
蔚落 2022-05-30 02:28 426阅读 0赞


摘要: 如何编写智能合约(Smart Contract)?(I) 完整视频教程 https://v.qq.com/x/page/h0552ba9k8h.html学习目标 了解智能合约 简单环境搭建 能够利用solidity编写Hello World合约 合约部署 和合约互动 使用solidity语言撰写智能合约 Ethereum上的智能合约需要使用solidity语言来撰写

如何编写智能合约(Smart Contract)?(I)


  • https://v.qq.com/x/page/h0552ba9k8h.html


  1. 了解智能合约
  2. 简单环境搭建
  3. 能够利用solidity编写Hello World合约
  4. 合约部署
  5. 和合约互动



宣传上说,solidity是一种类似Javascript的语言,而且围绕着solidity的各种开发工具链,都是使用属于Javascript生态系的npm来提供的。但我觉得solidity还是比较像Java或C#。因为和Javascript不同,solidity与Java或C#同属于强类型(Strong Type,在定义变数时需要指定类型)语言、在定义函式(function)时同样需指定回传的类型(type)、同样也需要先编译才能执行。这些特性都是Javascript所不具备的。


本文将使用当前最活跃的智能合约开发框架truffle为基础来开发。ENS(Ethereum Name Service)也是采用truffle框架。其他选择还有embark等。


testrpc中也包含了Javascript版本的Ethereum虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine),因此可以完整地执行智能合约。





  1. $ npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc truffle
  2. liyuechun:~ yuechunli$ npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc truffle
  3. /usr/local/bin/testrpc -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ethereumjs-testrpc/build/cli.node.js
  4. /usr/local/bin/truffle -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js
  5. + truffle@3.4.9
  6. + ethereumjs-testrpc@4.1.3
  7. added 1 package and updated 7 packages in 76.132s
  8. liyuechun:~ yuechunli$



  1. liyuechun:~ yuechunli$ testrpc
  2. EthereumJS TestRPC v4.1.3 (ganache-core: 1.1.3)
  3. Available Accounts
  4. ==================
  5. (0) 0xbbd414b340f2255dab9d923428c97f0b65d9df81
  6. (1) 0xe9869e3cf29b6fca81762c314df229c7c4fea25e
  7. (2) 0xc79e72362a4511b9e499d186654332c4d6f569be
  8. (3) 0x9a6f0651907c149d4173c03927144dbbba1473d4
  9. (4) 0x5b13a5d6788752b26dd4e338aae2e01058ee145e
  10. (5) 0xfc7f56d942ad5260be23ecee92a344aba1b7e7d8
  11. (6) 0xc48dc22c6bacd6ade4421ab54f25bc45c1c51142
  12. (7) 0x3fe2b7d4141dd0a456661f77086d055cbaf3b78f
  13. (8) 0x567979fed26ca85e9d1b4ac919c840e3fc9857e2
  14. (9) 0xb2eafe245f098eef1c2c1f466d9a8dcd58764c62
  15. Private Keys
  16. ==================
  17. (0) 947ab78e91133103612ca099d60e6c38cac5bb769f7f097c82d003cf058500bd
  18. (1) 8ffe0ba8dc53e16944a17dddd3378b5fba0379cd84df4e5237b8b46d05b8762f
  19. (2) ffe2e04e43e4106b247407656f5233bcc3e0c49730972d0df9c1d1093375e2ef
  20. (3) a20e453dc44c76aaca6a22efdbb605c2ed9eea64c11317e683461e11bd105ea7
  21. (4) 4748268ff1b828868dc56d07a1b121b427e1bdede5dbb3c14ef1254d9d26b1a5
  22. (5) f9957e68c6d20d38b81604a0509e6c4591478bc754f87d5682564073705fbb46
  23. (6) 34e648b23c0ace6b2b0893651d87f70be8496f97ecf6b7b4607b2acc4e05c9bd
  24. (7) d2477cedec217e3fb19a5981dafbc125ef66ccc9dc7df29301d08a24da843cf5
  25. (8) d319f85ccd80e55b2e707e05f09662632564c297248f8b96f82ea5eeaeef0851
  26. (9) 88c33ac9f1062b82f9e82f86a0ce307e3bd8fcf683b9751232c2f193f5bdc668
  27. HD Wallet
  28. ==================
  29. Mnemonic: hire custom clinic expect fury fantasy try dress source spy viable flag
  30. Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index} Listening on localhost:8545

