
淡淡的烟草味﹌ 2022-02-20 03:29 295阅读 0赞

一 help

内部命令,Shell提供,寻求帮助可以用help,如help echo

外部命令,Shell不提供,Shell调用,XX –help,如ls –help

二 man

man XX

  1. [root@wentasy root]# man 7 man
  2. The manual sections are traditionally defined as follows:
  3. 1 Commands
  4. Those commands that can be executed by the user from
  5. within a shell.
  6. 2 System calls
  7. Those functions which must be performed by the kernel.
  8. 3 Library calls
  9. Most of the libc functions, such as qsort(3))
  10. 4 Special files
  11. Files found in /dev)
  12. 5 File formats and conventions
  13. The format for /etc/passwd and other human-readable
  14. files.
  15. 6 Games
  16. 7 Macro packages and conventions
  17. A description of the standard file system layout, net-
  18. work protocols, ASCII and other character codes, this
  19. man page, and other things.
  20. 8 System management commands
  21. Commands like mount(8), many of which only root can
  22. execute.
  23. 9 Kernel routines
  24. This is an obsolete manual section. Once it was
  25. thought a good idea to document the Linux kernel here,
  26. but in fact very little has been documented, and the
  27. documentation that exists is outdated already. There
  28. are better sources of information for kernel develop-
  29. ers.

三 info

info ls:和man page类似,比man page多一个功能,可以链接,带*号的,按回车链接可以过去,Shfit+u返回

四 ReadMe文件

软件全套的RedeMe文件:ls /usr/share/doc/XXX

  1. [root@wentasy root]# ls /usr/share/doc/
  2. Display all 729 possibilities? (y or n)

五 howto文档

六 Google


七 百度



  1. 菜鸟总是问别人,高手总是快速的寻求帮助。


Ctrl + C:停止进程

Ctrl + Z:暂停

Ctrl + L:清屏

Ctrl + S:不管输入什么没反应,直到输入Ctrl+Q退出此状态

Ctrl + R:追踪命令历史,搜索历史


katoon Sina  CSDN
@Wentasy 博文仅供参考,欢迎大家来访。如有错误之处,希望批评指正。原创博文如需转载请注明出处,谢谢 :) [CSDN博客]


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    命令或配置文件:man ls 优先查询:man 5 aaa 说明:1命令帮助,5配置文件的帮助 man与more或less 使用功能差不多,包括查询功能/aaa ,不需要

    相关 Linux 帮助命令

    1. man 在 Linux 中,如果想查看某个命令或者配置文件是干什么的,那么可以用 man 命令来查看某个命令或配置文件的详细信息。man 并不是指男人,而是 man