- 将doc文档的标题属性修改为文件名,以使生成的网页文件显示的标题为文件名;
- 对图片大小进行统一按比例缩放,防止图片过大影响展示;
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib “kernel32” () As Long
Private num_file As Integer
Private FileType_htm As String
Private FileType_doc As String
Private path_src_start As String ‘记录源路径
Private path_des_start As String ‘记录目标路径
Private LogFile As String ‘日志文件路径Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
path_src_start = "D:\word" '保存.doc文件的目录
path_des_start = path_src_start '保存需要生成.htm文件的目录
End Sub
Sub start()
num_file = 0
FileType_htm = ".htm"
FileType_doc = ".doc"
Dim time_start, time_end, second_spend, minute_spend, minute_tail As Long
MsgBox ("需要处理的目录路径:" & path_src_start & vbCrLf _
& "保存处理结果的目录路径:" & path_des_start) 'vbCrLf为回车换行
time_start = GetTickCount()
LogFile = Chr(34) & path_des_start & "\转换记录.txt" & Chr(34) 'chr(34)为",echo >>时,若文件路径中存在空格,需要用""包含
Open path_des_start & "\转换记录.txt" For Output As #1
search path_src_start, path_des_start
time_end = GetTickCount()
writeLog ("处理文件数量:" & num_file)
time_spend = time_end - time_start
second_spend = time_spend \ 1000
minute_spend = second_spend \ 60
minute_tail = second_spend - minute_spend * 60
output = "处理用时:" & minute_spend & "分" & minute_tail & "秒"
writeLog (output)
Close #1
MsgBox ("处理完毕" & vbCrLf _
& "处理文件数量:" & num_file & vbCrLf _
& output)
End Sub
Sub search(path_src, path_des)Dim fs, fold, fls, fl
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fold = fs.getfolder(path_src)
If fold.Files.Count <> 0 Then
Set fls = fold.Files
For Each fl In fls
judge = InStrRev(fl.Name, FileType_doc)
If judge <> 0 And judge + Len(FileType_doc) - 1 = Len(fl.Name) Then
operDocFile path_src, fl.Name, path_src
End If
End If
If fold.SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then
Set fls = fold.SubFolders
For Each fl In fls
search path_src & "\" & fl.Name, path_des & "\" & fl.Name
End If
End Sub
Sub operDocFile(path_src, FileName, path_des)filePath_doc = path_src & "\" & FileName
FileName_Only = Left(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, ".") - 1) '去掉后缀的文件名,开头没有'\'
filePath_htm = path_des & "\" & FileName_Only & FileType_htm '对应.htm文件的路径
If Dir(filePath_htm) = "" Then
writeLog ("--开始处理文件:" & filePath_doc)
Documents.Open (filePath_doc) '打开答案.mht文件
modifyTitle (FileName_Only) '修改.doc文档的标题属性为文件名
operPics '修改图片大小
saveDoc2Htm (filePath_htm) '保存为.htm文件
ActiveDocument.Close '关闭打开的文件
writeLog ("--处理文件成功:" & filePath_htm)
num_file = num_file + 1 '已处理文件数加1
End If
End Sub
Sub saveDoc2Htm(destPath)'另存为.htm文件
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=destPath, FileFormat:= _
wdFormatFilteredHTML, LockComments:=False, Password:="", AddToRecentFiles:= _
False, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, EmbedTrueTypeFonts:= _
False, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, _
End Sub
Sub modifyTitle(title)ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title") = title '修改.doc文档标题属性
ActiveDocument.Save '保存
End Sub
Sub operPics()Selection.WholeStory '全选
pic_num = Selection.InlineShapes.Count '获得图片个数
For i = 1 To pic_num
operPicSize i
Next i
End Sub
Sub operPicSize(currentPic)fixed_width = 800 '设置固定宽度
fixed_width_min = 500 '设置固定宽度的最小值
minus_width = 50 '设置每次减少的宽度
pic_width_raw = (Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Width * 100) / Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).ScaleWidth
writeLog ("图片显示比例:" & Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).ScaleWidth & " 图片显示宽度:" & Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Width & " 图片原始宽度:" & pic_width_raw)
If Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).ScaleWidth < 100# Then
try = 0
fixed_width_current = fixed_width - minus_width * try
If fixed_width_current < fixed_width_min Then
Exit Do
End If
try = try + 1
If fixed_width_current < pic_width_raw Then
height_new = (fixed_width_current / Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Width) * Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Height
Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Width = fixed_width_current
Selection.InlineShapes(currentPic).Height = height_new
writeLog ("修改后图片显示宽度:" & fixed_width_current)
Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub writeLog(data)Print #1, data
End Sub