可以看到testrpc启动后自动建立了10个帐号(Accounts),与每个帐号对应的私钥(Private Key)。每个帐号中都有100个测试用的以太币(Ether)。要注意testrpc仅运行在內存中,因此每次重开时都会回到全新的状态。




  1. liyuechun:Desktop yuechunli$ mkdir SmartContractDemo
  2. liyuechun:Desktop yuechunli$ cd SmartContractDemo/
  3. liyuechun:SmartContractDemo yuechunli$ mkdir HelloWorld
  4. liyuechun:SmartContractDemo yuechunli$ cd HelloWorld/
  5. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle init
  6. Downloading project...
  7. Project initialized.
  8. Documentation: http://truffleframework.com/docs
  9. Commands:
  10. Compile: truffle compile
  11. Migrate: truffle migrate
  12. Test: truffle test
  13. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  14. contracts migrations test truffle.js



/migrations:这是 Truffle用来部署智能合约的功能,待会儿我们会修改2_deploy_contracts.js来部署 HelloWorld.sol
/test:测试智能合约的代码放在这里,支持jssol 测试。
truffle.js: Truffle 的设置文档。



contracts文件夹下新建HelloWorld.sol文件,当然也可以直接在HelloWorld路径下面直接执行truffle create contract HelloWorld命令来创建HelloWorld.sol



  1. pragma solidity ^0.4.4;
  2. contract HelloWorld {
  3. function sayHello() returns (string) {
  4. return ("Hello World");
  5. }
  6. }



  1. pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

第一行指名目前使用的solidity版本,不同版本的solidity可能会编译出不同的bytecode^代表兼容solidity`0.4.4 ~ 0.4.9`的版本。

  1. contract HelloWorld {
  2. ...
  3. }

contract关键字类似于其他语言中较常见的class。因为solidity是专为智能合约(Contact)设计的语言,声明contract后即内置了开发智能合约所需的功能。也可以把这句理解为class HelloWorld extends Contract

  1. function sayHello() returns (string) {
  2. return ("Hello World");
  3. }



现在执行truffle compile命令,我们可以将HelloWorld.sol原始码编译成Ethereum bytecode

  1. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  2. contracts migrations test truffle.js
  3. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle compile
  4. Compiling ./contracts/ConvertLib.sol...
  5. Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol...
  6. Compiling ./contracts/MetaCoin.sol...
  7. Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol...
  8. Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
  9. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  10. build contracts migrations test truffle.js
  11. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ cd build/
  12. liyuechun:build yuechunli$ ls
  13. contracts
  14. liyuechun:build yuechunli$ cd contracts/
  15. liyuechun:contracts yuechunli$ ls
  16. ConvertLib.json HelloWorld.json MetaCoin.json Migrations.json
  17. liyuechun:contracts yuechunli$ cat HelloWorld.json
  18. {
  19. "contract_name": "HelloWorld",
  20. "abi": [
  21. {
  22. "inputs": [],
  23. "payable": false,
  24. "type": "constructor"
  25. }
  26. ],
  27. "unlinked_binary": "0x60606040523415600e57600080fd5b5b5b5b603680601e6000396000f30060606040525b600080fd00a165627a7a723058203ee98a767948e9bc08094df4a46ab0361f068b2a559032cf968df5bbf63e91430029",
  28. "networks": {},
  29. "schema_version": "0.0.5",
  30. "updated_at": 1505805826302
  31. }
  32. liyuechun:contracts yuechunli$





  1. var HelloWorld = artifacts.require("HelloWorld");
  2. module.exports = function(deployer) {
  3. deployer.deploy(HelloWorld);
  4. };



现在执行truffle migrate命令:

