相关 public class WeeklyTimeMachineVideoInfoDAO { @Resource private WeeklyTimeMachineVideoInfoMa...
这段代码是一个 Java 类,名为 WeeklyTimeMachineVideoInfoDAO。它有一个私有属性 mapper,它是 WeeklyTimeMachineVide
相关 class CSplitterWnd :public CSplitterWnd
1.隐藏分割条 和 禁止拖动分割条 class CMySplitterWnd : public CSplitterWnd \{ public: int m\_
相关 public class Watermark : IHttpHandler
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.We
相关 FSBII(八)class KMutex
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
相关 FSBII(七)class CThread
/ created: 2003/02/14 file base: Thread file ext: h author: liu
相关 FSBII(四)class CWebBrowser2 : public CWnd
if !defined(AFX_WEBBROWSER2_H__E2C95196_D6DB_4CFB_9C70_D7710EC2DE92__INCLUDED_)
相关 FSBII(一)class CHyperlinkStatic : public CStatic
if !defined(AFX_HYPERLINKSTATIC_H__32A71426_1315_407C_9D90_A484C5589D80__INCLUDED_)
相关 FSBII(二)class CPicture : public CPictureHolder
// Picture.h: interface for the CPicture class. // // if !defined(A
相关 FSBII(三)class CPictureEx : public CStatic
// // PictureEx.cpp: implementation of the CPictureEx class. // // Pictu