
àì夳堔傛蜴生んèń 2023-01-13 12:59 190阅读 0赞

This is a web ui for ytrace, see also ytrace_chrome_extension.


I need to take over some project. To understand the code logic, I have to debug the code(many code is dirty but run:-)). I can use var_dump/die(this is inefficient) or the powerful debug tool XDebug(but traces and remote debugging still not so convenient).

So, I create this tool, make traces combined with step-through debugging. Hope it useful for you.


step through debugging

break point

jump to any executed source code line

step back through your step history





git clone this project

composer install

in project root dir, run php -S localhost:8088

By default, ytrace_gui will detect ytrace.output_dir from ini_get. If need, you can edit index.php, change //define(‘YTRACE_OUTPUT_DIR’, ‘/tmp/ytrace/‘);


Home Page: List all traced files, click on one of the items in the list to open source page.

Clear Traces: delete all traced files.

Refresh: update list.

List field explanation:

Sapi: cli, fpm-fcgi etc

Method: http method in fpm-fcgi

Uri: http request uri in fpm-fcgi

File: file name

Size: file size

Time: created time

Source Page: show detail of traced files.

source code show in left side, traced value show in right side.

only assignment and function call will be traced

++, —, +=, /=, -=, *=, %= etc, shows the values before these operators execute

PHP 7 cannot show internal function parameters name (parameter name cannot be found will be showed as $…)

executed line will be highlight in green, dark green means current execute

click highlighted line number, can jump current execute to it

ctrl+click line number, can set/clear a breakpoint (breakpoint will be highlight in red line number)

execute operation:

step into: same with gdb

step back: execute back through your step history

step over: same with gdb

step out: same with gdb

continue: same with gdb, execute to next breakpoint

reset: reset execute to first entry


ctrl+o: open 10 latest traced file popup list

ctrl+p: open traced source file popup list, only available in source page

ctrl+r: open current source file function/method popup list, only available in source page

ctrl+b: open breakpoints popup list, only available in source page


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