UE4 How do I use InstancedStaticMeshes ?

超、凢脫俗 2022-08-19 05:47 81阅读 0赞


I created a maze generator and I’m currently trying to figure out how to use an InstancedStaticMeshs in c++. Currently it spawns blueprints extended from a StaticMeshActor and I can only get about 10201 static meshes blueprints before i hit some heavy performance decrease, this is just on a maze alone

So when trying to make a rougelike maze dungeon with rooms and floors there are about ten to twenty times the static meshes. That’s allot of static mesh blueprints. Anyone have example usage ?

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Product Version: 
Not Selected

instanced mesh

maze101.png (434.8 kB)

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asked Apr 03 ‘14 at 1:58 AM

SaxonRah gravatar image

221  8  10  22

Dieselhead gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 9:43 PM

I’m only guessing here but I think a game like this would also benefit greatly from level streaming.

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 10:51 PM

How would you level stream from actors spawned at run time ?

Dieselhead gravatar image 
Apr 04 ‘14 at 2:04 AM

Well thats what you get when browsing this place the last hour of work :)

Sorry, carry on!

1 answer: sort voted first ▼


Instanced Static Mesh

You can make a new class, InstancedStaticMeshActor

and add a Instanced Static Mesh Component

Then you spawn that actor

and to add additional instances you use this function in the Instanced Static Mesh Component Class

    1. UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=Components|InstancedStaticMesh)

    2. virtual void AddInstance(const FTransform& InstanceTransform);



That’s pretty much all you need to do!

Here’s my code from the beta, that I used for my own tests, here’s a pic of my tests

In my case I extended a regular SMA so I would see the actor when it spawned :)


    1. //Spawninfo

    2. FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;


    4. SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail = true;

    5. SpawnInfo.Owner = VictoryEngine->VSelectedActor;

    6. AVictoryVertex3D NewVertex =

    7. GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AVictoryVertex3D>(

    8. AVictoryVertex3D::StaticClass(),

    9. Pos,

    10. FRotator::ZeroRotator,

    11. SpawnInfo

    12. );

    13. if(!NewVertex) return NULL;

    14. if(!NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent) return NULL;

    15. //~~~~~~

    16. //Mesh

    17. NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(VictoryEngine->AssetSM_EngineCube);

    18. //Add Core Instance

    19. FTransform newT = NewVertex->GetTransform();

    20. newT.SetLocation(FVector(0,0,0));

    21. NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent->AddInstance(newT);

    22. //Scale

    23. NewVertex->SetActorRelativeScale3D(CurrentVerticiesScale);




    1. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    2. //Power

    3. #pragma once

    4. #include VictoryVertex3D.generated.h

    5. /**

    6. An instance of a StaticMesh in a level

    7. Note that PostInitializeComponents() is not called for StaticMeshActors

    8. /

    9. UCLASS()

    10. class AVictoryVertex3D : public AStaticMeshActor

    11. {


    13. UPROPERTY()

    14. TSubobjectPtr<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent> InstancedStaticMeshComponent;

    15. UPROPERTY()

    16. UStaticMesh* SMAsset_Cube;

    17. };



    1. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    2. #include VictoryGame.h

    3. //

    4. // VictoryVertex3D


    6. //

    7. AVictoryVertex3D::AVictoryVertex3D(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)

    8. : Super(PCIP)

    9. {

    10. //Mesh

    11. static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> StaticMeshOb_torus(TEXT(StaticMesh’/Engine/EngineMeshes/Cube.Cube’”));

    12. SMAsset_Cube = StaticMeshOb_torus.Object;

    13. //create new object

    14. InstancedStaticMeshComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject < UInstancedStaticMeshComponent > (this, TEXT(InstancedStaticMeshComponentCOMP));

    15. InstancedStaticMeshComponent.AttachTo(RootComponent);

    16. //Not Made some reason?

