
水深无声 2023-06-06 12:02 103阅读 0赞







  1. mkdir build && cd build
  2. cmake ..
  3. make





  1. g++ -g hello.cpp -o hello


  1. add_definitions("-Wall -g")



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "General_buf_read.h"
  3. #include "General_buf_write.h"
  4. #include "Person.pb.h"
  5. namespace PersonProto {
  6. class Person;
  7. };
  8. namespace GeneralBuf {
  9. template <typename T>
  10. class GeneralProtoWriter;
  11. typedef GeneralProtoWriter<PersonProto::Person> PersonProtoWriter;
  12. template <typename T>
  13. class GeneralProtoReader;
  14. typedef GeneralProtoReader<PersonProto::Person> PersonProtoReader;
  15. };
  16. int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
  17. {
  18. GeneralBuf::PersonProtoWriter writer;
  19. std::string filename = "Person_test.proto";
  20. int64_t version = 20191001;
  21. writer.startWriter(filename, version);
  22. PersonProto::Person *person1 = new PersonProto::Person();
  23. person1->set_id(100000);
  24. person1->set_name("zhangsan");
  25. person1->set_age(20);
  26. person1->add_email("123456@qq.com");
  27. person1->add_email("234567@qq.com");
  28. PersonProto::PhoneNumber *phone1 = person1->add_phone();
  29. PersonProto::PhoneNumber *phone2 = person1->add_phone();
  30. phone1->set_number("987654");
  31. phone1->set_type(PersonProto::PhoneType::MOBILE);
  32. phone2->set_number("876543");
  33. phone2->set_type(PersonProto::PhoneType::HOME);
  34. PersonProto::Address *addr = person1->mutable_address();
  35. addr->set_country("china");
  36. addr->set_detail("beijing");
  37. writer.write(person1);
  38. writer.stopWriter();
  39. GeneralBuf::PersonProtoReader reader;
  40. reader.startReader(filename);
  41. std::cout << "version : " << reader.getVersion() << "\n";
  42. std::cout << "cnt : " << reader.getFrameCount() << "\n";
  43. reader.setFrameIndex(0);
  44. PersonProto::Person *person = new PersonProto::Person();
  45. reader.read(person);
  46. person->PrintDebugString();
  47. return 0;
  48. }



