相关 git pull报错:There is no tracking information for the current branch
[git pull报错:There is no tracking information for the current branch][git pull_There i...
相关 git push报错:The current branch master has no upstream branch
> 简介: git push报错:The current branch master has no upstream branch 问题 进行`git push`操作时
相关 多种方法解决There is no tracking information for the current branch的错误
文章目录 1. 复现错误 2. 分析错误 3. 解决错误 3.1 远程有分支 3.2 远程无分支 4. 总结 1.
相关 git push报错 fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch. To push the current
因为只是git push没有指明哪个仓库。所以就报错了。指定仓库之后就成功了! 如图: ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5na
相关 The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in config
在本地工程目录找到config文件 比如工程文件位于../workspace/android/helloworld 到该目录下,进入.git文件夹,会看到一个conf
相关 The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in config
1、打开文件: ![这里写图片描述][SouthEast] 2、修改内容 ![这里写图片描述][SouthEast 1] [core] repo
相关 (git问题)解决The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key remote.origin
1.在本地工程目录找到config文件 一般会在你的仓库目录里面可以找到,也可以直接在IDE里面打开, window---preference--team---git-
相关 Git: There is no tracking information for the current branch.
在执行`git pull`的时候,提示当前branch没有跟踪信息: git pull There is no tracking information fo
相关 git报错There is no tracking information for the current branch
今天在github新建git仓库,并且push的时候,报了这个错 ![watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aH
相关 Git之提示There is no tracking information for the current branch.
1 问题 我项目比如是0.2分支,我需要修改项目的git地址,然后再pull新的代码 1)修改github地址(读者可以忽略) 1.git remote 查看