    17. if (!InstancedStaticMeshComponent) return;

    18. //~~~~~~

    19. //Set to Asset

    20. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(SMAsset_Cube);

    21. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->bOwnerNoSee = false;

    22. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->bCastDynamicShadow = false;

    23. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->CastShadow = false;

    24. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    25. //Visibility

    26. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetHiddenInGame(false);

    27. //Mobility

    28. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);

    29. //Collision

    30. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::QueryOnly);

    31. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    32. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToAllChannels(ECR_Ignore);

    33. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Block);

    34. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Block);

    35. //~~~~~~~~~~

    36. if (!StaticMeshComponent) return;

    37. //Mobility

    38. StaticMeshComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);

    39. //Collision

    40. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::QueryOnly);

    41. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    42. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToAllChannels(ECR_Ignore);

    43. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Block);

    44. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Block);

    45. }








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answered Apr 03 ‘14 at 8:24 PM

Rama gravatar image

7.7k  346  136  507

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 10:51 PM

Thanks mate! You are the best :) !

oOo.DanBO.oOo gravatar image 
May 11 ‘14 at 6:51 PM

i have a few problems when i try this solution. my objects get spawned in the world. but it seems they dont have a material applied even if i apply it in the code.

so for me the main difference is that instead of TSubobjectPtr MyBlock; i use this: TSubobjectPtr MyBlock;

and of course also in cpp for the pcip createabstractdefaul…..

but then the block has no material :<

Rama gravatar image 
May 13 ‘14 at 7:32 AM

you’ll have to post your code for us to help you

also, it’d be better to post your issue as a separate topic so we can focus just on your issue :)



Neil.Griffiths gravatar image 
Jul 01 ‘14 at 12:15 AM

I know I’m late to this party but I’m guessing this is because your material isn’t set up to work on Instanced Meshes. Open up your material in the Material Editor (by double-clicking it in the Resource Browser) and set the property. :)

DJ_Lectr0 gravatar image 
Aug 05 ‘14 at 10:58 PM

What if I needed to apply an instanced Material with a parameter wich is different for every instance? Would I just override AddInstance? And how would I get the static mesh created in there?

DJ_Lectr0 gravatar image 
Aug 06 ‘14 at 12:06 AM

And also: How can I enable collision with my character??

Hyperloop gravatar image 
Aug 23 ‘14 at 2:10 AM

Rama, first off, thanks for being so active and helpful in the community I swear every third post I find turns out to be from you :D

I’m trying to solve this exact problem for myself as well and I have two quick(ish) questions:

  1. Does implementing this class help solve the issue of not being able to get a reference to a specific instance of a static mesh component during runtime? I’m running into that limitation, and it’s a dealbreaker because I need to be able to spawn AND destroy instances of the static mesh at runtime based on player interaction, but I can’t seem to do that via blueprints :/

2: If I place multiple instances of this actor into the world, do they each reference the SAME mesh, thereby helping to limit draw calls?

That’s the other huge issue I am hitting as I try to solve this with blueprints: Each instance of a BP that contains an instanced mesh isn’t inheriting or ‘grouping’/batching with the other instances even though it’s the same mesh. Functionally, that means I can’t make use of instanced meshes unless they ALL spawn from the same blueprint….and if they all spawn in the same BP, I can’t get a reference to a single instance to destroy it so it’s kind of useless for what I need to do :/

Your reply here was the closest thing I have found that might be a solution, I’m not a coder (yet) so I wanted to ask those Questions before I dive in and learn how to implement this :D

Hyperloop gravatar image 
Aug 23 ‘14 at 6:43 AM

Editing my post in regards to the first question: it would seem that in 4.4 they have JUST added the ability to do this!

“InstancedStaticMeshComponents now set the FHitResult.Item property with the index an instance hit by a collision event. This can be used with the above functions to remove a specific instance and replace it with a real StaticMeshComponent to provide interactivity with Foliage or other behavior.”

This is great news!

Still not sure how/if multiple Blueprints can have objects that are references to the same static mesh.

Plorax gravatar image 
Oct 08 ‘14 at 5:19 AM

What is an SMA ?

Sorry, I’m not familiar with the acronyms.

Also, is this code still valid for UE 4.4 ?

Please can someone point me in the right direction or show me a sample project doing the same InstanceStaticMesh thingy..

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Oct 08 ‘14 at 6:21 AM

SMA is StaticMeshActor.

I haven’t updated this project to 4.4 so im not entirely sure,but it should.

Are you making sure you are adding an instance of it ?

PhoenixFalcon gravatar image 
Nov 22 ‘15 at 7:59 PM

Hi, I am trying to add InstancedStaticMeshComponent using the code above. It works for single component. However when I try to add three different instanced mesh componentes they all look the same. For example the first added mesh is floor, the second and the third are cubes. Everything is rendered as floor mesh.

PhoenixFalcon gravatar image 
Nov 29 ‘15 at 7:44 PM 

Turns out the problem is with this line static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder StaticMeshOb_torus(TEXT(“StaticMesh’/Engine/EngineMeshes/Cube.Cube’”)); I removed static and it seems to be working.