  1. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  2. build contracts migrations test truffle.js
  3. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle migrate
  4. Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol...
  5. Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
  6. Using network 'development'.
  7. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
  8. Deploying Migrations...
  9. ... 0x218431f16a5cadc6347449808d981887c90b3872898af7cc9dc9b3280c07c184
  10. Migrations: 0x64e9673cf962d21642a08635e6654fb7f2ea9bcd
  11. Saving successful migration to network...
  12. ... 0xd9ec788c106df36b8491c95a0ab02ff1e5ef22c1965c910a2576e8259a00535c
  13. Saving artifacts...
  14. Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
  15. Deploying HelloWorld...
  16. ... 0x17774b4914d7bc7ab2505a53c59bda6a1fce30c9839d19d735290ca9140450ea
  17. HelloWorld: 0x471a22ffe2bddd02e82853059871067e4c07a7f4
  18. Saving successful migration to network...
  19. ... 0xe5e2e11cf5a63ca4517221c68dadb3cae2ca42cbfed93c09c575b6d5f275fc8b
  20. Saving artifacts...
  21. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$




truffle提供命令行工具,执行truffle console命令后,可用Javascript来和刚刚部署的合约互动。

  1. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  2. build contracts migrations test truffle.js
  3. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle console
  4. truffle(development)> HelloWorld.deployed().then(instance => contract = instance)
  5. TruffleContract {
  6. constructor:
  7. { [Function: TruffleContract]
  8. _static_methods:
  9. { setProvider: [Function: setProvider],
  10. new: [Function: new],
  11. at: [Function: at],
  12. deployed: [Function: deployed],
  13. defaults: [Function: defaults],
  14. hasNetwork: [Function: hasNetwork],
  15. isDeployed: [Function: isDeployed],
  16. detectNetwork: [Function: detectNetwork],
  17. setNetwork: [Function: setNetwork],
  18. resetAddress: [Function: resetAddress],
  19. link: [Function: link],
  20. clone: [Function: clone],
  21. addProp: [Function: addProp],
  22. toJSON: [Function: toJSON] },
  23. _properties:
  24. { contract_name: [Object],
  25. abi: [Object],
  26. network: [Function: network],
  27. networks: [Function: networks],
  28. address: [Object],
  29. links: [Function: links],
  30. events: [Function: events],
  31. binary: [Function: binary],
  32. unlinked_binary: [Object],
  33. schema_version: [Function: schema_version],
  34. updated_at: [Function: updated_at] },
  35. _property_values: {},
  36. _json:
  37. { contract_name: 'HelloWorld',
  38. default_network: undefined,
  39. abi: [Array],
  40. unlinked_binary: '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',
  41. networks: [Object],
  42. schema_version: '0.0.5',
  43. updated_at: 1505806918535 },
  44. setProvider: [Function: bound setProvider],
  45. new: [Function: bound new],
  46. at: [Function: bound at],
  47. deployed: [Function: bound deployed],
  48. defaults: [Function: bound defaults],
  49. hasNetwork: [Function: bound hasNetwork],
  50. isDeployed: [Function: bound isDeployed],
  51. detectNetwork: [Function: bound detectNetwork],
  52. setNetwork: [Function: bound setNetwork],
  53. resetAddress: [Function: bound resetAddress],
  54. link: [Function: bound link],
  55. clone: [Function: bound clone],
  56. addProp: [Function: bound addProp],
  57. toJSON: [Function: bound toJSON],
  58. web3:
  59. Web3 {
  60. _requestManager: [Object],
  61. currentProvider: [Object],
  62. eth: [Object],
