相关 Oracle OCP 11G 052答案解析目录
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相关 OCP换题库了,052最新考题及答案整理-第11题
11、Which three are true about UNDO data? A) It is used to roll back failed transactions
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44、(9-12)choose all that apply View the Exhibit and examine the details of the ORDER\_I
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67、(25-8)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of CUSTOMER
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43、(9-2)choose three Which three tasks can be performed by DDL statements? A) preventi
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44、(9-12)choose all that apply View the Exhibit and examine the details of the ORDER\_I
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2019-02-12 16:23:54 2、(4-7) choose the best answer: You need to display the first nam
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62、(13-17)choose the best answer: You need to list the employees in DEPARTMENT\_ID 30 i
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11、(5-8) choose the best answer: Examine the structure of the BOOKS\_TRANSACTIONS table
相关 【OCP-12c】CUUG最新考试原题整理及答案(071-10)
10、(5-6) choose the best answer: Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: There