  1. yngzmiao@yngzmiao-virtual-machine:~/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/build$ gdb example_person <--------启动GDB
  2. GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
  3. Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  4. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
  5. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
  6. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
  7. and "show warranty" for details.
  8. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
  9. Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
  10. For bug reporting instructions, please see:
  11. <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>.
  12. Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
  13. <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>.
  14. For help, type "help".
  15. Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
  16. Reading symbols from example_person...done.
  17. (gdb) l <---------------list,查看源码
  18. 6 namespace PersonProto {
  19. 7 class Person;
  20. 8 };
  21. 9
  22. 10 namespace GeneralBuf {
  23. 11 template <typename T>
  24. 12 class GeneralProtoWriter;
  25. 13 typedef GeneralProtoWriter<PersonProto::Person> PersonProtoWriter;
  26. 14 template <typename T>
  27. 15 class GeneralProtoReader;
  28. (gdb) <---------------直接回车,重复上一条命令
  29. 16 typedef GeneralProtoReader<PersonProto::Person> PersonProtoReader;
  30. 17 };
  31. 18
  32. 19 int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
  33. 20 {
  34. 21 GeneralBuf::PersonProtoWriter writer;
  35. 22 std::string filename = "Person_test.proto";
  36. 23 int64_t version = 20191001;
  37. 24 writer.startWriter(filename, version);
  38. 25
  39. (gdb) <---------------直接回车,重复上一条命令
  40. 26 PersonProto::Person *person1 = new PersonProto::Person();
  41. 27 person1->set_id(100000);
  42. 28 person1->set_name("zhangsan");
  43. 29 person1->set_age(20);
  44. 30
  45. 31 person1->add_email("123456@qq.com");
  46. 32 person1->add_email("234567@qq.com");
  47. 33 PersonProto::PhoneNumber *phone1 = person1->add_phone();
  48. 34 PersonProto::PhoneNumber *phone2 = person1->add_phone();
  49. 35 phone1->set_number("987654");
  50. (gdb) <---------------直接回车,重复上一条命令
  51. 36 phone1->set_type(PersonProto::PhoneType::MOBILE);
  52. 37 phone2->set_number("876543");
  53. 38 phone2->set_type(PersonProto::PhoneType::HOME);
  54. 39
  55. 40 PersonProto::Address *addr = person1->mutable_address();
  56. 41 addr->set_country("china");
  57. 42 addr->set_detail("beijing");
  58. 43
  59. 44 writer.write(person1);
  60. 45 writer.stopWriter();
  61. (gdb) <---------------直接回车,重复上一条命令
  62. 46
  63. 47 GeneralBuf::PersonProtoReader reader;
  64. 48 reader.startReader(filename);
  65. 49
  66. 50 std::cout << "version : " << reader.getVersion() << "\n";
  67. 51 std::cout << "cnt : " << reader.getFrameCount() << "\n";
  68. 52 reader.setFrameIndex(0);
  69. 53 PersonProto::Person *person = new PersonProto::Person();
  70. 54 reader.read(person);
  71. 55 person->PrintDebugString();
  72. (gdb) <---------------直接回车,重复上一条命令
  73. 56
  74. 57 return 0;
  75. 58 }
  76. (gdb) b 44 <---------------break,设置断点
  77. Breakpoint 1 at 0x40dd2d: file /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp, line 44.
  78. (gdb) b 55 <---------------break,设置断点
  79. Breakpoint 2 at 0x40de34: file /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp, line 55.
  80. (gdb) i b <---------------info break,查看断点信息
  81. Num Type Disp Enb Address What
  82. 1 breakpoint keep y 0x000000000040dd2d in main(int, char const**) at /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp:44
  83. 2 breakpoint keep y 0x000000000040de34 in main(int, char const**) at /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp:55
  84. (gdb) r <---------------run,运行程序,在断点处停止
  85. Starting program: /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/build/example_person
  86. [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
  87. Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
  88. Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdc88) at /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp:44
  89. 44 writer.write(person1);
  90. (gdb) p person1 <---------------print,打印
  91. $1 = (PersonProto::Person *) 0x6375d0
  92. (gdb) p *person1 <---------------print,打印
