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Here you will get to know about difference between mysql and oracle database.


Both MySQL and Oracle are popular relational database management software developed by Oracle Corporation.


MySQL: Its name is combination of words “My” and “SQL”, where “My” is name of daughter of co-founder Michael Widenius. And SQL full form is Structured Query Language. It is most popular free and Open Source database management system Developed and maintained by Oracle Corporation.

MySQL:它的名称是单词“ My”和“ SQL”的组合,其中“ My”是联合创始人Michael Widenius的女儿的名字。 SQL的完整形式是结构化查询语言。 它是由Oracle Corporation开发和维护的最受欢迎的免费开放源数据库管理系统。

ORACLE: It commonly known as Oracle RDBMS, is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle database commonly used for running Data ware housing (DW), online transaction processing (OLTP) and mixing of these two (DW & OLTP)

ORACLE:它通常称为Oracle RDBMS,是由Oracle Corporation生产和销售的多模型数据库管理系统。 Oracle数据库通常用于运行数据仓库(DW),在线事务处理(OLTP)以及两者的混合(DW和OLTP)

MySQL和Oracle之间的区别 (Difference between MySQL and Oracle)

MySQL Oracle
MySQL is free open source Database. Oracle is a commercial database.
It is light, simple RDBMS, very well for web. Oracle is very powerful than MySQL, allows to write any complex system like in Banking, ERP, Insurance, finance companies.
MySQL doesn’t support distributed databases. Oracle supports distributed databases.
Mysqlhotcopy and mysqldump are backup utilities for MySQL. Oracle has different type of backups like cloud backup, hot backup, export, import data dump. It offers most popular backup utility called Recovery Manager (RMAN)
Temporary tables will be displayed only to particular session. Those tables will be dropped automatically as soon as session ends. But in oracle, tables should be dropped explicitly. Those are visible to all sessions.
MySQL doesn’t support any extra features. Oracle supports several extensions and programs on its database server for instance, Active Data Guard, Audit vault, Partitioning, and Data Mining etc.
MySQL doesn’t have Tablespace, Role management, sanapshots and automatic storage management. On other hand Oracle has all of these features.
MySQL written in C and C++ Oracle written in Assembly Language, C and C++
Some most popular companies which use MySQL database are: YouTube, PayPal, Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, eBay, LinkedIn etc. Some most popular companies which use Oracle databases are: CAIRN India, TVS Motor Company, Vilene, National foods Australia, ENEL etc.
Official website: Official website:­database

MySQL Oracle
MySQL是免费的开源数据库。 Oracle是商业数据库。
它轻巧,简单的RDBMS,非常适合Web。 Oracle比MySQL非常强大,允许编写任何复杂的系统,例如银行,ERP,保险,金融公司。
MySQL不支持分布式数据库。 Oracle支持分布式数据库。
Mysqlhotcopy和mysqldump是MySQL的备份实用程序。 Oracle具有不同类型的备份,例如云备份,热备份,导出,导入数据转储。 它提供了最受欢迎的备份实用程序,称为恢复管理器(RMAN)
临时表将仅显示给特定会话。 会话结束后,这些表将被自动删除。 但是在oracle中,应该显式删除表。 这些对所有会话都可见。
MySQL不支持任何其他功能。 Oracle在其数据库服务器上支持多种扩展和程序,例如Active Data Guard,Audit Vault,分区和Data Mining等。
MySQL没有表空间,角色管理,快照和自动存储管理。 另一方面,Oracle具有所有这些功能。
用C和C ++编写MySQL 用汇编语言,C和C ++编写的Oracle
一些使用MySQL数据库的最受欢迎的公司是:YouTube,PayPal,Google,Facebook,Twitter,GitHub,eBay,LinkedIn等。 一些使用Oracle数据库的最受欢迎的公司是:印度凯恩(CAIRN),TVS汽车公司,Vilene,澳大利亚国家食品,ENEL等。
官方网站: 官方网站:



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    相关 MysqlOracle区别

    1、本质区别 大家最熟悉的,最根本的区别就是mysql是开源免费的,oracle是付费的 2、数据库和表名 mysql中数据库名和表名不区分大小写,oracle中区

    相关 OracleMysql区别

    一、并发性 oracle使用行级锁,对资源锁定的粒度要小很多,只是锁定sql需要的资源,并且加锁是在数据库中的数据行上,不依赖与索引。所以oracle对并发性的支持要好很多

    相关 MySQLOracle区别

    一、宏观上: 1、Oracle是大型的数据库而Mysql是中小型数据库;Mysql是开源的,Oracle是收费的,且价格昂贵。 2、Oracle支持大并发,大访问量,是