相关 fatal: unable to access ‘http://gitlab.example.com/liming/bigscren.git/‘: Could not resolve host: gi
未配置[http://gitlab.example.com][http_gitlab.example.com],改为用ip地址解决 [http_gitlab.example
相关 Git-fatal: unable to access ‘https://gitlab.XX.git/‘: Could not resolve host: gitlab.XX.com.cn
克隆,提交代码 时报错如下: fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab.XX.git/': Could not resolve
相关 Could not resolve host: gitee.com
解决 1. cmd -> 打开命令行 -> 输入: ipconfig -> 找到当前使用的ipv4 (也就是IP地址) 2. ping一下I
相关 git pull时出现unable to access ‘ ‘:Could not resolve host: github.com
unable to access ' ':Could not resolve host: github.com解决方案 转载自:[https://blog.csdn.ne
相关 Unable to resolve dependency for ‘app@externalNativeBuild/compileClasspath‘: Could not resolve :XXX
1. ndk传统方式,,,主工程build.grale文件一改动代码,同步项目,所有的module工程立刻全部报下面这个错,必须rebuild project工程才能正常运行
相关 完美解决 fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/.../.git‘: Could not resolve host: github.com
只需要在命令行中执行 git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset
相关 sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu
sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu > 环境:ubuntu 我用的是ubuntu,修改了计算机的名字,当运行sudo …之后出现如下
相关 sudo时出现unable to resolve host 的解决方法
Ubuntu环境, 假设这台机器名字叫abc(机器的hostname), 每次执行sudo 就出现这个警告讯息: sudo: unable to resolve host a
相关 ubuntu执行sudo su出现sudo: unable to resolve host解决方案
Ubuntu环境执行sudo的时候都会 弹出如下的警告 sudo: unable to resolve host iZwz911fdcw9aaZ ![这里写图片描述][
相关 Gilab pipeline 报错 fatal: unable to access https://gitlab-ci-token ... Could not resolve host
请见 [Gitlab CI/CD 问题处理][Gitlab CI_CD] 的 第5点 Couldn't resolve host 'xxxxxx' [Gitlab CI_C
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