相关 Play on Words 单词 UVA 10129 (欧拉+dfs)
概念:无向图中 欧拉道路(也叫欧拉通路),需要满足的条件图是连通的并且最多只有两个奇顶点(这两个奇顶点是欧拉通路的端点);欧拉回路:图是连通的并且没有奇顶点。 有向图中也相
相关 Trees on the level 树的层次遍历 UVA 122(BFS)
1. \include<cstdio> 2. \include<vector> 3. \include<queue> 4. \include<cstring> 5.
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Description [![Download as PDF][]][Download as PDF 1]Most financial institutions had be
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题意:就是给定一个数n,然后求一个10进制都是1的数,使其能整除n,求其位数, 思路:以前做BFS的时候遇到类似的题目,当时用队列+long long 模拟的,这个
相关 数学题-UVA 10127/POJ 2551-Ones
数学题-UVA 10127/POJ 2551-Ones -------------------- 题目链接:[10127 - Ones][] 思
相关 Play on Words UVA - 10129 (欧拉路径)
Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologi
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Trees on the level Background Trees are fundamental in many branches of computer scie
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链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-10285 题意: 给你一个二维矩阵,任意选一个起始点,每次可走上下左右四个方向。 但是只能走
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include<iostream> include<string> using namespace std; int main() {
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![70][] ![70 1][] include<bits/stdc++.h> include<stdio.h> include<iostream