I’ve advocated for web components since before they became a spec, mostly inspired by the Dojo Toolkit’s dijit framework. Empowering first class JavaScript widgets, as opposed to a mess of DIVs and templates, always made the most sense. Now that web components exist, and awesome frameworks like Ionic are based on them, I wanted to discover how to detect a web component, as opposed to a regular HTML element, with JavaScript. As it turns out, it’s much easier than you’d think.
从Web组件成为规范开始,我就一直在提倡它们,主要是受Dojo Toolkit的dijit框架启发。 赋予一流JavaScript小部件(而不是混乱的DIV和模板)总是最有意义的。 既然Web组件已经存在,并且像Ionic这样的强大框架都基于它们,我想发现如何使用JavaScript检测Web组件,而不是常规HTML元素。 事实证明,它比您想象的要容易得多。
Assuming you have a reference to an element, it’s as easy as detecting a dash in the element’s tag:
function isWebComponent(element) {
return element.tagName.includes("-");
The web component spec requires a dash in the HTMLElement
‘s tagName
, so detecting a web component is essentially nailed down to a string comparison.
If you haven’t played with web components, I really hope you find the time. Having lived through decades of “widgets” and over-nesting of arbitrary DIVs and unreadable code, I’ve learned to appreciate these gems!
如果您还没有使用Web组件,那么我真的希望您能找到时间。 经历了数十年的“小部件”,以及对任意DIV和不可读代码的过度嵌套,我学会了欣赏这些宝石!
翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/detect-web-component