SELECT count(1) from information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='linkhealthy' and table_name='tb_sign_file';
table_schema: 数据库名称
SELECT count(1) from information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='linkhealthy' and table_name='tb_sign_file';
table_schema: 数据库名称
1、取字段注释 Select COLUMN\_NAME 列名, DATA\_TYPE 字段类型, COLUMN\_COMMENT 字段注释 from INFORMATI
转载地址: 其实很简单,用到的是truncate语
– 获取指定表名的字段注释 select \ from user\_col\_comments t where t.table\_name = ‘ADDRESS’; –
mysql查询表字段默认值。 假设表user有个字段:\`login\_times\` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMME
Ctrl + D ![在这里插入图片描述][20190411141341431.png] 从上面的展示切换到下图的展示,只需要 Ctrl + D即可 ![在这里插入图
当前有表student,字段有id,name,想增加sex,sql语句为: ALTER TABLE `student` ADD COLUMN `sex` tinyin
CREATE TABLE tb_name( id VARCHAR(30) COMMENT '用户ID', name VARCHAR(30
SELECT count(1) from information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_schema='linkhealthy' and
1.添加表字段: alter table table_name add column_name 类型(长度) [not] null; alter table