相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(南宁赛区)网络赛 A Weather Patterns(阅读理解)
Weather Patterns Consider a system which is described at any time as being in one of
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(南宁赛区)网络赛 F. Overlapping Rectangles(扫描线)
There are nn rectangles on the plane. The problem is to find the area of the union of th
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(南宁赛区)网络赛 B.Train Seats Reservation(模拟)
You are given a list of train stations, say from the station 11 to the station 100100.
相关 2017青岛赛区亚洲区域赛网络赛 The Dominator of Strings
Problem Description Here you have a set of strings. A dominator is a string of the
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Problem Description A cubic number is the result of using a whole number in a multi
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(西安赛区)网络赛 C.Sum(找规律)
Define the function S(x)S(x) for xx is a positive integer. S(x)S(x) equals to the sum of
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(西安赛区)网络赛
哎,题目难度挺大的,我们就做了三个题目。深深的见识到自己的水平不行啊,膜拜清北上啊! 分别是 B题: ![Center][]
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(乌鲁木齐赛区)网络赛 F. Islands(有向图加边变成一个强连通图)
On the mysterious continent of Tamriel, there is a great empire founded by human. To de
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(乌鲁木齐赛区)网络赛 H. Skiing(记忆化dfs)
In this winter holiday, Bob has a plan for skiing at the mountain resort. This ski reso
相关 2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(乌鲁木齐赛区)网络赛 A. Banana(连通性水题)
Bananas are the favoured food of monkeys. In the forest, there is a Banana Company that