select *
from pcs
where speed > 2.8
select *
from sales
where model = 1007
select count(*)
from sales
where sday=to_date('2013-12-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
select sum(quantity)
from sales
where sday = to_date('2013-12-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
select hd
from pcs
group by hd
having count(*) >= 2;
6.查询速度至少3.00以上的PC models信息
select model
from pcs
where speed >= 3.00;
select products.*
from products, laptops
where products.model=laptops.model and laptops.hd >= 100;
(2)自然连接(natural join)
select maker, model, ptype
from products natural join laptops
where hd >= 100;
select maker, products.model, ptype
from products inner join laptops
on products.model = laptops.model
where hd >= 100;
(4)自然连接(join using)
select *
from products join laptops using(model)
where hd >= 100;
select *
from products
where model in (
select model
from laptops
where hd >= 100
select *
from products pr
where exists (
select model
from laptops la
where pr.model = la.model and la.hd >= 100
select model, price
from pcs
where model in (
select model
from products
where maker = 'B'
select model, price
from laptops
where model in (
select model
from products
where maker = 'B'
select model, price
from printers
where model in (
select model
from products
where maker = 'B'
9.查找所有的彩色打印机的model numbers
select model
from printers
where color = 'TRUE';
select *
from products x
where x.ptype = 'laptop' and 'pc' not in (
select ptype
from products y
where x.maker = y.maker
每个pc models对只出现一次,即 (i, j)出现,则 (j, i)不出现
Find those pairs of PC models that have both the same speed and ram.
A pair should be listed only once; e.g., list (i, j) but not (j, i)
select x.model, y.model
from pcs x, pcs y
where x.model < y.model and x.model <> y.model and x.speed = y.speed and x.ram = y.ram;
Find the makers who sell exactly three different models of PC
select maker
from (
select distinct *
from products
where ptype = 'pc'
group by maker
having count(*) >= 3;
Find the makers of PCs with at least three different speeds
select maker
from (
select distinct maker, speed
from products, pcs
where products.model = pcs.model
group by maker
having count(speed) >= 3;
Find those makers of at least two different computers (PCs or laptops) with speeds of at least 2.80
select maker
select maker, products.model
from products, pcs
where products.model = pcs.model and pcs.speed >= 2.80
select maker, products.model
from products, laptops
where products.model = laptops.model and speed >= 2.80
group by maker
having count(*) >= 2;
15.查询提供的电脑(PC or laptop)具有最高运行速度的供应商
Find the maker(s) of the computer(PC or laptop) with the highest available speed
select ac.maker
from (
select maker, speed
from products, pcs
where products.model = pcs.model
select maker, speed
from products, laptops
where products.model = laptops.model
) ac
where ac.speed = (
select max(speed)
select maker, speed
from products, pcs
where products.model = pcs.model
select maker, speed
from products, laptops
where products.model = laptops.model