
你的名字 2022-08-31 15:17 325阅读 0赞

一 前言


二 Object源码理解

对象在不重写的情况下使用的是Object的equals方法和hashcode方法,从Object类的源码我们知道,默认的equals 判断的是两个对象的引用指向的是不是同一个对象;而hashcode也是根据对象地址生成一个整数数值;


  1. public class Object {
  2. public native int hashCode();
  3. /** * Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one. * <p> * The {@code equals} method implements an equivalence relation * on non-null object references: * <ul> * <li>It is <i>reflexive</i>: for any non-null reference value * {@code x}, {@code x.equals(x)} should return * {@code true}. * <li>It is <i>symmetric</i>: for any non-null reference values * {@code x} and {@code y}, {@code x.equals(y)} * should return {@code true} if and only if * {@code y.equals(x)} returns {@code true}. * <li>It is <i>transitive</i>: for any non-null reference values * {@code x}, {@code y}, and {@code z}, if * {@code x.equals(y)} returns {@code true} and * {@code y.equals(z)} returns {@code true}, then * {@code x.equals(z)} should return {@code true}. * <li>It is <i>consistent</i>: for any non-null reference values * {@code x} and {@code y}, multiple invocations of * {@code x.equals(y)} consistently return {@code true} * or consistently return {@code false}, provided no * information used in {@code equals} comparisons on the * objects is modified. * <li>For any non-null reference value {@code x}, * {@code x.equals(null)} should return {@code false}. * </ul> * <p> * The {@code equals} method for class {@code Object} implements * the most discriminating possible equivalence relation on objects; * that is, for any non-null reference values {@code x} and * {@code y}, this method returns {@code true} if and only * if {@code x} and {@code y} refer to the same object * ({@code x == y} has the value {@code true}). * <p> * Note that it is generally necessary to override the {@code hashCode} * method whenever this method is overridden, so as to maintain the * general contract for the {@code hashCode} method, which states * that equal objects must have equal hash codes. * * @param obj the reference object with which to compare. * @return {@code true} if this object is the same as the obj * argument; {@code false} otherwise. * @see #hashCode() * @see java.util.HashMap */
  4. public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  5. return (this == obj);
  6. }
  7. }

三 需要重写equals()的场景


  1. package jianlejun.study;
  2. public class Student {
  3. private String name;// 姓名
  4. private String sex;// 性别
  5. private String age;// 年龄
  6. private float weight;// 体重
  7. private String addr;// 地址
  8. // 重写hashcode方法
  9. @Override
  10. public int hashCode() {
  11. int result = name.hashCode();
  12. result = 17 * result + sex.hashCode();
  13. result = 17 * result + age.hashCode();
  14. return result;
  15. }
  16. // 重写equals方法
  17. @Override
  18. public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  19. if(!(obj instanceof Student)) {
  20. // instanceof 已经处理了obj = null的情况
  21. return false;
  22. }
  23. Student stuObj = (Student) obj;
  24. // 地址相等
  25. if (this == stuObj) {
  26. return true;
  27. }
  28. // 如果两个对象姓名、年龄、性别相等,我们认为两个对象相等
  29. if (stuObj.name.equals(this.name) && stuObj.sex.equals(this.sex) && stuObj.age.equals(this.age)) {
  30. return true;
  31. } else {
  32. return false;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. public String getName() {
  36. return name;
  37. }
  38. public void setName(String name) {
  39. this.name = name;
  40. }
  41. public String getSex() {
  42. return sex;
  43. }
  44. public void setSex(String sex) {
  45. this.sex = sex;
  46. }
  47. public String getAge() {
  48. return age;
  49. }
  50. public void setAge(String age) {
  51. this.age = age;
  52. }
  53. public float getWeight() {
  54. return weight;
  55. }
  56. public void setWeight(float weight) {
  57. this.weight = weight;
  58. }
  59. public String getAddr() {
  60. return addr;
  61. }
  62. public void setAddr(String addr) {
  63. this.addr = addr;
  64. }
  65. }
  66. 现在我们写个例子测试下结果:
  67. public static void main(String[] args) {
  68. Student s1 =new Student();
  69. s1.setAddr("1111");
  70. s1.setAge("20");
  71. s1.setName("allan");
  72. s1.setSex("male");
  73. s1.setWeight(60f);
  74. Student s2 =new Student();
  75. s2.setAddr("222");
  76. s2.setAge("20");
  77. s2.setName("allan");
  78. s2.setSex("male");
  79. s2.setWeight(70f);
  80. if(s1.equals(s2)) {
  81. System.out.println("s1==s2");
  82. }else {
  83. System.out.println("s1 != s2");
  84. }
  85. }

