
小鱼儿 2022-12-07 13:19 365阅读 0赞



In this article you will get to know what is python used for or its applications.


Python is an ubiquitous scripting language. Of course many of us might be aware of the magical things we can do with the help of python, that is another story all the way and we will talk about this sometimes later for sure. These days python has found its way to web development, app development, scientific and numeric field, business applications, GUI designing, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and what not.

Python是一种无处不在的脚本语言。 当然,我们中的许多人可能已经意识到在python的帮助下我们可以完成的神奇工作,这是一路走来的故事,我们稍后肯定会谈论这件事。 如今,python已经找到了进入Web开发,应用程序开发,科学和数字领域,业务应用程序,GUI设计,自动化,人工智能,机器学习等领域的方法。

So without investing much of our time let’s dive further and see what python has to offer to the world. We will go step by step further into this and try our best not to miss any point, but unfortunately if we do please let us know in the comment section as there are immense possibilities pertaining to python. Let us quickly start our journey with python and see some of the applications of python.

因此,在不花费大量时间的情况下,让我们进一步潜水,看看python必须为世界提供什么。 我们将一步一步地走这步,并尽最大努力不遗漏任何一点,但是不幸的是,如果这样做,请在注释部分告知我们,因为存在与python相关的巨大可能性。 让我们快速开始使用python的旅程,并查看python的一些应用程序。

What is Python used for

Python的用途是什么? – Python应用程序 (What is Python used for? – Python Applications)

软件开发与测试 (Software Development and Testing)

Though sometimes referred as a supporting language, the python can be used for the development of rigid software as a whole. This might be surprising to some people but true, that in this era, python is being widely used in professional software development at much larger scale. Companies like Google itself are using python programming language in the development and testing of it’s product. A lot of services being provided by google are deployed with the systems written in python and to surprise the YouTube’s homepage is too written in python (isn’t this cool?). Okay let us quickly now see some of the major softwares that we come across in our daily lives which are written in python.

尽管有时有时被称为支持语言,但是python可以整体上用于刚性软件的开发。 对于某些人来说,这可能令人惊讶,但事实是,在这个时代,python被大规模地广泛用于专业软件开发中。 像Google一样的公司本身也在使用python编程语言来开发和测试其产品。 谷歌提供的许多服务都使用python编写的系统进行了部署,令人惊讶的是YouTube的首页也是用python编写的(不是很酷吗?)。 好吧,现在让我们快速浏览一下我们用python编写的日常生活中遇到的一些主要软件。

  • Google: The google is among one of the prominent companies which uses python in its development and design. Python is proven to be efficiently handling the traffic deployed on google and its connected apps and is very well known for computing purposes.

    谷歌:谷歌是在其开发和设计中使用python的著名公司之一。 事实证明,Python能有效处理部署在Google及其连接的应用程序上的流量,并且以计算用途而闻名。

  • YouTube: One of the most beloved apps these days which is very much in trend for leisure times is of course YouTube and to surprise is written in python.


  • Dropbox: Starting from storing documents at first, Dropbox has spread its wings now to store literally everything and the functionality of sharing and synchronising the stuffs saved has made it even more lovable to its audience and all this is powered by python.


  • Instagram: Instagram has become the most trending application for the purpose of sharing pictures and videos for its people. Apart from sharing, several other features are being provided by this application which is all powered by python and make it even more popular.

    Instagram: Instagram已成为最流行的应用程序,目的是为人们共享图片和视频。 除了共享外,此应用程序还提供了其他一些功能,这些功能均由python提供支持,并使其更加流行。

  • Quora: The next big giant after google which is proved good in providing solutions to all the queries posted in a most realistic way is none other than Quora. And all this thing is summed up to an application with the help of python.

    Quora:继Google之后,事实证明,它能以最现实的方式为所有查询提供解决方案,这是Quora的第二大巨头。 借助python,所有这些事情总结为一个应用程序。

Apart from the applications we have discussed above there exist lot more softwares that are powered by python. Some of them to name are Reddit, Spotify, Bitbucket, SurveyMonkey and Pinterest.

除了上面讨论的应用程序外,还有更多由python驱动的软件。 其中包括Reddit,Spotify,Bitbucket,SurveyMonkeyPinterest。

Also Read: Best Way to Learn Python

另请阅读: 学习Python的最佳方法

网络与互联网开发 (Web & Internet Development)

Python is a scripting language used for the development of large scale web apps because of the features provided by it and not by other languages like .NET, PHP, etc. Also python provides several frameworks like Django and Pyramid and micro-frameworks like Flask and Bottle for easing the process of web development. Apart from these, python also come equipped with advanced content management systems such as Plone and Django CMS.

Python是一种脚本语言,由于它提供的功能而不是其他语言(如.NET,PHP等)提供的功能,因此是用于大规模Web应用程序的开发。Python还提供了多个框架(如DjangoPyramid)以及微框架(如Flask和用于简化Web开发过程的瓶子。 除此之外,python还配备了高级内容管理系统,例如Plone和Django CMS。

Talking about the internet, python consists of several libraries beforehand pertaining to different functionalities and features. The standard libraries of python provides support for different internet protocols:

在谈论互联网时,python事先包含几个与不同功能和特性有关的库。 python的标准库提供对不同互联网协议的支持:

  • E-mail processing


  • JSON**HTML & XML**


  • FTP, IMAP, and other Internet protocols support


  • Easy-to-use socket inter**face**

    易于使用的插座间 的脸

Apart from these, python comes with a bunch of other libraries that facilitate its users to perform cool works. We will talk about these other libraries later in this post when required.

