相关 Method definition shorthands are not supported by current JavaScript version
使用VUE的一个方法时提示Method definition shorthands are not supported by current JavaScript versio
相关 Import declarations are not supported by current JavaScript version
js版本不支持,改一下版本 ![watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZ
相关 错误 No Session found for current thread at org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.S
1.方言要与数据库匹配 <prop key="hibernate.dialect"> <!-- org.hibernate.dialect
相关 ORA-01075: you are currently logged on
author:skate time:2012/02/22 我的dataguard因为ora-600错误导致备机hang住,使其无法登陆oracle数据库 参考:[
相关 解决let definenation are not supported by current JavaScript version
出现这个问题的原因:let是EcmaScript 6 里面才有的关键字,以往的版本没有,所以要改一下webstorm的javascript版本,方法如下: File->Set
相关 IDEA error:Let definitions are not supported by current javascript
file-settings:设置js版本 ![70][] [70]: /images/20220525/c63070a950ea4c82a85d5e6371a06033.
相关 spring boot出现no profiles are currently active
如果不同环境有不同application-$\{\}.properties,则在eclipse中需要设置环境变量 ![70][] 工程右键maven-》select mav
相关 IDEA String templates are not supported by current JavaScript version
cause IDE: `IDEA 2018 IU` 语句:``alert(`${textStatus}`)`` 报错信息:`String templates ar
相关 build/core/java.mk:20: *** dalvik/dexgen: Invalid LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '4' Choices are: current . S
解决: first try: "rm -rf prebuilt ; repo sync -l prebuilt" If that's still not enough: "
相关 let definitions are not supported by current javascript version
You need to go to Settings / Languages&Frameworks / JavaScript and set the version to E