FPGA Altera Quartus中如何保持信号不被综合掉

落日映苍穹つ 2023-01-07 08:58 252阅读 0赞


/* synthesis, <any_company_specific_attribute = value_or_optional_value */

注意,下面这两种写法是等价的(verilog 2001语法),

(*preserve*) reg reg1;

reg reg1 /* synthesis preserve */;

在使用wire的时候,我个人一般使用(*keep*) wire w1; 这样的写法;有时候发现,quartus 并不能完全保证某些reg信号不被综合掉,具体原因我也十分不解。暂且记录一下吧。

下面就是Altera的几个常用的Synthesis attributes,


A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that prevents the Quartus II software from removing a register that does not directly or indirectly feed a top-level output or bidir pin.

For example:

reg reg1 /* synthesis noprune */;

keep (这个主要作用于wire有效)

A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that directs Analysis & Synthesis to not minimize or remove a particular net when optimizing combinational logic.

For example:

wire keep_wire /* synthesis keep */;

preserve (这个主要作用于register)

A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that directs Analysis & Synthesis to not minimize or remove a particular register when eliminating redundant registers or registers with constant drivers.

For example:

reg reg1 /* synthesis preserve */;


A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that specifies initial contents of an inferred memory.

For example:

reg [7:0] mem[0:255] /* synthesis ram_init_file = “ my_init_file.mif” */;


A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that specifies the type of TriMatrix Memory block to use when implementing an inferred RAM.

M512”, “M4K”, “M9K”, “M144K”, “MLAB”, “M-RAM”

For example:

reg [0:7] my_ram[0:63] /* synthesis ramstyle = “M512” */;

translate_off or translate_on

Verilog HDL synthesis directives that direct Analysis & Synthesis to ignore portions of the design code that are specific to simulation and not relevant to logic synthesis.

For example:

parameter tpd = 2; // Generic delays

// synthesis translate_off


// synthesis translate_on


full_case A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that directs Analysis & Synthesis to treat unspecified state values in a Verilog Design File Case Statement as don’t care values, and therefore to treat the Case Statement as “full”.

仅用于Verilog ,与case 语句一起使用表明所有可能的状态都已经给出不需要其他逻辑保持信号的值.

module full_case (a, sel, y); input [3:0] a; input [1:0] sel; output y; reg y; always @(a or sel) case (sel) // synthesis full_case 2’b00: y=”a”[0]; 2’b01: y=”a”[1]; 2’b10: y=”a”[2]; endcase endmodule

parallel_case A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that directs Analysis & Synthesis to implement parallel logic rather than a priority scheme for all case item expressions in a Verilog Design File Case Statement.

仅用于Verilog ,与case 语句一起使用强制生成一个并行的多路选择结构而不是一个优 先译码结构.

module parallel_case (sel, a, b, c); input [2:0] sel; output a, b, c; reg a, b, c; always @(sel) begin {a, b, c} = 3’b0; casez (sel) // synthesis parallel_case 3’b1??: a = 1’b1; 3’b?1?: b = 1’b1; 3’b??1: c = 1’b1; endcase end endmodule

syn_encoding A Verilog HDL synthesis attribute that determines how the Quartus II software should encode the states of an inferred state machine. 强制重新状态机的状态编码方式.有default,one-hot,sequential,gray,johnson,compact,user几种编码方式

(* syn_encoding = “user” *) reg [1:0] state; parameter init = 0, last = 3, next = 1, later = 2;

always @ (state) begin case (state) init: out = 2’b01; next: out = 2’b10; later: out = 2’b11; last: out = 2’b00; endcase end

In the above example, the states will be encoded as follows:

init = “00” last = “11” next = “01”




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