  63. db: [Object],
  64. shh: [Object],
  65. net: [Object],
  66. personal: [Object],
  67. bzz: [Object],
  68. settings: [Object],
  69. version: [Object],
  70. providers: [Object],
  71. _extend: [Object] },
  72. class_defaults:
  73. { from: '0xbbd414b340f2255dab9d923428c97f0b65d9df81',
  74. gas: 4712388,
  75. gasPrice: 100000000000 },
  76. currentProvider:
  77. HttpProvider {
  78. host: 'http://localhost:8545',
  79. timeout: 0,
  80. send: [Function],
  81. sendAsync: [Function],
  82. _alreadyWrapped: true },
  83. network_id: '1505794143155' },
  84. abi:
  85. [ { constant: false,
  86. inputs: [],
  87. name: 'sayHello',
  88. outputs: [Array],
  89. payable: false,
  90. type: 'function' } ],
  91. contract:
  92. Contract {
  93. _eth:
  94. Eth {
  95. _requestManager: [Object],
  96. getBalance: [Object],
  97. getStorageAt: [Object],
  98. getCode: [Object],
  99. getBlock: [Object],
  100. getUncle: [Object],
  101. getCompilers: [Object],
  102. getBlockTransactionCount: [Object],
  103. getBlockUncleCount: [Object],
  104. getTransaction: [Object],
  105. getTransactionFromBlock: [Object],
  106. getTransactionReceipt: [Object],
  107. getTransactionCount: [Object],
  108. call: [Object],
  109. estimateGas: [Object],
  110. sendRawTransaction: [Object],
  111. signTransaction: [Object],
  112. sendTransaction: [Object],
  113. sign: [Object],
  114. compile: [Object],
  115. submitWork: [Object],
  116. getWork: [Object],
  117. coinbase: [Getter],
  118. getCoinbase: [Object],
  119. mining: [Getter],
  120. getMining: [Object],
  121. hashrate: [Getter],
  122. getHashrate: [Object],
  123. syncing: [Getter],
  124. getSyncing: [Object],
  125. gasPrice: [Getter],
  126. getGasPrice: [Object],
  127. accounts: [Getter],
  128. getAccounts: [Object],
  129. blockNumber: [Getter],
  130. getBlockNumber: [Object],
  131. protocolVersion: [Getter],
  132. getProtocolVersion: [Object],
  133. iban: [Object],
  134. sendIBANTransaction: [Function: bound transfer] },
  135. transactionHash: null,
  136. address: '0x471a22ffe2bddd02e82853059871067e4c07a7f4',
  137. abi: [ [Object] ],
  138. sayHello:
  139. { [Function: bound ]
  140. request: [Function: bound ],
  141. call: [Function: bound ],
  142. sendTransaction: [Function: bound ],
  143. estimateGas: [Function: bound ],
  144. getData: [Function: bound ],
  145. '': [Circular] },
  146. allEvents: [Function: bound ] },
  147. sayHello:
  148. { [Function]
  149. call: [Function],
  150. sendTransaction: [Function],
  151. request: [Function: bound ],
  152. estimateGas: [Function] },
  153. sendTransaction: [Function],
  154. send: [Function],
  155. allEvents: [Function: bound ],
  156. address: '0x471a22ffe2bddd02e82853059871067e4c07a7f4',
  157. transactionHash: null }
  158. truffle(development)> contract.sayHello.call()
  159. 'Hello World'
  160. truffle(development)>


  1. HelloWorld.deployed().then(instance => contract = instance)

truffle console中预载了truffle-contract函数库,以方便操作部署到区块链上的合约。


上面用的是Javascript ES6+的语法,这句也可以写成:

  1. HelloWorld.deployed().then(instance => {
  2. contract = instance
  3. });


  1. HelloWorld.deployed().then(function(instance) {
  2. hello = instance;
  3. });
  4. truffle(development)> contract.sayHello.call()
  5. 'Hello World'

这里直接呼叫contract.sayHello()也会得到一样的结果。truffle-contract提供使用call()来读取只读(read only)的数据,这样就不需提供gas。因此如果遇到的操作需要向区块链写入数据,我们就不能用call语句了。




  1. function echo(string name) constant returns (string) {
  2. return name;
  3. }