  93. $2 = {<google::protobuf::Message> = {<No data fields>}, static kIdFieldNumber = 1, static kNameFieldNumber = 2, static kAgeFieldNumber = 3, static kEmailFieldNumber = 4, static kPhoneFieldNumber = 5,
  94. static kAddressFieldNumber = 6, _unknown_fields_ = {fields_ = 0x0}, _has_bits_ = {39}, _cached_size_ = 0, name_ = 0x636fd0, id_ = 100000, age_ = 20,
  95. email_ = {<google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase> = {static kInitialSize = 0, elements_ = 0x636830, current_size_ = 2, allocated_size_ = 2, total_size_ = 4}, <No data fields>},
  96. phone_ = {<google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase> = {static kInitialSize = 0, elements_ = 0x634180, current_size_ = 2, allocated_size_ = 2, total_size_ = 4}, <No data fields>},
  97. address_ = 0x631f60, static default_instance_ = 0x6324c0}
  98. (gdb) p *(PersonProto::Person *) 0x6375d0 <---------------print,打印
  99. $3 = {<google::protobuf::Message> = {<No data fields>}, static kIdFieldNumber = 1, static kNameFieldNumber = 2, static kAgeFieldNumber = 3, static kEmailFieldNumber = 4, static kPhoneFieldNumber = 5,
  100. static kAddressFieldNumber = 6, _unknown_fields_ = {fields_ = 0x0}, _has_bits_ = {39}, _cached_size_ = 0, name_ = 0x636fd0, id_ = 100000, age_ = 20,
  101. email_ = {<google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase> = {static kInitialSize = 0, elements_ = 0x636830, current_size_ = 2, allocated_size_ = 2, total_size_ = 4}, <No data fields>},
  102. phone_ = {<google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase> = {static kInitialSize = 0, elements_ = 0x634180, current_size_ = 2, allocated_size_ = 2, total_size_ = 4}, <No data fields>},
  103. address_ = 0x631f60, static default_instance_ = 0x6324c0}
  104. (gdb) p person1-> <---------------tab tab,两次tab,代码补全功能
  105. ByteSize SharedCtor clear_email has_address mutable_name set_email
  106. Clear SharedDtor clear_has_address has_age mutable_phone set_has_address
  107. CopyFrom Swap clear_has_age has_id mutable_unknown_fields set_has_age
  108. GetCachedSize _cached_size_ clear_has_id has_name name set_has_id
  109. GetMetadata _has_bits_ clear_has_name id name_ set_has_name
  110. InitAsDefaultInstance _unknown_fields_ clear_id id_ operator= set_id
  111. IsInitialized add_email clear_name kAddressFieldNumber phone set_name
  112. MergeFrom add_phone clear_phone kAgeFieldNumber phone_ unknown_fields
  113. MergePartialFromCodedStream address default_instance kEmailFieldNumber phone_size ~Person
  114. New address_ default_instance_ kIdFieldNumber release_address
  115. Person age descriptor kNameFieldNumber release_name
  116. SerializeWithCachedSizes age_ email kPhoneFieldNumber set_age
  117. SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray clear_address email_ mutable_address set_allocated_address
  118. SetCachedSize clear_age email_size mutable_email set_allocated_name
  119. (gdb) p person1->ByteSize() <---------------print,打印
  120. $4 = 88
  121. (gdb) n <---------------next,单条语句执行
  122. 45 writer.stopWriter();
  123. (gdb) n <---------------next,单条语句执行
  124. 47 GeneralBuf::PersonProtoReader reader;
  125. (gdb) n <---------------next,单条语句执行
  126. 48 reader.startReader(filename);
  127. (gdb) c <---------------continue,继续运行程序,下一个断点处停止
  128. Continuing.
  129. version : 20191001
  130. cnt : 1
  131. Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdc88) at /home/yngzmiao/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/example_person.cpp:55
  132. 55 person->PrintDebugString();
  133. (gdb) c <---------------continue,继续运行程序,下一个断点处停止
  134. Continuing.
  135. id: 100000
  136. name: "zhangsan"
  137. age: 20
  138. email: "123456@qq.com"
  139. email: "234567@qq.com"
  140. phone {
  141. number: "987654"
  142. type: MOBILE
  143. }
  144. phone {
  145. number: "876543"
  146. type: HOME
  147. }
  148. address {
  149. country: "china"
  150. detail: "beijing"
  151. }
  152. [Inferior 1 (process 3734) exited normally]
  153. (gdb) q <---------------quit,退出GDB
  154. yngzmiao@yngzmiao-virtual-machine:~/github/protobuf-parser-tool/c++/build$



命令 全称 解释
l list 查看源码
b break 设置断点
r run 运行程序,在断点处停止
n next 单条语句执行
c continue 继续运行程序,下一个断点处停止
p print 打印
q quit 退出GDB




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    查看栈信息 ————— 当程序被停住了,你需要做的第一件事就是查看程序是在哪里停住的。当你的程序调用了一个函数,函数的地址,函数参数,函数内的局部变量都会被压入“栈”(S

    相关 GDB调试程序(三)

    四、维护停止点 上面说了如何设置程序的停止点,GDB中的停止点也就是上述的三类。在GDB中,如果你觉得已定义好的停止点没有用了,你可以使用delete、clear、disab