相关 Linux命令ifconfig报错command not found
【DevOps系列】 Linux命令ifconfig报错command not found 最近在安装Vmware CentOS,输入ifconfig查看VM的IP地址,
相关 linux重启网络报错Unit network-manager.service not found.
问题:使用systemctl restart network 或 service network restart 命令重启网卡失败,如下所示。`[root@localhost
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相关 重启MySQL报Unit mysqld.service could not be
安装mysql修改完配置文件之后,重启mysql发现重启不了,报Unit mysqld.service could not be found ,大概意思就是说找不到mysqld
相关 Linux服务器重启失败,报错Readonly File system
问题背景:linux 磁盘根分区太小,在对根目录进行扩容以后,从home目录抽取一块磁盘挂载到 /root 目录下,完成以后并没有修改 /etc/fstab 文件,导致系统开机
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相关 Linux重启网卡报错Device eth0 does not seem to be present
Centos6.8重启网卡报错Device eth0 does not seem to be present 虚拟机安装Centos系统以后,导出镜像,然后倒入镜像,
相关 nginx 报错: 404 not found
nginx 服务器运行成功 Welcome to nginx! ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shad
相关 linux centos7 重启服务器报错 Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units
问题现象: [root@izm5e1qim1yoreb6toj6d9z local] service jenkins start Starting jenki