
矫情吗;* 2023-01-20 01:57 74阅读 0赞

lslv -m hd5 -finds boot drive under pv1 column

lsps -a -checks available paging space

lsps -s -checks available paging space

lspv -lists information about the physical volumes

lspv hdisk# -list drive info

lspv -l hdisk# -lists logical volume group disk in

lsuser -f ALL -lists all attributes for all users

lsvg -lists volume groups

lsvg -p XXXXXX -lists disks in volume group (xxxxx= volume name) more -reads files and displays the text one screen at a time. mpcfg -df -list all setting the machine is set to (smp)

mpcfg -cf 11 1 -changes to fast IPL on SMP machines (smp)

mv fn (path fn) -move and rename a file

oslevel -shows AIX version (3.2.4 and above)

pg -reads and displays text one screen at a time.

pdisable -makes unavailable or shows all disabled tty’s

pdisable tty# -disables a tty

penable -makes available or shows all enabled tty‘s

penable tty# -enables a tty

ps -el |pg -look at process running on system

pwd -list what DIR you are currently in

r -repeats last command

rm -i ******* -remove a file & will prompt you if you are sure rmdev -l XXXXX -removes a device and defines it to data base rmdev -l XXXXX -d -removes a device and deletes it from data base set -o vi -sets up to veiw cammands that have been run

:wq -write(save) and quit file

Esc + k -used with SET command to list last command

k,l -k=list next command ran, l=steps you thru command

I -use with SET command inserts characters

j -steps you backwards

cw -cw=removes a word,just type in new word

(use with Esc)

a,x,r -a=added text, x=delete text, r=replace text(r+letter) R -lets you type over letters or words

smit ***** -(*****= tape,disk,tty,etc.fastpath)

su -stands for switch user,(NOT super user)

su -switches to root id or prompts you for password

su XXXXXX -switches to XXXXXX’s id

tar -cvf /dev/rmtX /etc -will copy /etc to a tape drive


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    相关 Linux进程状态

    今天一个同事问的一个问题, 跟进程状态D有关系, 需要重启机器才能杀死这个D状态进程, 发现也是跟写的磁盘是NFS挂载的有关系, 在网上搜了下相关的文章, 转载一下:)