Linux--共享队列2 迷南。 2022-07-14 07:50 33阅读 0赞 //发送端 #include "apue.h" struct msgbuf { long type; char voltage[128]; char ID[4]; }; main(){ int id,key; struct msgbuf sendbuf; //创建key key = ftok("./apue.h",'a'); if(key<0){ perror("fail to create key"); return -1; } printf("success to create key = %d\n",key); //根据key创建共享队列 id=msgget(key,IPC_CREAT|0777); if(id<0){ perror("fail to create share msg"); return -1; } printf("success to create share msg id=%d\n",id); system("ipcs -q"); //发送消息 sendbuf.type = 100; strcpy(sendbuf.voltage,"hello liupan"); //发送消息 第四个参数表示以阻塞的方式写 int res_msg_snd = msgsnd(id,(void *)&sendbuf,strlen(sendbuf.voltage),0); if(res_msg_snd<0){ perror("fail to send msg"); } printf(" success to send msg \n"); sleep(600); //删除共享队列 printf(" start to delete share msg===\n"); int re_msg=msgctl(id,IPC_RMID,NULL);//删除创建的共享队列 if(re_msg<0) { perror(""); return -1; } printf("success to delete msg \n"); system("ipcs -q"); return 0; } //读取端 #include "apue.h" struct msgbuf { long type; char voltage[128]; char ID[4]; }; main(){ int id,key; struct msgbuf readbuf; //创建key key = ftok("./apue.h",'a'); if(key<0){ perror("fail to create key"); return -1; } printf("success to create key = %d\n",key); //根据key创建共享队列 id=msgget(key,IPC_CREAT|0777); if(id<0){ perror("fail to create share msg"); return -1; } printf("success to create share msg id=%d\n",id); system("ipcs -q"); //读取消息 memset(readbuf.voltage,0,sizeof(readbuf.voltage)); //100表示数据类型 128表示要读取的数据的大小 第四个表示以阻塞的方式读取 //返回值 实际读取到的字节数 int re_msg_size = msgrcv(id,(void *)&readbuf,128,100,0); if(re_msg_size<0) { perror("fail to read data"); } printf(" size of read datais %d at first readbuf = %s \n",re_msg_size,readbuf.voltage); //删除共享队列 printf(" start to delete share msg===\n"); int re_msg=msgctl(id,IPC_RMID,NULL);//删除创建的共享队列 if(re_msg<0) { perror(""); return -1; } printf("success to delete msg \n"); system("ipcs -q"); return 0; }
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