C++ 中 int、 char、 char*、 const char*、 string之间的转换
- char* to string
string s(char *); 注:在不是初始化的地方最好用assign(). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. string to const char* string a=”strte”; const char* r=a.c_str(); 注意是const的。还要转到char*: ~~~~~~~~~~ 2.2. const char* to char* const char* r=”123”; char *p1 = new char[strlen(r)+1]; strcpy(p1,r); 附:http://hi.baidu.com/cfans/blog/item/06970ef4b671f366dcc4745d.html 这个页面是具体讲述区别的。 ············································································································· 3. cstring to string vs2005 Unicode下: CStringW str(L”test”); CStringA stra(str.GetBuffer(0)); str.ReleaseBuffer(); std::string strs (stra.GetBuffer(0)); stra.ReleaseBuffer();
CString cs(“test”);
std::string str=cs.getBuffer(0);
- double ,int to string
using namespace std;
stringstream ss;
string result;
long n=11111;
stream << n; //从long型数据输入
stream >>result; //转换为 string
5.char* to int, double ,long
char *s; double x; int i; long l;
s = “ -2309.12E-15”;
x = atof( s );
printf( “atof test: ASCII string: %s\tfloat: %e\n”, s, x );
s = “7.8912654773d210”;
x = atof( s );
printf( “atof test: ASCII string: %s\tfloat: %e\n”, s, x );
s = “ -9885 pigs”;
i = atoi( s );
printf( “atoi test: ASCII string: %s\t\tinteger: %d\n”, s, i );
s = “98854 dollars”;
l = atol( s );
printf( “atol test: ASCII string: %s\t\tlong: %ld\n”, s, l );
- string to int ,long ,double
int s;
string str=”123”;
stringstream ss;
- date to string
char dateStr [9];
char timeStr [9];
_strdate( dateStr);
printf( “The current date is %s \n”, dateStr);
_strtime( timeStr );
printf( “The current time is %s \n”, timeStr);
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cerrno>
int main()
//Find the current time
time_t curtime = time(0);
//convert it to tm
tm now=*localtime(&curtime);
//BUFSIZ is standard macro that expands to a integer constant expression
//that is greater then or equal to 256. It is the size of the stream buffer
//used by setbuf()
char dest[BUFSIZ]={
//Format string determines the conversion specification's behaviour
const char format[]="%A, %B %d %Y. The time is %X";
//strftime - converts date and time to a string
if (strftime(dest, sizeof(dest)-1, format, &now)>0)
std::cerr<<"strftime failed. Errno code: "<<errno<<std::endl;
8.string to cstring
int 转 CString:
string 转 CString
CString.format(“%s”, string.c_str());
char* 转 CString
CString.format(“%s”, char*);
CString strtest;
char * charpoint;
charpoint=”give string a value”;
strtest=charpoint; //直接付值
CString 转 int
CString ss=”1212.12”;
int temp=atoi(ss); //atoi _atoi64或atol
9.在Unicode下的CString to double
CSting sTemp(“123.567”);
double dTemp = _wtof(