
小灰灰 2022-11-02 13:21 864阅读 0赞


Redis Cluster Operator在Kubernetes上管理Redis-Cluster集群
git clone https://github.com/ucloud/redis-cluster-operator.git

  1. ]# cat ns-redis-cluster.yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Namespace
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster
  6. ]# kubectl apply -f ns-redis-cluster.yaml
  7. namespace/redis-cluster created
  8. kubectl get ns
  10. default Active 1d
  11. ingress-nginx Active 1d
  12. kube-node-lease Active 1d
  13. kube-public Active 1d
  14. kube-system Active 1d
  15. kubernetes-dashboard Active 1d
  16. redis-cluster Active 18s


  1. ]# cd redis-cluster-operator/
  2. kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/


  1. ]# cd deploy/
  2. ]# kubectl apply -f service_account.yaml
  3. ]# cd cluster/
  4. ]# kubectl apply -f cluster_role.yaml
  5. ]# kubectl apply -f cluster_role_binding.yaml
  6. ]# kubectl apply -f operator.yaml
  7. ]# kubectl get pod -n redis-cluster
  9. redis-cluster-operator-d4b695fd6-9vc85 1/1 Running 0 33s


  1. ]# cat redis-cluster.yaml
  2. apiVersion: redis.kun/v1alpha1
  3. kind: DistributedRedisCluster
  4. metadata:
  5. annotations:
  6. # if your operator run as cluster-scoped, add this annotations
  7. redis.kun/scope: cluster-scoped
  8. name: example-distributedrediscluster
  9. namespace: redis-cluster
  10. spec:
  11. image: redis:5.0.4-alpine
  12. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  13. masterSize: 3 #master节点数量
  14. clusterReplicas: 1 #每个master节点的从节点数量
  15. serviceName: redis-svc
  16. # resources config
  17. resources:
  18. limits:
  19. cpu: 300m
  20. memory: 200Mi
  21. requests:
  22. cpu: 200m
  23. memory: 150Mi
  24. # pv storage
  25. storage:
  26. type: persistent-claim
  27. size: 2Gi
  28. class: nfs-storage
  29. deleteClaim: true
  30. ]# kubectl apply -f redis-cluster.yaml


  1. ]# kubectl get pod,svc,pvc,pv -n redis-cluster
  3. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-0 1/1 Running 0 11m
  4. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-1 1/1 Running 0 10m
  5. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-0 1/1 Running 0 11m
  6. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-1 1/1 Running 0 10m
  7. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-0 1/1 Running 0 11m
  8. pod/drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-1 1/1 Running 0 10m
  9. pod/redis-cluster-operator-d4b695fd6-9vc85 1/1 Running 0 17m
  11. service/redis-cluster-operator-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8383/TCP,8686/TCP 17m
  12. service/redis-svc ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP,16379/TCP 11m
  13. service/redis-svc-0 ClusterIP None <none> 6379/TCP,16379/TCP 11m
  14. service/redis-svc-1 ClusterIP None <none> 6379/TCP,16379/TCP 11m
  15. service/redis-svc-2 ClusterIP None <none> 6379/TCP,16379/TCP 11m
  17. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-0 Bound pvc-8da269a1-d704-40ee-9034-59c242229c42 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 11m
  18. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-1 Bound pvc-2f90ccb0-87d2-4152-a292-d672941aa27a 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 10m
  19. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-0 Bound pvc-e34aeac8-a555-42e8-bd6f-d6e84e417780 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 11m
  20. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-1 Bound pvc-22a46a79-965b-41e7-9c5b-e314b158488a 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 10m
  21. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-0 Bound pvc-78640340-27a9-45a9-ae3c-de68405e00d4 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 11m
  22. persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-1 Bound pvc-0ef4b886-38c2-43b6-aef3-e78bdd0c71de 2Gi RWO nfs-storage 10m
  24. persistentvolume/pvc-0ef4b886-38c2-43b6-aef3-e78bdd0c71de 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-1 nfs-storage 10m
  25. persistentvolume/pvc-22a46a79-965b-41e7-9c5b-e314b158488a 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-1 nfs-storage 10m
  26. persistentvolume/pvc-2f90ccb0-87d2-4152-a292-d672941aa27a 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-1 nfs-storage 10m
  27. persistentvolume/pvc-78640340-27a9-45a9-ae3c-de68405e00d4 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-2-0 nfs-storage 11m
  28. persistentvolume/pvc-8da269a1-d704-40ee-9034-59c242229c42 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-0 nfs-storage 11m
  29. persistentvolume/pvc-e34aeac8-a555-42e8-bd6f-d6e84e417780 2Gi RWO Retain Bound redis-cluster/redis-data-drc-example-distributedrediscluster-1-0 nfs-storage 11m