I created a maze generator and I’m currently trying to figure out how to use an InstancedStaticMeshs in c++. Currently it spawns blueprints extended from a StaticMeshActor and I can only get about 10201 static meshes blueprints before i hit some heavy performance decrease, this is just on a maze alone

So when trying to make a rougelike maze dungeon with rooms and floors there are about ten to twenty times the static meshes. That’s allot of static mesh blueprints. Anyone have example usage ?

alt text

Product Version: 
Not Selected

instanced mesh

maze101.png (434.8 kB)

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asked Apr 03 ‘14 at 1:58 AM

SaxonRah gravatar image

221  8  10  22

Dieselhead gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 9:43 PM

I’m only guessing here but I think a game like this would also benefit greatly from level streaming.

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 10:51 PM

How would you level stream from actors spawned at run time ?

Dieselhead gravatar image 
Apr 04 ‘14 at 2:04 AM

Well thats what you get when browsing this place the last hour of work :)

Sorry, carry on!

1 answer: sort voted first ▼


Instanced Static Mesh

You can make a new class, InstancedStaticMeshActor

and add a Instanced Static Mesh Component

Then you spawn that actor

and to add additional instances you use this function in the Instanced Static Mesh Component Class

    1. UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=Components|InstancedStaticMesh)

    2. virtual void AddInstance(const FTransform& InstanceTransform);



That’s pretty much all you need to do!

Here’s my code from the beta, that I used for my own tests, here’s a pic of my tests

In my case I extended a regular SMA so I would see the actor when it spawned :)


    1. //Spawninfo

    2. FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;


    4. SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail = true;

    5. SpawnInfo.Owner = VictoryEngine->VSelectedActor;

    6. AVictoryVertex3D NewVertex =

    7. GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AVictoryVertex3D>(

    8. AVictoryVertex3D::StaticClass(),

    9. Pos,

    10. FRotator::ZeroRotator,

    11. SpawnInfo

    12. );

    13. if(!NewVertex) return NULL;

    14. if(!NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent) return NULL;

    15. //~~~~~~

    16. //Mesh

    17. NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(VictoryEngine->AssetSM_EngineCube);

    18. //Add Core Instance

    19. FTransform newT = NewVertex->GetTransform();

    20. newT.SetLocation(FVector(0,0,0));

    21. NewVertex->InstancedStaticMeshComponent->AddInstance(newT);

    22. //Scale

    23. NewVertex->SetActorRelativeScale3D(CurrentVerticiesScale);




    1. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    2. //Power

    3. #pragma once

    4. #include VictoryVertex3D.generated.h

    5. /**

    6. An instance of a StaticMesh in a level

    7. Note that PostInitializeComponents() is not called for StaticMeshActors

    8. /

    9. UCLASS()

    10. class AVictoryVertex3D : public AStaticMeshActor

    11. {


    13. UPROPERTY()

    14. TSubobjectPtr<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent> InstancedStaticMeshComponent;

    15. UPROPERTY()

    16. UStaticMesh* SMAsset_Cube;

    17. };



    1. // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    2. #include VictoryGame.h

    3. //

    4. // VictoryVertex3D


    6. //

    7. AVictoryVertex3D::AVictoryVertex3D(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)

    8. : Super(PCIP)

    9. {

    10. //Mesh

    11. static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> StaticMeshOb_torus(TEXT(StaticMesh’/Engine/EngineMeshes/Cube.Cube’”));

    12. SMAsset_Cube = StaticMeshOb_torus.Object;

    13. //create new object

    14. InstancedStaticMeshComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject < UInstancedStaticMeshComponent > (this, TEXT(InstancedStaticMeshComponentCOMP));

    15. InstancedStaticMeshComponent.AttachTo(RootComponent);

    16. //Not Made some reason?

    17. if (!InstancedStaticMeshComponent) return;

    18. //~~~~~~

    19. //Set to Asset

    20. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(SMAsset_Cube);

    21. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->bOwnerNoSee = false;

    22. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->bCastDynamicShadow = false;

    23. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->CastShadow = false;

    24. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    25. //Visibility

    26. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetHiddenInGame(false);

    27. //Mobility

    28. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);

    29. //Collision

    30. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::QueryOnly);

    31. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    32. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToAllChannels(ECR_Ignore);

    33. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Block);

    34. InstancedStaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Block);

    35. //~~~~~~~~~~

    36. if (!StaticMeshComponent) return;

    37. //Mobility

    38. StaticMeshComponent->SetMobility(EComponentMobility::Movable);

    39. //Collision

    40. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::QueryOnly);

