Python While 循环语句

客官°小女子只卖身不卖艺 2022-05-30 22:24 454阅读 0赞

Python 编程中 while 语句用于循环执行程序,即在某条件下,循环执行某段程序,以处理需要重复处理的相同任务。其基本形式为:

  1. while 判断条件:
  2. 执行语句……







count = 0
while ( count < 9 ) :
print ‘ The count is: ‘ , count
count = count + 1

print “ Good bye! “

运行实例 »


  1. The count is: 0
  2. The count is: 1
  3. The count is: 2
  4. The count is: 3
  5. The count is: 4
  6. The count is: 5
  7. The count is: 6
  8. The count is: 7
  9. The count is: 8
  10. Good bye!

while 语句时还有另外两个重要的命令 continue,break 来跳过循环,continue 用于跳过该次循环,break 则是用于退出循环,此外”判断条件”还可以是个常值,表示循环必定成立,具体用法如下:

# continue 和 break 用法

i = 1
while i < 10 :
i += 1
if i % 2 > 0 : # 非双数时跳过输出
print i # 输出双数2、4、6、8、10

i = 1
while 1 : # 循环条件为1必定成立
print i # 输出1~10
i += 1
if i > 10 : # 当i大于10时跳出循环


如果条件判断语句永远为 true,循环将会无限的执行下去,如下实例:


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

var = 1
while var == 1 : # 该条件永远为true,循环将无限执行下去
num = raw_input ( “ Enter a number : “ )
print “ You entered: “ , num

print “ Good bye! “


  1. Enter a number :20
  2. You entered: 20
  3. Enter a number :29
  4. You entered: 29
  5. Enter a number :3
  6. You entered: 3
  7. Enter a number between :Traceback (most recent call last):
  8. File "", line 5, in <module>
  9. num = raw_input("Enter a number :")
  10. KeyboardInterrupt

注意:以上的无限循环你可以使用 CTRL+C 来中断循环。

循环使用 else 语句

在 python 中,while … else 在循环条件为 false 时执行 else 语句块:



count = 0
while count < 5 :
print count , “ is less than 5 “
count = count + 1
else :
print count , “ is not less than 5 “


  1. 0 is less than 5
  2. 1 is less than 5
  3. 2 is less than 5
  4. 3 is less than 5
  5. 4 is less than 5
  6. 5 is not less than 5


类似 if 语句的语法,如果你的 while 循环体中只有一条语句,你可以将该语句与while写在同一行中, 如下所示:



flag = 1

while ( flag ) : print ‘ Given flag is really true! ‘

print “ Good bye! “

注意:以上的无限循环你可以使用 CTRL+C 来中断循环。

Python 循环语句

Python for 循环语句

  1. 猜大小的游戏
  2. #!/usr/bin/python
  3. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  4. import random
  5. s = int(random.uniform(1,10))
  6. #print(s)
  7. m = int(input('输入整数:'))
  8. while m != s:
  9. if m > s:
  10. print('大了')
  11. m = int(input('输入整数:'))
  12. if m < s:
  13. print('小了')
  14. m = int(input('输入整数:'))
  15. if m == s:
  16. print('OK')
  1. 猜拳小游戏
  2. #!/usr/bin/python
  3. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  4. import random
  5. while 1:
  6. s = int(random.randint(1, 3))
  7. if s == 1:
  8. ind = "石头"
  9. elif s == 2:
  10. ind = "剪子"
  11. elif s == 3:
  12. ind = "布"
  13. m = raw_input('输入 石头、剪子、布,输入"end"结束游戏:')
  14. blist = ['石头', "剪子", "布"]
  15. if (m not in blist) and (m != 'end'):
  16. print "输入错误,请重新输入!"
  17. elif (m not in blist) and (m == 'end'):
  18. print "\n游戏退出中..."
  19. break
  20. elif m == ind :
  21. print "电脑出了: " + ind + ",平局!"
  22. elif (m == '石头' and ind =='剪子') or (m == '剪子' and ind =='布') or (m == '布' and ind =='石头'):
  23. print "电脑出了: " + ind +",你赢了!"
  24. elif (m == '石头' and ind =='布') or (m == '剪子' and ind =='石头') or (m == '布' and ind =='剪子'):
  25. print "电脑出了: " + ind +",你输了!"
  26. 测试结果:
  27. 输入 石头、剪子、布,输入"end"结束游戏:石头
  28. 电脑出了: 石头,平局!
  29. 输入 石头、剪子、布,输入"end"结束游戏:石头
  30. 电脑出了: 剪子,你赢了!
  31. 输入 石头、剪子、布,输入"end"结束游戏:
  1. 摇筛子游戏
  2. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  3. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  4. import random
  5. import sys
  6. import time
  7. result = []
  8. while True:
  9. result.append(int(random.uniform(1,7)))
  10. result.append(int(random.uniform(1,7)))
  11. result.append(int(random.uniform(1,7)))
  12. print result
  13. count = 0
  14. index = 2
  15. pointStr = ""
  16. while index >= 0:
  17. currPoint = result[index]
  18. count += currPoint
  19. index -= 1
  20. pointStr += " "
  21. pointStr += str(currPoint)
  22. if count <= 11:
  23. sys.stdout.write(pointStr + " -> " + "小" + "\n")
  24. time.sleep( 1 ) # 睡眠一秒
  25. else:
  26. sys.stdout.write(pointStr + " -> " + "大" + "\n")
  27. time.sleep( 1 ) # 睡眠一秒
  28. result = []
  1. 十进制转二进制
  2. #!/usr/bin/python
  3. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  4. denum = input("输入十进制数:")
  5. print denum,"(10)",
  6. binnum = []
  7. # 二进制数
  8. while denum > 0:
  9. binnum.append(str(denum % 2)) # 栈压入
  10. denum //= 2
  11. print '= ',
  12. while len(binnum)>0:
  13. import sys
  14. sys.stdout.write(binnum.pop()) # 无空格输出print ' (2)'
  15. (+\_\_+)
  16. 6个月前 (07-25)
  1. while循环 - 九九乘法表

    1. #!/usr/bin/python
    2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    3. #九九乘法表
    4. i = 1
    5. while i :
    6. j = 1
    7. while j:
    8. print j ,"*", i ," = " , i * j , ' ',
    9. if i == j :
    10. break
    11. j += 1
    12. if j >= 10:
    13. break
    14. print "\n"
    15. i += 1
    16. if i >= 10:
    17. break


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