dl、dd、dt 迷南。 2022-05-26 05:21 216阅读 0赞 ## 定义和用法 ## <dl> 标签定义了**定义列表**(definition list)。 <dl> 标签用于结合 [<dt>][dt] ( 标签定义一个描述列表的项目/名字)和 [<dd>][dd] (标签被用来对一个描述列表中的项目/名字进行描述)。 You can use this element to represent key-value pairs semantically and couple it with other elements like `<details>` and `<aside>` to give context to this information. Where do you see yourself using `<dl>` in HTML5? Perhaps details about a downloadable file? Or are you going to give your more technical blog articles a glossary? Let us know in the comments! 1. 单条/多条术语 与 单条/多条描述 2. 在<div>元素中包装名称值组 参考链接: [MDN-dl][] [做导航栏为什么用ul>li,而不用dd dt dl? - 知乎][ul_li_dd dt dl_ -] [The dl element][] [**dl dt dd**认识及**dl dt dd使用方法**][dl dt dd_dl dt dd] [dt]: http://www.w3school.com.cn/tags/tag_dt.asp [dd]: http://www.w3school.com.cn/tags/tag_dd.asp [MDN-dl]: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/dl [ul_li_dd dt dl_ -]: https://www.zhihu.com/question/20532360 [The dl element]: http://html5doctor.com/the-dl-element/ [dl dt dd_dl dt dd]: http://http//www.divcss5.com/html/h88.shtml