    41. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetObjectType(ECC_WorldDynamic);

    42. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToAllChannels(ECR_Ignore);

    43. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Block);

    44. StaticMeshComponent->BodyInstance.SetResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Block);

    45. }








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answered Apr 03 ‘14 at 8:24 PM

Rama gravatar image

7.7k  346  136  507

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Apr 03 ‘14 at 10:51 PM

Thanks mate! You are the best :) !

oOo.DanBO.oOo gravatar image 
May 11 ‘14 at 6:51 PM

i have a few problems when i try this solution. my objects get spawned in the world. but it seems they dont have a material applied even if i apply it in the code.

so for me the main difference is that instead of TSubobjectPtr MyBlock; i use this: TSubobjectPtr MyBlock;

and of course also in cpp for the pcip createabstractdefaul…..

but then the block has no material :<

Rama gravatar image 
May 13 ‘14 at 7:32 AM

you’ll have to post your code for us to help you

also, it’d be better to post your issue as a separate topic so we can focus just on your issue :)



Neil.Griffiths gravatar image 
Jul 01 ‘14 at 12:15 AM

I know I’m late to this party but I’m guessing this is because your material isn’t set up to work on Instanced Meshes. Open up your material in the Material Editor (by double-clicking it in the Resource Browser) and set the property. :)

DJ_Lectr0 gravatar image 
Aug 05 ‘14 at 10:58 PM

What if I needed to apply an instanced Material with a parameter wich is different for every instance? Would I just override AddInstance? And how would I get the static mesh created in there?

DJ_Lectr0 gravatar image 
Aug 06 ‘14 at 12:06 AM

And also: How can I enable collision with my character??

Hyperloop gravatar image 
Aug 23 ‘14 at 2:10 AM

Rama, first off, thanks for being so active and helpful in the community I swear every third post I find turns out to be from you :D

I’m trying to solve this exact problem for myself as well and I have two quick(ish) questions:

  1. Does implementing this class help solve the issue of not being able to get a reference to a specific instance of a static mesh component during runtime? I’m running into that limitation, and it’s a dealbreaker because I need to be able to spawn AND destroy instances of the static mesh at runtime based on player interaction, but I can’t seem to do that via blueprints :/

2: If I place multiple instances of this actor into the world, do they each reference the SAME mesh, thereby helping to limit draw calls?

That’s the other huge issue I am hitting as I try to solve this with blueprints: Each instance of a BP that contains an instanced mesh isn’t inheriting or ‘grouping’/batching with the other instances even though it’s the same mesh. Functionally, that means I can’t make use of instanced meshes unless they ALL spawn from the same blueprint….and if they all spawn in the same BP, I can’t get a reference to a single instance to destroy it so it’s kind of useless for what I need to do :/

Your reply here was the closest thing I have found that might be a solution, I’m not a coder (yet) so I wanted to ask those Questions before I dive in and learn how to implement this :D

Hyperloop gravatar image 
Aug 23 ‘14 at 6:43 AM

Editing my post in regards to the first question: it would seem that in 4.4 they have JUST added the ability to do this!

“InstancedStaticMeshComponents now set the FHitResult.Item property with the index an instance hit by a collision event. This can be used with the above functions to remove a specific instance and replace it with a real StaticMeshComponent to provide interactivity with Foliage or other behavior.”

This is great news!

Still not sure how/if multiple Blueprints can have objects that are references to the same static mesh.

Plorax gravatar image 
Oct 08 ‘14 at 5:19 AM

What is an SMA ?

Sorry, I’m not familiar with the acronyms.

Also, is this code still valid for UE 4.4 ?

Please can someone point me in the right direction or show me a sample project doing the same InstanceStaticMesh thingy..

SaxonRah gravatar image 
Oct 08 ‘14 at 6:21 AM

SMA is StaticMeshActor.

I haven’t updated this project to 4.4 so im not entirely sure,but it should.

Are you making sure you are adding an instance of it ?

PhoenixFalcon gravatar image 
Nov 22 ‘15 at 7:59 PM

Hi, I am trying to add InstancedStaticMeshComponent using the code above. It works for single component. However when I try to add three different instanced mesh componentes they all look the same. For example the first added mesh is floor, the second and the third are cubes. Everything is rendered as floor mesh.

PhoenixFalcon gravatar image 
Nov 29 ‘15 at 7:44 PM 

Turns out the problem is with this line static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder StaticMeshOb_torus(TEXT(“StaticMesh’/Engine/EngineMeshes/Cube.Cube’”)); I removed static and it seems to be working.


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