  1. ]# kubectl exec -it -n redis-cluster drc-example-distributedrediscluster-0-0 -- sh
  2. /data # redis-cli -c -h redis-svc
  3. redis-svc:6379> cluster info
  4. cluster_state:ok
  5. cluster_slots_assigned:16384
  6. cluster_slots_ok:16384
  7. cluster_slots_pfail:0
  8. cluster_slots_fail:0
  9. cluster_known_nodes:6
  10. cluster_size:3
  11. cluster_current_epoch:5
  12. cluster_my_epoch:5
  13. cluster_stats_messages_ping_sent:225
  14. cluster_stats_messages_pong_sent:237
  15. cluster_stats_messages_sent:462
  16. cluster_stats_messages_ping_received:232
  17. cluster_stats_messages_pong_received:225
  18. cluster_stats_messages_meet_received:5
  19. cluster_stats_messages_received:462
  20. redis-svc:6379> set a 100
  21. -> Redirected to slot [15495] located at
  22. OK
  23.> get a
  24. "100"


  1. ]# cd redis-cluster-operator/
  2. ]# kubectl delete -f redis-cluster.yaml
  3. ]# cd cluster/
  4. ]# kubectl delete -f operator.yaml
  5. ]# kubectl delete -f cluster_role_binding.yaml
  6. ]# kubectl delete -f cluster_role.yaml
  7. ]# kubectl delete-f service_account.yaml
  8. ]# kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/
  9. ]# kubectl delete -f ns-redis-cluster.yaml



  1. ]# cat ns-redis-cluster.yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Namespace
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster


  1. ]# cat redis.kun_distributedredisclusters_crd.yaml
  2. apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  4. metadata:
  5. name: distributedredisclusters.redis.kun
  6. namespace: redis-cluster
  7. spec:
  8. group: redis.kun
  9. names:
  10. kind: DistributedRedisCluster
  11. listKind: DistributedRedisClusterList
  12. plural: distributedredisclusters
  13. singular: distributedrediscluster
  14. shortNames:
  15. - drc
  16. scope: Namespaced
  17. additionalPrinterColumns:
  18. - JSONPath: .spec.masterSize
  19. description: The number of redis master node in the ensemble
  20. name: MasterSize
  21. type: integer
  22. - JSONPath: .status.status
  23. description: The status of redis cluster
  24. name: Status
  25. type: string
  26. - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
  27. name: Age
  28. type: date
  29. - JSONPath: .status.numberOfMaster
  30. priority: 1
  31. description: The current master number of redis cluster
  32. name: CurrentMasters
  33. type: integer
  34. - JSONPath: .spec.image
  35. priority: 1
  36. description: The image of redis cluster
  37. name: Images
  38. type: string
  39. subresources:
  40. status: { }
  41. validation:
  42. openAPIV3Schema:
  43. description: DistributedRedisCluster is the Schema for the distributedredisclusters
  44. API
  45. properties:
  46. apiVersion:
  47. description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
  48. type: string
  49. kind:
  50. description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
  51. type: string
  52. metadata:
  53. type: object
  54. spec:
  55. description: DistributedRedisClusterSpec defines the desired state of
  56. DistributedRedisCluster
  57. properties:
  58. masterSize:
  59. format: int32
  60. type: integer
  61. minimum: 3
  62. maximum: 10
  63. clusterReplicas:
  64. format: int32
  65. type: integer
  66. minimum: 1
  67. maximum: 3
  68. serviceName:
  69. type: string
  70. pattern: '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*'
  71. type: object
  72. status:
  73. description: DistributedRedisClusterStatus defines the observed state
  74. of DistributedRedisCluster
  75. type: object
  76. type: object
  77. version: v1alpha1
  78. versions:
  79. - name: v1alpha1
  80. served: true
  81. storage: true


