相关 ERROR: type “geometry_dump“ already exists ERROR: type “spheroid“ already exists
ERROR: type "geometry\_dump" already exists ERROR: type "spheroid" already exists po
相关 FirebaseApp name [DEFAULT] already exists!
Google的FCM推送出现重复APP初始问题: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FirebaseApp name \[DEFAULT\]
相关 mysqld: Table ‘mysql.plugin‘ doesn‘t exist
mysql启动报错,原因是mysql8需要初始化: mysqld --initialize --user=mysql --console 如果继续报错,需要查看错误
相关 InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process 错误解决办法
非正常关机之后 再次启动mysql 失败 错误信息如下: 150721 15:45:27 mysqld\_safe Starting mysqld daemon with
相关 处理:/var/redis/run/redis_6379.pid exists, process is already running or crashed
命令;service redis start /var/redis/run/redis\_6379.pid exists, process is already runnin
相关 mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
场景:阿里云初始化磁盘后重新安装msyql,启动不成功。 `vi /var/log/mysqld.log 查看mysql日志。 异常信息:mysqld: Table 'mys
相关 Github bug: a lock file already exists in the repository
解决方案: This may be an old reply but I'm hoping this is more useful on next who need this
相关 Gen already exists but is not a source folder
Error info: Gen already exists but is not a source folder. Workaround-1: 1. Rig
相关 mysqld_safe A mysqld process already exists
最近修改mysql密码遇到mysqld\_safe A mysqld process already exists问题: 解决步骤: 1:ps aux |gr
相关 /var/run/*.pid already exist. Daemon already running?
如题,我遇到的一个问题,这个问题的产生是因为非正常结束进程服务造成,比如突然断电等,我的操作就是`pkill -9 server_name` 造成的。 我反复的执行启动和停止