相关 "cannot be resolved or is not a field"问题解决
在修改了资源文件后,出现“"cannot be resolved or is not a field",解决方法如下: 1. 删除R.java文件,这时,系统会重新生成一个R
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Navicat连接Oracle报错:Oracle library is not loaded 用Navicat连接Oracle数据库时报错:Oracle library
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![20200606133851810.png][] 参考链接:[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52514468/cell-type
相关 oracle library is not loaded【非常详细】
1 下载插件 官网地址 https://www.oracle.com/cn/database/technologies/instant-client/winx64-6
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相关 Navicat连接Oracle报错:Oracle library is not loaded
1、用Navicat连接Oracle数据库时报错:Oracle library is not loaded ![在这里插入图片描述][20181222131919772.p