除此之外,python还附带了许多其他库,这些库可方便其用户执行出色的工作。 必要时,我们将在本文后面讨论这些其他库。

桌面GUI的开发 (Development of Desktop GUIs)

Python offers a bunch of alternatives for the development of GUI such as PyQt, Tkinter, Kivy, etc. But among these Tkinter is the mostly adopted option by the developers for the development of GUIs. Also, it is seen that python hasn’t gained that much of popularity in the field of GUI development professionally (although it was proven best in a survey done in 2014).

Python为GUI的开发提供了许多替代方法,例如PyQt,Tkinter,Kivy等。但是在这些Tkinter中,开发人员最常采用的选项是GUI的开发。 此外,可以看出python在GUI开发领域还没有获得那么多的普及(尽管在2014年进行的一项调查中证明是最好的)。

It is proven that there are better alternatives than Tkinter and PyQt or we can say python. Let us see what professionals has to offer when it comes to GUI development. It is advised to use .NET and C# while developing GUI for windows, Swift/Objective-C and Cocoa while on Mac and C++/Qt or Java/JavaFX while designing GUI for Linux platform.

事实证明,有比Tkinter和PyQt更好的替代方案,或者我们可以说python。 让我们看看专业人士在GUI开发方面所能提供的。 建议在开发用于Windows的GUI时使用.NET和C#,而在Mac和C ++ / Qt或Java / JavaFX上为Linux平台设计GUI时,请使用.NET和C#。

While using python for the same, the Tkinter library is the most commonly used one for accomplishing the purpose as it is proven as the fastest and easier way to go with the development of the GUI. GUI creation with the help of Tkinter is much easier.

尽管同时使用python来实现Tkinter库,但Tkinter库是实现此目的最常用的库,因为它已被证明是开发GUI的最快,更简便的方法。 在Tkinter的帮助下创建GUI更加容易。

Kivy, which is the most recent among the modules is used for the purpose of writing multi-touch applications.


商业应用和财务 (Business Applications and Finance)

In recent years python has marked remarkable growth in the business, e-commerce, and trading sectors. It is also quite feasible to make ERPs with the help of modules provided by python. We can see nowadays python is primarily being used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of stocks, cryptocurrencies etc. One of the prime application of python by the use of its modules like Numpy, Pandas, scipy, etc is prediction of stock prices and cryptos in business world. Being easier to maintain and comparatively lesser code density and its ability to be easily integrated with other languages and platforms, python is being one of the firsts choices.

近年来,python在商业,电子商务和贸易领域取得了显着增长。 在python提供的模块的帮助下制作ERP也很可行。 如今,我们可以看到python主要用于对股票,加密货币等进行定性和定量分析。通过使用诸如NumpyPandasscipy等模块,python的主要应用之一是预测股票价格和加密货币。商业世界。 python易于维护,并且代码密度相对较低,并且易于与其他语言和平台集成,因此它是首选。

The trading sector is the field which requires a lot of analysis which could be deployed easily using python. The trading experts make winning strategies and forecast the market trend using python and to your knowledge this application is accomplished by using Django framework using python.

贸易领域是需要大量分析的领域,可以使用python轻松进行部署。 交易专家使用python制定制胜策略并预测市场趋势,并且据您所知,此应用程序是通过使用python的Django框架完成的。

Payment gateways can also be deployed via python using Django framework.


科学,数值和自动化 (Scientific, Numeric and Automation)

This is the most prominent and heated applications of python. Python nowadays is playing a vital role in the field of science, automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning and to some extent leaving R behind (based on individual preferences). Python offers a bunch of cool modules and libraries for scientific and numeric calculations, some of them are listed below as:

这是python最杰出和最受热的应用程序。 如今,Python在科学,自动化,人工智能和机器学习领域中发挥着至关重要的作用,并且在某种程度上使R落后(基于个人喜好)。 Python提供了许多很酷的模块和库,用于科学和数值计算,其中一些如下:

Pandas: Used for analysing the dataset (bunch of data).


SciPy: Used for science, engineering and math works.


IPython: Used for easy editing and recording of work sessions.


Python has remarkable work in field of automation, AI and machine learning. These days if we talk about machine learning models or about automating a vehicle or a spaceship, from Tesla to NASA, python is everywhere.

Python在自动化,人工智能和机器学习领域有出色的工作。 如今,如果我们谈论从特斯拉到NASA的机器学习模型或使飞行器或宇宙飞船自动化,Python无处不在。

End Notes:


We have tried to cover the most prominent uses of this scripting languages and haven’t included the most obvious python applications as they are well-known. If there is any suggestion or query, please let us know in the comments below, we will be happy to help.

我们试图涵盖这种脚本语言的最主要用途,并且没有包括最知名的python应用程序。 如果有任何建议或疑问,请在下面的评论中告诉我们,我们将竭诚为您服务。




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