由于更新了合约内容,我们需要先重新新编译一次,将编译结果部署到testrpc上,再透过truffle console执行看看结果。

  1. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ ls
  2. build contracts migrations test truffle.js
  3. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle compile
  4. Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol...
  5. Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts
  6. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle migrate --reset
  7. Using network 'development'.
  8. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
  9. Replacing Migrations...
  10. ... 0x64cdc42e08a7e3f8070c46d4877ba246d95cbbccbfe1b9abd2450cfc02b48eda
  11. Migrations: 0x42843f6a470b84e2669f19686a223c1bdefb6f4d
  12. Saving successful migration to network...
  13. ... 0x57042b767c0f40a4f88ce855e39549010d6d5ae5f880771a45c1f7f36ea0e5b3
  14. Saving artifacts...
  15. Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
  16. Replacing HelloWorld...
  17. ... 0x2330e3264aae9d6be3744d8fc71d235fc6dc2934d33ff5159ae209df4cf8f12b
  18. HelloWorld: 0xbf68789cdd6be1577339e8c739abfa1190c31b6c
  19. Saving successful migration to network...
  20. ... 0xb4b706d7004654215067ea5954a32f0562b32724d1c646dc43b688b466b10159
  21. Saving artifacts...
  22. liyuechun:HelloWorld yuechunli$ truffle console
  23. truffle(development)> let contract
  24. undefined
  25. truffle(development)> HelloWorld.deployed().then(instance => contract = instance)
  26. TruffleContract {
  27. constructor:
  28. { [Function: TruffleContract]
  29. _static_methods:
  30. { setProvider: [Function: setProvider],
  31. new: [Function: new],
  32. at: [Function: at],
  33. deployed: [Function: deployed],
  34. defaults: [Function: defaults],
  35. hasNetwork: [Function: hasNetwork],
  36. isDeployed: [Function: isDeployed],
  37. detectNetwork: [Function: detectNetwork],
  38. setNetwork: [Function: setNetwork],
  39. resetAddress: [Function: resetAddress],
  40. link: [Function: link],
  41. clone: [Function: clone],
  42. addProp: [Function: addProp],
  43. toJSON: [Function: toJSON] },
  44. _properties:
  45. { contract_name: [Object],
  46. abi: [Object],
  47. network: [Function: network],
  48. networks: [Function: networks],
  49. address: [Object],
  50. links: [Function: links],
  51. events: [Function: events],
  52. binary: [Function: binary],
  53. unlinked_binary: [Object],
  54. schema_version: [Function: schema_version],
  55. updated_at: [Function: updated_at] },
  56. _property_values: {},
  57. _json:
  58. { contract_name: 'HelloWorld',
  59. default_network: undefined,
  60. abi: [Array],
  61. unlinked_binary: '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',
  62. networks: [Object],
  63. schema_version: '0.0.5',
  64. updated_at: 1505809278810 },
  65. setProvider: [Function: bound setProvider],
  66. new: [Function: bound new],
  67. at: [Function: bound at],
  68. deployed: [Function: bound deployed],
  69. defaults: [Function: bound defaults],
  70. hasNetwork: [Function: bound hasNetwork],
  71. isDeployed: [Function: bound isDeployed],
  72. detectNetwork: [Function: bound detectNetwork],
  73. setNetwork: [Function: bound setNetwork],
  74. resetAddress: [Function: bound resetAddress],
  75. link: [Function: bound link],
  76. clone: [Function: bound clone],
  77. addProp: [Function: bound addProp],
  78. toJSON: [Function: bound toJSON],
  79. web3:
  80. Web3 {
  81. _requestManager: [Object],
  82. currentProvider: [Object],
  83. eth: [Object],
  84. db: [Object],
  85. shh: [Object],
  86. net: [Object],
  87. personal: [Object],
  88. bzz: [Object],
  89. settings: [Object],
  90. version: [Object],
  91. providers: [Object],
