-—psydbnew (PSYP_Trends_GetTestStressorAvgPoint)
SELECT QuestionNum,
sum(case when BatchClassName=’第一批’ then AvgPoint else 0 end )as ‘第一批’,
sum(case when BatchClassName=’第二批’ then AvgPoint else 0 end )as ‘第二批’,
sum(case when BatchClassName=’第三批’ then AvgPoint else 0 end )as ‘第三批’,
sum(case when BatchClassName=’第四批’ then AvgPoint else 0 end )as ‘第四批’
select distinct a.TestID,b.QuestionNum,b.QuestionContent,c.TotalPoint,
(1.*c.TotalPoint/@TotalCount)as AvgPoint, @TotalCount as TotalCount,
cbc.BatchClassID,c.BatchClassID AS tmpBatchClassID,cbc.BatchClassName,
from V_R_Reports as a
left outer join PSY_T_QuestionBase as b on a.TestID=b.TestID
left outer join #tb as c on b.TestID=c.TestID AND b.QuestionNum=c.QuestionNum
left outer join PSY_U_CardBatchClass as cbc on a.UnitID=cbc.UnitID AND a.BatchClassID=cbc.BatchClassID
where a.UnitID=ltrim(rtrim(@UnitID)) and a.TestID=ltrim(rtrim(@TestID))
and a.BatchClassID in (Select Distinct BatchClassID FROM #tb_transition)
AND a.StaID in (Select Distinct StaID FROM #tb_transition)
AND a.DepartmentID in (Select Distinct DepartmentID FROM #tb_transition)
AND a.AreaID in (Select Distinct AreaID FROM #tb_transition)
AND a.Sex in (Select Distinct Sex FROM #tb_transition)
and a.Aid in (Select Distinct AgeID FROM #tb_transition))as tbs
GROUP BY QuestionNum
-—psydbnew (PSYP_Trends_GetTestStressorAvgPoint)
有表tb, 如下:
id value
-————— —————-
1 aa,bb
2 aaa,bbb,ccc
欲按id,分拆value列, 分拆后结果如下:
id value
-————— ————
1 aa
1 bb
2 aaa
2 bbb
2 ccc
--1. 旧的解决方法(sql server 2000)
create table tb(id int,value varchar(30))
insert into tb values(1,’aa,bb’)
insert into tb values(2,’aaa,bbb,ccc’)
SELECT TOP 8000 id = IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) INTO # FROM syscolumns a, syscolumns b
SELECT A.id, value = SUBSTRING(A.[value], B.id, CHARINDEX(‘,’, A.[value] + ‘,’, B.id) - B.id)
FROM tb A, # B
WHERE SUBSTRING(‘,’ + A.[value], B.id, 1) = ‘,’
select a.id , value = substring(a.value , b.number , charindex(‘,’ , a.value + ‘,’ , b.number) - b.number)
from tb a join master..spt_values b
on b.type=’p’ and b.number between 1 and len(a.value)
where substring(‘,’ + a.value , b.number , 1) = ‘,’
--2. 新的解决方法(sql server 2005)
create table tb(id int,value varchar(30))
insert into tb values(1,’aa,bb’)
insert into tb values(2,’aaa,bbb,ccc’)
SELECT A.id, B.value FROM
SELECT id, [value] = CONVERT(xml,’
SELECT value = N.v.value(‘.’, ‘varchar(100)’) FROM A.[value].nodes(‘/root/v’) N(v)
) B
;with tt as
(select id,[value]=cast(left([value],charindex(‘,’,[value]+’,’)-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split=cast(stuff([value]+’,’,1,charindex(‘,’,[value]+’,’),’’) as nvarchar(100)) from tb
union all
select id,[value]=cast(left(Split,charindex(‘,’,Split)-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split= cast(stuff(Split,1,charindex(‘,’,Split),’’) as nvarchar(100)) from tt where split>’’
