
落日映苍穹つ 2022-05-14 15:21 429阅读 0赞


  1. select *
  2. from pcs
  3. where speed > 2.8


  1. select *
  2. from sales
  3. where model = 1007


  1. select count(*)
  2. from sales
  3. where sday=to_date('2013-12-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd')


  1. select sum(quantity)
  2. from sales
  3. where sday = to_date('2013-12-20', 'yyyy-mm-dd')


  1. select hd
  2. from pcs
  3. group by hd
  4. having count(*) >= 2;

6.查询速度至少3.00以上的PC models信息

  1. select model
  2. from pcs
  3. where speed >= 3.00;


  1. select products.*
  2. from products, laptops
  3. where products.model=laptops.model and laptops.hd >= 100;

(2)自然连接(natural join)

  1. select maker, model, ptype
  2. from products natural join laptops
  3. where hd >= 100;


  1. select maker, products.model, ptype
  2. from products inner join laptops
  3. on products.model = laptops.model
  4. where hd >= 100;

(4)自然连接(join using)

  1. select *
  2. from products join laptops using(model)
  3. where hd >= 100;


  1. select *
  2. from products
  3. where model in (
  4. select model
  5. from laptops
  6. where hd >= 100
  7. );


  1. select *
  2. from products pr
  3. where exists (
  4. select model
  5. from laptops la
  6. where pr.model = la.model and la.hd >= 100
  7. );


  1. select model, price
  2. from pcs
  3. where model in (
  4. select model
  5. from products
  6. where maker = 'B'
  7. )
  8. union
  9. select model, price
  10. from laptops
  11. where model in (
  12. select model
  13. from products
  14. where maker = 'B'
  15. )
  16. union
  17. select model, price
  18. from printers
  19. where model in (
  20. select model
  21. from products
  22. where maker = 'B'
  23. );

9.查找所有的彩色打印机的model numbers

  1. select model
  2. from printers
  3. where color = 'TRUE';


  1. select *
  2. from products x
  3. where x.ptype = 'laptop' and 'pc' not in (
  4. select ptype
  5. from products y
  6. where x.maker = y.maker
  7. );

每个pc models对只出现一次,即 (i, j)出现,则 (j, i)不出现
Find those pairs of PC models that have both the same speed and ram.
A pair should be listed only once; e.g., list (i, j) but not (j, i)

  1. select x.model, y.model
  2. from pcs x, pcs y
  3. where x.model < y.model and x.model <> y.model and x.speed = y.speed and x.ram = y.ram;

Find the makers who sell exactly three different models of PC

  1. select maker
  2. from (
  3. select distinct *
  4. from products
  5. where ptype = 'pc'
  6. )
  7. group by maker
  8. having count(*) >= 3;

Find the makers of PCs with at least three different speeds

  1. select maker
  2. from (
  3. select distinct maker, speed
  4. from products, pcs
  5. where products.model = pcs.model
  6. )
  7. group by maker
  8. having count(speed) >= 3;

Find those makers of at least two different computers (PCs or laptops) with speeds of at least 2.80

  1. select maker
  2. from(
  3. select maker, products.model
  4. from products, pcs
  5. where products.model = pcs.model and pcs.speed >= 2.80
  6. union
  7. select maker, products.model
  8. from products, laptops
  9. where products.model = laptops.model and speed >= 2.80
  10. )
  11. group by maker
  12. having count(*) >= 2;

15.查询提供的电脑(PC or laptop)具有最高运行速度的供应商
Find the maker(s) of the computer(PC or laptop) with the highest available speed

  1. select ac.maker
  2. from (
  3. select maker, speed
  4. from products, pcs
  5. where products.model = pcs.model
  6. union
  7. select maker, speed
  8. from products, laptops
  9. where products.model = laptops.model
  10. ) ac
  11. where ac.speed = (
  12. select max(speed)
  13. from(
  14. select maker, speed
  15. from products, pcs
  16. where products.model = pcs.model
  17. union
  18. select maker, speed
  19. from products, laptops
  20. where products.model = laptops.model
  21. )
  22. );


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