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Compiling and Linking VISA Programs (C/C++)
This section provides a summary of important compiler- specific considerations when developing Win32 applications.
1 . Linking to VISA Libraries
Your application must link to the VISA import library as follows, assuming default installation directories and Microsoft compilers:
C:\Program Files\VISA\winnt\lib\msc\visa32.lib The following steps will help you do this. This information is specific to your development

Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0 Development Environment
1 Use the File menu to create a new project or open an existing project.
2 Select Project > Settings from the menu and click the C/C++ tab.
3 Select Code Generation from the Category list box and select Multi-Threaded using DLL from the Use Run-Time Libraries list box. (VISA requires these definitions for Win32.) Click OK to close the dialog box.
4 Select Project > Settings from the menu. Click the Link tab and add visa32.lib to the Object/Library Modules list box. Optionally, you may add the library directly to your project file. Click OK to close the dialog box.
5 You may want to add the include files and library files
search paths. They are set as follows:
• Select Tools > Options from the menu.
• Click the Directories tab to set the include file path.
• Select Include Files from the Show Directories For list box.
• Click at the bottom of the list box and type:
C:\Program Files\VISA\winnt\include
(This assumes that you used the default installation
location for VISA.)
• Select Library Files from the Show Directories For list box.
• Click at the bottom of the list box and type:
C:\Program Files\VISA\winnt\lib\msc
(This assumes that you used the default installation
location for VISA.)
6 Add or create your C or C++ source files. For example, to build the sample described below, select Project > Add to Project > Files… and type or browse to C:\Program Files\Agilent\IO Libraries Suite\ ProgrammingSamples\C\VISA\idn.c.
7 Click Build > Rebuild All to build the VISA program.

示例:电源型号:Agilent GPIB线 开发环境为VS2010



  1. //包含VISA头文件和库文件
  2. #include "WinNT//include//visa.h"
  3. #pragma comment(lib, "WinNT//lib//msc//visa32.lib")


  1. BOOL CXXXDlg::InitPower()
  2. {
  3. char chStatusDesc[_MAX_DIR] = {0};
  4. int retCnt=0;
  5. char instrDesc[100]={0};
  6. ViFindList find_list;
  7. float voltSetting, currSetting;
  8. voltSetting = atof(ini_powervolt);
  9. currSetting = atof(ini_powercurrent);
  10. VISAstatus=viOpenDefaultRM(&defrm);
  11. if (VISAstatus != VI_SUCCESS)
  12. {
  13. return FALSE;
  14. }
  15. VISAstatus = viFindRsrc(defrm,"GPIB?*INSTR",&find_list,(ViPUInt32)&retCnt, instrDesc);
  16. VISAstatus=viOpen(defrm,instrDesc, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &session);
  17. if (VISAstatus!=VI_SUCCESS)
  18. {
  19. return FALSE;
  20. }
  21. //Set voltage
  22. viPrintf(session,"VOLT %f \n",voltSetting);
  23. //Set current level
  24. viPrintf(session,"CURR %f \n",currSetting);
  25. return TRUE;
  26. }


  1. void CXXXDlg::OnBnClickedBtnPowerOn()
  2. {
  3. if (!InitPower())
  4. {
  5. AfxMessageBox("Init Power Fail,Please Check the GPIB Connected!");
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. viPrintf(session,"OUTP ON \n");
  9. }


  1. void CXXXDlg::OnBnClickedBtnPoweroff()
  2. {
  3. if (!InitPower())
  4. {
  5. AfxMessageBox("Init Power Fail,Please Check the GPIB Connected!");
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. viPrintf(session,"OUTP OFF \n");
  9. }



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