select id,[value] from tt order by id option (MAXRECURSION 0)
create table tb (cp varchar(3),xm01 int,xm02 int,xm03 int,xm04 int)
insert into tb
select ‘cp1’,100,200,300,400 union all
select ‘cp2’,10,20,30,40 union all
select ‘cp3’,11,22,32,42 union all
select ‘cp4’,112,222,321,422
select * from tb
select cp,xm,sl from tb
(sl for xm in(xm01,xm02,xm03,xm04)
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ‘ union all ‘ , ‘’ ) + ‘ select cp , [xm] = ‘ + quotename(Name , ‘’’’) + ‘ , [s1] = ‘ + quotename(Name) + ‘ from tb’
from syscolumns
where name! = N’cp’ and ID = object_id(‘tb’) —表名tb,不包含列名为cp的其它列
order by colid asc
exec(@sql + ‘ order by cp,xm ‘)
if not object_id(‘Class’) is null
drop table Class
Create table Class([Student] nvarchar(2),[数学] int,[物理] int,[英语] int,[语文] int)
Insert Class
select N’李四’,77,85,65,65 union all
select N’张三’,87,90,82,78
declare @s nvarchar(4000)
select @s=isnull(@s+’,’,’’)+quotename(Name)
from syscolumns where ID=object_id(‘Class’) and Name not in(‘Student’)
order by Colid
exec(‘select Student,[Course],[Score] from Class unpivot ([Score] for [Course] in(‘+@s+’))b’)
([Score] for [Course] in([数学],[物理],[英语],[语文]))b
create table tb(Title nvarchar(20))
insert into tb values(N’标题1’)
insert into tb values(N’标题2’)
insert into tb values(N’标题3’)
insert into tb values(N’标题4’)
insert into tb values(N’标题5’)
declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql + ‘],[‘ , ‘’) + Title from (select top 30 * from tb order by title) t group by Title
set @sql = ‘[‘ + @sql + ‘]‘
exec (‘select * from (select top 30 * from tb order by title) a pivot (max(Title) for Title in (‘ + @sql + ‘)) b’)
drop table tb
create proc p_zj
@tbname sysname, —要处理的表名
@fdname sysname, —做为转换的列名
@new_fdname sysname=’’ —为转换后的列指定列名
declare @s1 varchar(8000) , @s2 varchar(8000),
@s3 varchar(8000) , @s4 varchar(8000),
@s5 varchar(8000) , @i varchar(10)
select @s1 = ‘’ , @s2 = ‘’ , @s3 = ‘’ , @s4 = ‘’ , @s5 = ‘’ , @i = ‘0’
select @s1 = @s1 + ‘,@’ + @i + ‘ varchar(8000)’,
@s2 = @s2 + ‘,@’ + @i + ‘=’’’ + case isnull(@new_fdname , ‘’) when ‘’ then ‘’
else @new_fdname + ‘=’ end + ‘’’’’’ + name + ‘’’’’’’’,
@s3 = @s3 + ‘select @’ + @i + ‘=@’ + @i + ‘+’’,[‘’ + [‘ + @fdname +
‘]+’’]=’’+cast([‘ + name + ‘] as varchar) from [‘ + @tbname + ‘]‘,
@s4 = @s4 + ‘,@’ + @i + ‘=’’select ‘’+@’ + @i,
@s5 = @s5 + ‘+’’ union all ‘’+@’ + @i,
@i=cast(@i as int)+1
from syscolumns
where object_id(@tbname)=id and name<>@fdname
select @s1=substring(@s1,2,8000),
exec(‘declare ‘ + @s1 + ‘select ‘ + @s2 + @s3 + ‘select ‘ + @s4 + ‘
exec(‘ + @s5 + ‘)’)
create table Test(月份 varchar(4), 工资 int, 福利 int, 奖金 int)
insert Test
select ‘1月’,100,200,300 union all
select ‘2月’,110,210,310 union all
select ‘3月’,120,220,320 union all
select ‘4月’,130,230,330
exec p_zj ‘Test’, ‘月份’ , ‘项目’
drop table Test
drop proc p_zj
项目 1月 2月 3月 4月
-———- ——— ———— ———— ————
奖金 300 310 320 330
工资 100 110 120 130
福利 200 210 220 230
(所影响的行数为 3 行)