  92. _extend: [Object] },
  93. class_defaults:
  94. { from: '0xbbd414b340f2255dab9d923428c97f0b65d9df81',
  95. gas: 4712388,
  96. gasPrice: 100000000000 },
  97. currentProvider:
  98. HttpProvider {
  99. host: 'http://localhost:8545',
  100. timeout: 0,
  101. send: [Function],
  102. sendAsync: [Function],
  103. _alreadyWrapped: true },
  104. network_id: '1505794143155' },
  105. abi:
  106. [ { constant: false,
  107. inputs: [],
  108. name: 'sayHello',
  109. outputs: [Array],
  110. payable: false,
  111. type: 'function' },
  112. { constant: true,
  113. inputs: [Array],
  114. name: 'echo',
  115. outputs: [Array],
  116. payable: false,
  117. type: 'function' } ],
  118. contract:
  119. Contract {
  120. _eth:
  121. Eth {
  122. _requestManager: [Object],
  123. getBalance: [Object],
  124. getStorageAt: [Object],
  125. getCode: [Object],
  126. getBlock: [Object],
  127. getUncle: [Object],
  128. getCompilers: [Object],
  129. getBlockTransactionCount: [Object],
  130. getBlockUncleCount: [Object],
  131. getTransaction: [Object],
  132. getTransactionFromBlock: [Object],
  133. getTransactionReceipt: [Object],
  134. getTransactionCount: [Object],
  135. call: [Object],
  136. estimateGas: [Object],
  137. sendRawTransaction: [Object],
  138. signTransaction: [Object],
  139. sendTransaction: [Object],
  140. sign: [Object],
  141. compile: [Object],
  142. submitWork: [Object],
  143. getWork: [Object],
  144. coinbase: [Getter],
  145. getCoinbase: [Object],
  146. mining: [Getter],
  147. getMining: [Object],
  148. hashrate: [Getter],
  149. getHashrate: [Object],
  150. syncing: [Getter],
  151. getSyncing: [Object],
  152. gasPrice: [Getter],
  153. getGasPrice: [Object],
  154. accounts: [Getter],
  155. getAccounts: [Object],
  156. blockNumber: [Getter],
  157. getBlockNumber: [Object],
  158. protocolVersion: [Getter],
  159. getProtocolVersion: [Object],
  160. iban: [Object],
  161. sendIBANTransaction: [Function: bound transfer] },
  162. transactionHash: null,
  163. address: '0xbf68789cdd6be1577339e8c739abfa1190c31b6c',
  164. abi: [ [Object], [Object] ],
  165. sayHello:
  166. { [Function: bound ]
  167. request: [Function: bound ],
  168. call: [Function: bound ],
  169. sendTransaction: [Function: bound ],
  170. estimateGas: [Function: bound ],
  171. getData: [Function: bound ],
  172. '': [Circular] },
  173. echo:
  174. { [Function: bound ]
  175. request: [Function: bound ],
  176. call: [Function: bound ],
  177. sendTransaction: [Function: bound ],
  178. estimateGas: [Function: bound ],
  179. getData: [Function: bound ],
  180. string: [Circular] },
  181. allEvents: [Function: bound ] },
  182. sayHello:
  183. { [Function]
  184. call: [Function],
  185. sendTransaction: [Function],
  186. request: [Function: bound ],
  187. estimateGas: [Function] },
  188. echo:
  189. { [Function]
  190. call: [Function],
  191. sendTransaction: [Function],
  192. request: [Function: bound ],
  193. estimateGas: [Function] },
  194. sendTransaction: [Function],
  195. send: [Function],
  196. allEvents: [Function: bound ],
  197. address: '0xbf68789cdd6be1577339e8c739abfa1190c31b6c',
  198. transactionHash: null }
  199. truffle(development)> contract.echo("春哥微信:liyc1215")
  200. '春哥微信:liyc1215'
  201. truffle(development)>


另一点需要注意的,是这次如果还是用truffle migrate命令,我们会得到如下信息:

  1. $ truffle migrate
  2. Using network 'development'.
  3. Network up to date.

Truffle会告诉你现在网络上的合约都已是最新的,但事实上刚刚程序中新增的方法并没有更新到内存块链上。要更新内存块链上已部署的程序,需要改写migrations中的脚本,但现在还不到介绍migration的时候。还好我们开发用的内存块链是怎么修改都没关系的testrpc,可以使用truffle migrate --reset命令直接重新在testrpc上部署一次。




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