  1. ]# cat redis.kun_redisclusterbackups_crd.yaml
  2. apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
  3. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redisclusterbackups.redis.kun
  6. namespace: redis-cluster
  7. spec:
  8. group: redis.kun
  9. names:
  10. kind: RedisClusterBackup
  11. listKind: RedisClusterBackupList
  12. plural: redisclusterbackups
  13. singular: redisclusterbackup
  14. shortNames:
  15. - drcb
  16. scope: Namespaced
  17. additionalPrinterColumns:
  18. - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
  19. name: Age
  20. type: date
  21. - JSONPath: .status.phase
  22. description: The phase of redis cluster backup
  23. name: Phase
  24. type: string
  25. subresources:
  26. status: { }
  27. versions:
  28. - name: v1alpha1
  29. # Each version can be enabled/disabled by Served flag.
  30. served: true
  31. # One and only one version must be marked as the storage version.
  32. storage: true
  33. validation:
  34. openAPIV3Schema:
  35. description: RedisClusterBackup is the Schema for the redisclusterbackups
  36. API
  37. properties:
  38. apiVersion:
  39. description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources'
  40. type: string
  41. kind:
  42. description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds'
  43. type: string
  44. metadata:
  45. type: object
  46. spec:
  47. description: RedisClusterBackupSpec defines the desired state of RedisClusterBackup
  48. type: object
  49. status:
  50. description: RedisClusterBackupStatus defines the observed state of RedisClusterBackup
  51. type: object
  52. type: object


  1. ]# cat service_account.yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: ServiceAccount
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster-operator
  6. namespace: redis-cluster


  1. ]# cat cluster_role.yaml
  2. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  3. kind: ClusterRole
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster-operator
  6. rules:
  7. - apiGroups:
  8. - ""
  9. resources:
  10. - pods
  11. - secrets
  12. - endpoints
  13. - persistentvolumeclaims
  14. verbs:
  15. - get
  16. - list
  17. - watch
  18. - delete
  19. - apiGroups:
  20. - ""
  21. resources:
  22. - configmaps
  23. - pods/exec
  24. - secrets
  25. - services
  26. - events
  27. - persistentvolumeclaims
  28. verbs:
  29. - create
  30. - get
  31. - list
  32. - patch
  33. - update
  34. - watch
  35. - delete
  36. - apiGroups:
  37. - ""
  38. resources:
  39. - namespaces
  40. verbs:
  41. - get
  42. - list
  43. - watch
  44. - apiGroups:
  45. - batch
  46. resources:
  47. - jobs
  48. verbs:
  49. - create
  50. - get
  51. - list
  52. - patch
  53. - update
  54. - watch
  55. - delete
  56. - apiGroups:
  57. - apps
  58. resources:
  59. - deployments
  60. - replicasets
  61. - statefulsets
  62. verbs:
  63. - create
  64. - get
  65. - list
  66. - patch
  67. - update
  68. - watch
  69. - delete
  70. - apiGroups:
  71. - policy
  72. resources:
  73. - poddisruptionbudgets
  74. verbs:
  75. - create
  76. - get
  77. - list
  78. - patch
  79. - update
  80. - watch
  81. - delete
  82. - apiGroups:
  83. - apps
  84. resourceNames:
  85. - redis-operator
  86. resources:
  87. - deployments/finalizers
  88. verbs:
  89. - update
  90. - apiGroups:
  91. - redis.kun
  92. resources:
  93. - '*'
  94. - redisclusterbackups
  95. verbs:
  96. - delete
  97. - deletecollection
  98. - get
  99. - list
  100. - patch
  101. - update
  102. - watch


