相关 uva 11490 ——Just Another Problem
题意:刚开始并没有看懂,耐着性子硬读下去,才勉强弄懂大意,英语也要加强训练啊! 题目是说你有s行c列士兵,然后带着他们去打仗,为了虚张声势,在士兵的中间缺了两个边长为r的洞
相关 1088B Ehab and subtraction
B. Ehab and subtraction time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megab
相关 1088A. Ehab and another construction problem
A. Ehab and another construction problem time limit per test 1 second memory limit pe
相关 Ehab and a 2-operation task (思维题)
You're given an array aa of length nn. You can perform the following operations on it:
相关 B. Ehab and subtraction
题目描叙: You’re given an array aa. You should repeat the following operation kk times: f
相关 D. Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem
链接 \[[https://codeforces.com/contest/1174/problem/D][https_codeforces.com_contest_117
相关 [CF959C]Mahmoud and Ehab and the wrong algorithm
解法 很简单对于n<=5举不出反例 如果n>5的话2,3,4好点连1,其他点连2 对于正面例子 直接所有点连1号点 其实就是结论题 代码: in
相关 CF1088F Ehab and a weird weight formula
[CF1088F Ehab and a weird weight formula][CF1088F_Ehab and a weird weight formula] 推性质
相关 Codeforces 1174C Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem
相关 B. Yet Another Meme Problem (math)
[题目][Link 1] a \ b+a+b=a \ 10^n+b a \ b+a=a\10^n b+1=10^n 故b=9 99 999 9999…