
爱被打了一巴掌 2022-08-09 09:39 293阅读 0赞







① 计算出模板的均值,以及方差;

② 计算出当前待筛选区域的均值,以及方差;

③ 当模板匹配到待检测区域时,计算模板和区域的相关系数


④ 得到相关系数后,与阈值比较,确定是否为人脸区域;







  1. %Following function returns image regions which pass template matching test
  2. function [template_passed]=template_test(aspectBW,originalRGB,template)
  3. %convert original image into grayscale
  4. imgray=rgb2gray(imread(originalRGB));
  5. imtemplate=imread(template);
  6. %label the binary image with regions
  7. [labels,num] = bwlabel(aspectBW,8);
  8. [m,n]=size(aspectBW);
  9. % %compute orientation angle for each region
  10. orient = regionprops(labels,'Orientation');
  11. angles=cat(1,orient.Orientation);
  12. %compute centroid for each region
  13. c = regionprops(labels,'Centroid');
  14. centroids=cat(1,c.Centroid);
  15. %image with regions which pass template matching test
  16. template_passed=zeros(m,n);
  17. gray_matched=zeros(m,n);
  18. %resize,rotate and crop the template image according to region properties
  19. for j=1:num,
  20. % Compute the coordinates for this region.
  21. [x,y] = find(labels == j);
  22. % Get an image that only has this region, the rest is black
  23. bwsegment = bwselect(aspectBW,y,x,8);
  24. % Generate orignal gray scale with only one face region
  25. oneface=immultiply(bwsegment,imgray);
  26. %centroid of the region
  27. cx1=centroids(j,1);
  28. cy1=centroids(j,2);
  29. %width and height of the region
  30. p=regionprops(bwlabel(bwsegment),'BoundingBox');
  31. boxdim=cat(1,p.BoundingBox);
  32. regw=boxdim(3);
  33. regh=boxdim(4);
  34. ratio=regh/regw;
  35. %if region is too long, set to resonable new height and shift centroid up
  36. if(ratio>1.6)
  37. regh=1.5*regw;
  38. cy1=cy1-(0.1*regh);
  39. end
  40. %resize the model with same scale as the region
  41. gmodel_resize=imresize(imtemplate,[regh regw],'bilinear');
  42. %rotate the resized model by the angle of orientation of the region
  43. if(angles(j)>0)
  44. gmodel_rotate=imrotate(gmodel_resize,angles(j)-90,'bilinear','loose');
  45. else
  46. gmodel_rotate=imrotate(gmodel_resize,90+angles(j),'bilinear','loose');
  47. end
  48. %computing the centroid and size of the model
  49. bwmodel=im2bw(gmodel_rotate,0);
  50. %size of the model before crop
  51. [g,h]=size(bwmodel);
  52. %ensure that the bw model region has only one region
  53. bwmorphed = bwmorph(bwmodel,'clean');
  54. [L,no]=bwlabel(bwmorphed,8);
  55. if(no==1)
  56. bwsingle=bwmorphed;
  57. else
  58. ar=regionprops(bwlabel(bwmorphed),'Area');
  59. areas=cat(1,ar.Area);
  60. [C,I]=max(areas);
  61. % Compute the coordinates for this region.
  62. [x1,y1] = find(bwlabel(bwmorphed)== I);
  63. % Get an image that only has this region, the rest is black
  64. bwsingle = bwselect(bwmorphed,y1,x1,8);
  65. end
  66. %fill the model and crop - this option of region props crops automatically
  67. filledmodel=regionprops(bwlabel(bwsingle),'FilledImage');
  68. bwcrop=filledmodel.FilledImage;
  69. %size of the scaled and rotated model after crop
  70. [modh,modw]=size(bwcrop);
  71. %crop the grayscale model to same size as that of bwlabel model
  72. gmodel_crop=imresize(gmodel_rotate,[modh modw],'bilinear');
  73. %centroid of scaled,rotated and cropped model
  74. cenmod=regionprops(bwlabel(bwcrop),'Centroid');
  75. central=cat(1,cenmod.Centroid);
  76. cx2=central(1,1);
  77. cy2=central(1,2);
  78. mfit = zeros(size(oneface));
  79. mfitbw = zeros(size(oneface));
  80. [limy, limx] = size(mfit);
  81. % Compute the coordinates of where the face model is going to be in
  82. % the main image
  83. startx = cx1-cx2;
  84. starty = cy1-cy2;
  85. endx = startx + modw-1;
  86. endy = starty + modh-1;
  87. % Check for boundaries of the image
  88. startx = checklimit(startx,limx);
  89. starty = checklimit(starty,limy);
  90. endx = checklimit(endx,limx);
  91. endy = checklimit(endy,limy);
  92. % The following is to generate a new image having the same
  93. % size as the original one, but with the face of the model on it
  94. % rotated accordingly.
  95. for i=starty:endy,
  96. for j=startx:endx,
  97. mfit(round(i),round(j)) = gmodel_crop(round(i-starty+1),round(j-startx+1));
  98. end;
  99. end;
  100. % subplot(3,3,9);
  101. % imshow(mfit,[0 255])
  102. %
  103. % Get the cross-correlation value between model and region
  104. gray_matched=gray_matched+mfit;
  105. crosscorr =corr2(mfit,oneface);
  106. %if cross-correlation value higher than threshold, add the region
  107. if(crosscorr>=0.6)
  108. template_passed=template_passed+bwsegment;
  109. end;
  110. subplot(4,3,11);
  111. imshow(gray_matched,[0 255])
  112. title('Template Matching')
  113. % subplot(4,3,12);
  114. % imshow(template_passed)
  115. end;






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