- A generic super terminal that can be used CANbus or RS232 communication.
- Because of the high reliability and sound real-time, the technology of CANbus ensures the run of motor in the control system. The sound extensability of CANbus is suitable for motor group network-based control specially.
- In this paper, introduced the fieldbus technology at first, then explain the CANbus work principles.
- This paper describes the application of the CANbus and the J1939 protocol which used in truck and bus communication.
本文阐述了CAN总线通信协议的特点,比较详细的介绍了适用于货车和客车的SAE J1939通信协议。
- Our CANBUS is written by LINUX, allowing open source operators to create their own programming for their cars.
- Application of PLC and CANbus Technology in.
PLC 及 CAN总线技术在发动机故障。
CANbus in the elevator control system, a very good article.
- Finally, the thesis briefly introduces the design of the CANBUS frame structure.
- The development and design of a new intelligent controller with communication for low-voltage circuit breaker based on CANbus were introduced.
- The paper first summarizes present condition about fieldbus and digital joystick both in domestic and international, analyzes the characteristics of CANbus and advantage and disadvantage of adopting acceleration sensor as digital joysticks sensitivity part in princinple. Then, hardware and software design of digital joystick with CANbus interface are expatiated detailedly, the interference source of system is also analyzed, corresponding solution is put forward. In order to calibrate and analyze the performance of digital joystick, corresponding function testing software is developed. The software can calibrate, simulate and analyze the signal of digital joystick.
- Design of automatic zero adjustment of CANbus inclinometer; 2. The author presents the mechanism of automatic zero adjustment and sensitivity correction of mine intelligence methane sensor.
- Through analysis of the actuality and existent questions about low voltage reactive- power compens AT ion controller used traditionally, This paper introduced the working theory of the system based Micro-controller AT 89C52 and canbus, communic AT ion configur AT ion technology of CAN fieldbus and the implement of software and hardware.
在分析传统低压无功补偿控制器现状和存在问题的基础上,提出一种基于单片机 AT 89C52的 CAN 总线实现的低压无功补偿的实施方案。介绍了其工作原理,CAN 总线通讯组态技术,以及系统硬件和软件实施方案。
- Plus, a control line for reversing is not needed to switch to reversing video (the control line from backup light when P_BOX captures backup information of CANBUS, it can automatically switch to reversing video.
- It s discussed that conventional motion control system has drawback, analysed communication characteristic of fieldbus control system, and designed a motion control system based on CANbus.
主要讨论了传统的运动控制系统的局限性,分析了现场总线运动控制系统通信特性,提出了一种基于 CAN总线的多轴运动控制系统方案,最后设计了基于SJA1000的 CAN总线通信的软硬件系统。
- The dissertation revolves the design and the realization of CANbus-Ethernet gateway equipment. Here it concentrates on following some majorparts: 1. The system structure designing of the interconnection 2. Designing and realization of embed-TCP/IP protocol stack 3 The hardcore protocol exchange model designing in this system 4. The interconnection system application software designing andrealization 5. CAN bus-Ethernet gateway software programming, debugging and test.
本文围绕CAN总线到以太网网关设备的设计与实现,开展了以下几个方面的研究和设计:1、CAN总线与以太网互连系统结构的设计 2、嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的设计与实现 3、互连系统核心协议转换模块的设计与实现 4、互连系统应用软件设计与实现 5、CAN总线到以太网网关的软件编程、调试和测试。
- The distributed system structure of Beam Loss Monitoring System for HLS storage ring at NSRL is introduced in this paper. The frontend electronics (including flexible pulse accumulator), CAN BUS interconnection, and software are described in detail.
And real-time task dispatch theory is researched by this paper, and one smallest CANBUS laboratory system is set up to research the delay of CANBUS to find the new method to solve the CANBUS clock synchronization.
研究实时任务调度理论,并以此为基础研究CAN总线的实时性,建立一套最小CAN总线实验系统来研究CAN总线的时延,并提出能够提高CAN总线实时性的时钟同步方法; 5。
- This paper introduced a design method of the automatic frequency and power control of ship power station based on Canbus and DSP.
- Applying CANbus technology in the remake of traditional control system is focal point of fieldbus application in the domestic.
- Automatic detection approach for charge and discharge parameters of storage battery set is presented in this paper based on CANbus structure for practical engineering applications.