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Given the `root` of a binary tree, return the most frequent subtree sum. If there is a t
相关 Most Frequent Subtree Sum(C++出现次数最多的子树元素和)
解题思路: (1)后序遍历 / Definition for a binary tree node. struct TreeNode {
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> Given an array nums containing n + 1 integers where each integer is > between 1 and
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Given N integers, you are supposed to find the smallest positive integer that is NOT in
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[题目链接][Link 1] 先说一下反素数:(引自百度百科) 基本概念 定义 对于任何正整数x,其约数的个数记做g(x).例如g(1)=
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The Most Frequent Number ![分享至QQ空间][QQ] [![去爱问答提问或回答][iqa.gif]][iqa.gif 1] 时间限制(普通/Ja
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方法一: 数学方法,先找到最大的值,需要比较最大的值和array size, 要是比array size小, 说明最大值missing。 然后用等差数列公式求得如果不缺失值的和
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