Screenshot Properties
Device | Specifications | Editable |
3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots(required) | One screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record. Don’t include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
| Locked |
4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots (Required) | You’re required to upload at least one of these screenshots. Up to four additional optional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record. Don’t include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
| Locked |
4.7-inch Retina screenshot | If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6, at least one 4.7-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record. Don’t include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
| Locked |
5.5-inch Retina screenshot | If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6 Plus, at least one 5.5-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record. Don’t include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
| Locked |
iPad Screenshots(required if app runs on iPad) | If your binary indicates that your app runs on iPad, you’re required to upload at least one iPad screenshot. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record. Don’t include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshots requirements are:
| Locked |
原文地址: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Appendices/Properties.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH26-SW2