  1. ]# cat cluster_role_binding.yaml
  2. kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  3. apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster-operator
  6. subjects:
  7. - kind: ServiceAccount
  8. name: redis-cluster-operator
  9. namespace: redis-cluster
  10. roleRef:
  11. kind: ClusterRole
  12. name: redis-cluster-operator
  13. apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io


  1. ]# cat operator.yaml
  2. apiVersion: apps/v1
  3. kind: Deployment
  4. metadata:
  5. name: redis-cluster-operator
  6. namespace: redis-cluster
  7. spec:
  8. replicas: 1
  9. selector:
  10. matchLabels:
  11. name: redis-cluster-operator
  12. template:
  13. metadata:
  14. labels:
  15. name: redis-cluster-operator
  16. spec:
  17. serviceAccountName: redis-cluster-operator
  18. containers:
  19. - name: redis-cluster-operator
  20. # Replace this with the built image name
  21. image: fishu/redis-cluster-operator:latest
  22. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  23. command:
  24. - redis-cluster-operator
  25. args:
  26. - --rename-command-path=/etc/redisconf
  27. - --rename-command-file=redis.conf
  28. imagePullPolicy: Always
  29. env:
  30. - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
  31. value: ""
  32. - name: POD_NAME
  33. valueFrom:
  34. fieldRef:
  35. fieldPath: metadata.name
  36. - name: OPERATOR_NAME
  37. value: "redis-cluster-operator"
  38. volumeMounts:
  39. - name: redisconf
  40. mountPath: /etc/redisconf
  41. volumes:
  42. - name: redisconf
  43. configMap:
  44. name: redis-admin
  45. ---
  46. apiVersion: v1
  47. kind: ConfigMap
  48. metadata:
  49. name: redis-admin
  50. namespace: redis-cluster
  51. data:
  52. redis.conf: |-
  53. rename-command CONFIG lni07z1p
  54. rename-command BGSAVE pp14qluk
  55. rename-command DEBUG 8a4insyv
  56. rename-command SAVE 6on30p6z
  57. rename-command SHUTDOWN dvui0opr
  58. rename-command SLAVEOF xwxvcw36
  59. rename-command BGREWRITEAOF www07fko


  1. ]# cat redis-cluster.yaml
  2. ---
  3. apiVersion: redis.kun/v1alpha1
  4. kind: DistributedRedisCluster
  5. metadata:
  6. annotations:
  7. # if your operator run as cluster-scoped, add this annotations
  8. redis.kun/scope: cluster-scoped
  9. name: example-distributedrediscluster
  10. namespace: redis-cluster
  11. spec:
  12. image: redis:5.0.4-alpine
  13. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  14. masterSize: 3
  15. clusterReplicas: 1
  16. serviceName: redis-svc
  17. # resources config
  18. resources:
  19. limits:
  20. cpu: 300m
  21. memory: 200Mi
  22. requests:
  23. cpu: 200m
  24. memory: 150Mi
  25. # pv storage
  26. storage:
  27. type: persistent-claim
  28. size: 2Gi
  29. class: nfs-storage
  30. deleteClaim: true


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    相关 k8s部署redis

    写在前面 一般来说,REDIS部署有三种模式。 1. 单实例模式,一般用于测试环境。 2. 哨兵模式 3. 集群模式 后两者用于生产部署 `哨兵模式` >