在重写了student的equals方法后,这里会输出s1 == s2,实现了我们的需求,如果没有重写equals方法,那么上段代码必定输出s1!=s2。


四 需要重写hashcode()的场景




  1. Set set = new HashSet();
  2. set.add(s1);
  3. set.add(s2);
  4. System.out.println(set);


  1. [jianlejun.study.Student@7852e922, jianlejun.study.Student@4e25154f]


  1. @Override
  2. public int hashCode() {
  3. int result = name.hashCode();
  4. result = 17 * result + sex.hashCode();
  5. result = 17 * result + age.hashCode();
  6. return result;
  7. }



  1. [jianlejun.study.Student@43c2ce69]


  1. Map m = new HashMap();
  2. m.put(s1, s1);
  3. m.put(s2, s2);
  4. System.out.println(m);
  5. System.out.println(((Student)m.get(s1)).getAddr());


  1. { jianlejun.study.Student@43c2ce69=jianlejun.study.Student@43c2ce69}


五 原理分析




Map 是先根据Key值的hashcode分配和获取对象保存数组下标的,然后再根据equals区分唯一值(详见下面的map分析)

六 补充HashMap知识


hashMap的存储:一个对象存储到hashMap中的位置是由其key 的hashcode值决定的;查hashMap查找key: 找key的时候hashMap会先根据key值的hashcode经过取余算法定位其所在数组的位置,再根据key的equals方法匹配相同key值获取对应相应的对象;



存值规则:把Key的hashCode 与HashMap的容量 取余得出该Key存储在数组所在位置的下标(源码定位Key存储在数组的哪个位置是以hashCode & (HashMap容量-1)算法得出)这里为方便理解使用此方式;


HashMap map=newHashMap(3);

map.put(“a”,1); 得到key 为“a” 的hashcode 值为97然后根据 该值和hashMap 容量取余97%3得到存储位到数组下标为1;

map.put(“b”,2); 得到key 为“b” 的hashcode 值为98,98%3到存储位到数组下标为2;

map.put(“c”,3); 得到key 为“c” 的hashcode 值为99,99%3到存储位到数组下标为0;

map.put(“d”,4); 得到key 为“d” 的hashcode 值为100,100%3到存储位到数组下标为1;

map.put(“e”,5); 得到key 为“e” 的hashcode 值为101,101%3到存储位到数组下标为2;

map.put(“f”,6); 得到key 为“f” 的hashcode 值为102,102%3到存储位到数组下标为0;


得到key在数组中的位置:根据上图,当我们获取key 为“a”的对象时,那么我们首先获得 key的hashcode97%3得到存储位到数组下标为1;

匹配得到对应key值对象:得到数组下表为1的数据“a”和“c”对象, 然后再根据 key.equals()来匹配获取对应key的数据对象;

hashcode 对于HashMapde:如果没有hashcode 就意味着HashMap存储的时候是没有规律可寻的,那么每当我们map.get()方法的时候,就要把map里面的对象一一拿出来进行equals匹配,这样效率是不是会超级慢;

(3) hashcode方法文档说明




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