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转载自: http://blog.csdn.net/candycat1992/article/details/42127811 写在前面 这一篇是在
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To draw a GameObject on the screen, the engine has to issue a draw call to the g
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![Center][]![Center 1][]![Center 2][] [Center]: https://img-blog.csdn.net/201702131226
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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; publi
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[Unity3D教程][Unity3D]:优化Draw Call 。在屏幕上渲染物体,引擎需要发出一个绘制调用来访问图形API(iOS系统中为OpenGL ES)。每个绘制调用
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本文简要的介绍了DirectX12 3D的绘制流程。 void InitDirect3DApp::Draw(const GameTimer& gt)