试来确保异常处理代码的正确性


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